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A relationship is like a peace of fabric, once it's cut you can saw it back together but that line where you fixed it will always be there.
                              - by me
(I don't know, I might have heard it before and it just came to mind... I'm not sure)
I woke up to squeals.
"Hahaha, uncle dimka!"

I got up slowly, remembering what had happened in the last 24 hours. It's been too much.
Then I heard squeals again.
"Uncle dimka!! Stop!! I give" someone said in Russian, or something like that.
I learned good amount of Russian with my baba in the last 3 years but not enough to be 100% sure about everything while barely hearing it.

I still felt extremely sleepy. I had lost a good amount of blood while being captured and fighting my way out then I had spent a lot of energy on dimitri. I needed more sleep to completely get my energy.
I got up and went into the bathroom, getting ready for the day as much as I could and went down stairs.

As I was walking down someone said "sleeping Beauty awakes"

"Morning comrade" I murmured rubbing my still very sleepy eyes. When I finally looked at him my heart broke into a 1000. I could tell he was remembering back to the academy and how things had been. This is how conversation usually went, flirty and fun and light. But it was all so far way now.
I quickly broke my eye contact with him and looked around. There was vitoria and Koro and the other girl who's name I couldn't think of. And then there were 3 children. One of whom dimitri was hugging, a around 5 or 6 year old boy. And the other 2 were on Koro and the other girls hand.

"Paul?" I asked dimitri.

"Yes." Dimitri laughed a little putting his head next to the kids to show how much they looked alike.

"It looks like he's your child" I said before vik spoke up.

"So are two going to pretend like nothing happened or are we going to get a explanation?"

"Vik!" Mrs.belikova said before I could answer.

"Your right vitoria. We should explain everything, since you were such a big part of it?"

"Rose, vik. You two aren't 3 years old anymore." Dimitri said.

"Fine. Dimitri here is a jerk who doesn't know how to his mail and that's it" I said smiling at dimitri who just sighed.

"I can-" before dimitri could finish whatever he was about to say the door opened revealing a short, curly haired girl holding a pan. She was plump looking and had a cheery look to her. She was wearing a yellow dress with tights.

She looked like I had seen her before when it clicked. She looked like my mom.

"Umm... roza... meet-t..meet my .. pav" dimitri said unable to create a sentence.

"Your marry a look alike of my mom!? The freak dimitri!?" I screamed out of 100% pure shock and inability to think of anything to say to pav.

"What?" Dimitri looked at me and then pav for a while before saying
"Oh god, I see it. And I will hate you forever" I could tell he was a bit scared and was like me saying whatever came to mind first.

"Pav, this is rose. Rose Hathaway" dimitri introduced me.

"Mazur. My name is rose mazur." I corrected.

"It's nice to meet you" the girl finally spoke up.

"Your the girl dimka was looking for so long." Then it hit me, dimitri told her everything.

"You told her." It was a statement. It's didn't need to ask him. I knew him well enough.

"Rose i-"
"It's your life comrade. I don't get tell you to not tell your future wife anything"
My eyes burned. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but no, this girl didn't do anything. It's simply my bad luck and she doesn't have anything to do with it. I can't blame her for liking him.

"Congratulations. I'm sure you'll be perfect for dimitri." I said smiling at her before someone came down the stairs.

"Are you still here?" Was the first thing the old lady said.

"Me?" I questioned

"Yes you. I would have left by now if I was in the same situation. Don't you have some self respect?" She said in Russian.

"I do have self respect, which is why I've been looking for a phone since I got here" I answered in Russian much to dimitri's surprise.

"And I don't have any plans of breaking your grandsons marriage. So you don't need to worry about it. Besides, I have a job to finish"

"Right. And your still here because? Look girl, I don't know you very well but I know the mazurs. Don't put shame to the name like this."

I can't believe it. She was insulting me. And telling me to leave.
I quickly walked over to dimitri and took his phone out without asking hid and called dad's number.


"Baba it's me. I'm in front of the belikov house and I need a car asap. Bye."

Dimitri pov

Before I could even tell what's going on rose was out of the house.

What just happened?

"Why would you even!?" Mama and I cried out in protest at the same time.

"Because some people are too broken to burn"

A/n 🎶Yeva knows best🎶

Look don't hate me. I know it's like soooooooo much is happening and non of it is good but it's okay.
The story isn't over yet. 😊

Love ya!!

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