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I walked down the dark alley alone. Made my way though the woods. As I got closer, I could see the 3 story house with the red marks on it.
As usual, when I got nearer the smell of the muddy forest changed into the smell of smoke and other things that I would never want to know exists.

I have never actually met the master. This is going to very interesting.
I remember hating to call him that.
He was just a over grown baby, but over time when it effects whether you live or die you change your whole world.
The master hasn't been around here for a while now but he apparently wants to speak to me.

He's honestly the most childish moroi in the whole world much less a royal.
I made my way towards the guards and held up the ID that the master has given me.

"Why do you need to see him?"

"He asked me to come"

They simply nodded and moved out of the way letting me in.
I made my way to the top floor of the house and went into the big room.

"Master" I said.
He looked at me and smiled.
God, I hate him.

"I'm guessing it's done?" He asked

"Yes. Everything is confirmed sir."

A/N hey loves!
I'm loving writing! 😆😆
I'm not gonna say anything but you guys are gonna really enjoy this ;)

Ps. I'm doing regular updates of this story if you can't tell, which is why non or the other stories are being updated.

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