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Everything's going great in life.
It's been about 6 months since rose left and things are moving.
Life is finally going on.
I am currently sitting in the kitchen watching my sister's get ready.
I'm already done getting ready for my engagement party but my sister's not so much.
Honestly, this is one thing about rose that made me just believe that she is perfect, she doesn't take forever to get ready.
She's get up at 7:35 and be in the gym by 7:40 for a 7:30 practice session.
Humm. Thinking about her still makes me smile. What a girl she is.

I was snapped back to reality by my crazy sister.

"Dimka!! It doesn't look right!!"(in Russian)Vik cried.
I could honestly not tell what was wrong with it. Her dress looked like it was supposed.
Ahh, women. I swear to god.

"You look great vika." (In russian) I said, trying to make sure she doesn't take another hour.
With that, everyone walked into the room and honestly, all the belikova women looked perfect and happy.



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Of course all my sister's wanted to match but vik would never actually wear something that Koro or sonya likes

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Of course all my sister's wanted to match but vik would never actually wear something that Koro or sonya likes. Vika's style is extra and she always has to be extra.

But I think the real show stopper is definitely yeva.


Honestly she looked great! With everyone ready to head out if of course all of us kids set around the table doing nothing while yeva and mama double checked everything

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Honestly she looked great!
With everyone ready to head out if of course all of us kids set around the table doing nothing while yeva and mama double checked everything.

Then the unexpected happened. Someone was at the door.

*driiiing* *driiiing*
After it went off for the 3rd time I finally got up and said.
"Fine I'll get it. Honestly, you guys are so lazy!" (In Russian)

I was expecting some mail or something so I opened the door without thinking and was hit with something unbelievable.

There stood in front of me a fully dressed rose Hathaway.


Why is she here!?

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Why is she here!?

More importantly, WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE THAT!!?

Both her and vik need to put on something like koro! Honestly!
What am I thinking!? WHY IS ROSE HERE!? ON MY ENGAGEMENT!?

Deep breaths dimitri. Deal breaths.


"Not gonna invite me in comrade?" She replied to my failed attempt at words.
"Ro-rose. . . Your here. In front of. Rose."

"Yes, rose. Hello to you too comrade" she answered laughing before adding "what? I wasn't gonna miss your wedding comrade! I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it! And I'm gonna drink like crazy and I'm gonna make sure I create so awkward moments and most importantly, I'm gonna give everyone all the dirt I know on you" rose winked.

"Well... come in I guess"

Everyone stopped and stared as soon as rose walked in, other the  yeva of course. Honestly, looking at her. I get it. She looks like a freaking queen.
The dress touched her body in just the right way.
Too right.
Like previously mentioned, vik and her need to change their dresses.

"Umm... hello again?" Rose spoke up.

"You invited you ex to your engagement party?" Vik asked. Being the most annoying person as always.

"I invited her! Besides, you two are such great friends Dimka! Why wouldn't she be here?" Yeva said smiling.

Is that even the same lady that kicked rose out our house last time she was here?

"How is your leg?" Koro asked, obviously trying to make it less awkward since Paul and zoya were both here.

"Great! Baba had this big shot check it out after I went home while talking about how much he wants to kill dimitri of course. But whatever you did mrs.belikova really helped!" R ose smiled.
Like a angel. That's what she looked like. A angel in black.

No. Belikov.
It's you and pav. Remember! Pav. Pav. Pav. Pav.


"Aww, don't look so down comrade. I know marriage is like a actual prison but I'm sure pav is great gal. Sure it won't be that bad" rose said giving me a smile.

"rose really, why are you here?" I asked.
And after some arguments from rose about how rude I am and how I'm becoming more like her old self or whatever we were all in my car making our way to the restaurant that was booked for the party.

Lord, god, who ever is up there, please help me.

I felt like death the whole way there but my family was actually warming up to rose. The kids even started the like her!
I've honestly never been this conflicted in my life.

A/N I can't wait for the next chapter. ;)

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