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3 years later...

I stumbled back.
This one is strong. I picked up my pase. Quickly standing up, and kicking the bloodsucker on his chest, making him stumble in return.

That's all I need.
I kick his face. Making a little blood fall from his nose. It's funny cruel, honestly. To think that even after everything, they are still allowed to bleed red and feel blood in their vain's.
I grab my stake from my pokey without hesitation and then it was over. The bloodsucker was on the floor with my stake in its heart.

I quickly take my stake and look around me.
10 bodies around me. And several more on other floors of this building. I've killed all of them. They are all dead. I can't belive it. They are all dead.

"Come on!! Is that all you have!! I thought you were sent to kill me" I screamed. And made sure all of them were dead.
As soon as I was sure they were dead. I ran. As far away from them as possible.

I hate them. I hate them.

I try to make my way to baba's house. Starting on that rode. But soon I realized I can't continue to ignore the problem anymore.

My foot is horribly hurt and I can't walk like this. I was soon in front of a blue colored small shop.

I take my ID out of my bag and showed it to the shop owner.

"We don't want ahy trouble! We didn't do anything" he immediately says.

"No" I massage the say over the crazy pain I felt all over my body.
"I got captured... strigoi. My-my legs are broken. Please... I need someone who can help me" I managed with much difficulty.

"Ohh, of course dear. You are extremely young to be one of them. Come along" said the guy, giving me a shoulder to put my pressure on.

I didn't know where I was going or what was going on. I just followed this guy into a nice looking house.

"Hey! Belikova!" The guy called walking in the door without knocking.
"Mark? What's going-?"
"This girl. She's one of the big ones. Elite. She says she was captured by strigoi. Her legs broken. You need to help her"

The next thing I know, I'm on a bed as a nice looking lady was fixing up my legs.
"I'm really grateful ma'am. You will be thanked by the government for helping me on a mission."

"Ohh, that's not needed sweetheart. Now you just rest" the lady said with a kind smile.

"thanks you."

"Are you hungry dear?" She asked me.

"Oh, no ma'am. I can't bother you more. My father lives near by. I just need to call him and he will pick me up"

"Nonsense! You are most welcomed here! Besides, I'm sure your father isn't a doctor, so you stay here until your leg is fixed up. Now, you look tired dear, just get some sleep. The rest can be discussed later." She said extremely kindly.
I couldn't help but look at her with respect. Most people would die trying to get my respect, but these are the people that truly deserve it. The people who just care about others so much.

"So.. how's it like!? Your Job? And did you really get captured by them? Did they torture you?" Asked a girl about my age. Walking into the room.

"Vika!! That's very rude!!"

"No, no. It's fine. Yes. I was captured and tortured. But that's not the fun the part. The fun is when I kill all 50 of them, including the 300 year old one" I said with a smirk.
The girl started at me in aw.

"That is sooo cool!" She squealed.
I just laughed.
I started chatting with the girl, vik, but soon ms.Belikova ordered me to go to sleep and forced vik out of the room they had lent me.
I was going to check the room but before I realized it, I was in the dark world of sleep.


Ahhh... who's waking me up at the middle of the night!? ... wait, there's only one person is this world that calls me that.
The person that I hate the most in this world.
What just happened? Why does rose hate dimitri? I thought everything was going good.
What happened in the last 3 years!?
I apologize in advance.

Broken(a VA fanfiction) (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now