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"Rose.. Please"

"fine. So-"

"let's see, where do we start" Rose began but was cut off by surprisingly Sonya. 
"maybe you should began where you keep changing this game your playing. "

"umm... " Rose was in shock. 

"You heard me.  I've never seen dimka act the way he does around you but you keep changing and erasing and building this game that your playing as if it's a show that your writing. 
You show up out of no where and then you talk to my brother as if your some sort of owner. Dimka isn't your property! Our lives aren't this game that your playing!!
So cut this crap! You come and almost destroy dimka's live,  we try to fix it and then you come back and destroy it completely!
MY FRIEND COULD HAVE NEVER DOES ANYTHING WRONG! She's the definition of innocence! 
We stand in a simple sense and enjoy life while you play this chase game to gain from!"
3rd person point of view:

Everyone stood frozen at the outburst of the middle belikova.  She was always silent.  She never burst out or even spoke anyone for that matter. 
The tense of the room grew and the air seemed to get hotter and hotter making everyone wanting to be somewhere else.

Until this frozen state was broken by a humor less laugh coming from the only outsider. 

"what was last straw? Was it your baby daddy or was it being called a blood whore?" Rose mazur spoke in a almost insane fashion.  Her smile was cruel and careless as if someone had broken her last straw as well. 
Everyone observed as she finally started to look like a mazur. With  Hate and anger in there eyes making it dark and dreamless with the cruel smile that made everyone scared of them.  She looked truly worthy of someone who controlled the world of the dead.  Someone who had seen the worse of the world happened to them. 

"look, I am really sorry that they called you a blood whore.  I've been there and I am so sorry that one of you childhood friends was just taken but this is the last and the first time I'm going to tell you this, Do. Not.  Speak. To.  Me.  In. That. Manner.

The game that I play is the reason your alive.  The moves I make are the reason your child isn't dead yet. The pieces that I keep erasing and rebuilding are the reason your brother isn't in a death chamber drawn by your daddy so help miss. Sonya Belikova and forgive me for not letting die. "

Rose spoke calmly but this was the type of calm that killed people and belikov household seemed to understand because they were quite listening.  Waiting to learn more about the game that they were in. 

"as I was saying before I was very rudely interrupted,  let's began at the part where I left. I was minding my own business.  until a certain witch decides that after kicking me out of their house they want my help. which reminds me,  you know lady there are other ways to contact someone then to giving them creepy dreams. " Rose said glaring at yeva. 
Who seemed completely happy with everything she had done.

"anyway,  yeah,  so I looked into this pav girl.  She had nothing bad in her record so then I check her family and...  Well,  look I'm sorry but here's the complete truth,  Randell is mad that dimitri had kicked him out. He wants control over your lives.  Pav's father works with him and is actually "really close" to him.  Which means the guy likes the drugs and stuff that Randell sells. He's addicted.  He gambled his life away at 27 years old.  And this would be all good but he's so deep into this that he has $78000 in debt.  He owes Randy his everything because of this since you know he's broke.  Oh,  Randy is Randall's name im the black market so that's what I'm gonna call him.  Randy was ready to kill Ed until he met his daughter who was at the time playing with this guy.  The guys name is dimitri belikov.  So yeah, Randy didn't kill him just yet. 

Then something big happened, you see,  Randy got distracted in his Royal life and didn't do much to you guys but as he aged and lost any hope of getting the crown he started to come back here. And one day the opportunity just came for him to destroy your family from the inside by getting pav into it. 
So for pav it was die or marry you and destroy your family and hurt your feelings and generally screw with your life so she chose to live and not get her whole family killed. 
The last months or so many of Randy's man have been following you around and stuff and as a result I had to have my men work on protecting you so yeah.  Sorry I'm a little late.  Was busy saving you and your girlfriend's life"
Everyone took in the story with silence.  They didn't know what to feel.  Can you imagine?
The guy that abused you trying to force your family to break apart from the inside or your 'dad' (I use that term very loosely) is trying to break your family. 
No one really knew what to say but dimitri belikov was actually think.  Taking the information given and analyzing for answers and questions. 
"then why is Queen involved in this?"

"well simple,  while searching I found a lot of things 'randy' did and since this was at work my boss found out about these things and informed the Queen what her relatives was doing.  Boom the Queen wanted everyone that was involved.  She doesn't care about his thing with you. She only cares that Randy might destroy the family name and destroy their reputation. "

~~~~ line break ~~~~
(ps. Why have I never done a line break ever in my life before!?)

Everyone was getting out of their original shock and talking among each other except 2 people.  First,  dimitri belikov who was still working hard to stay calm and not have a mental breakdown after having his 2 soon to be wife become a known criminal.  He understood she did everything to save her family.  He would have done the same but it was a lot of take in. 
The other belikov was Sonya.  She was sitting in the front steps by herself and thinking about everything or so she thought.  Rose Hathaway had definitely noticed the 2 going off into distance but while dimitri had his mother and grandmother trying to talk to him Sonya had non.  Rose knew the way she acted had been men before but it was easy to lose her control over the darkness and everything related to frustration after such a long and drama filled day. 
After all,  all Sonya had done was try to defend her friend who truly was innocent and her brother. 
Of course she was trying to protect her brother.  There's nothing wrong with that.
Rose obviously cares about this family and it's time to so it. 

A/n hewwo! So what do you think? Also,  I'll be uploading the next chapter soon.  Like in a few hours or tomorrow.  So look out for that!


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