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Dimitri pov

Sometimes people say it's hard to believe how fast life is going. And when people say this, it usually means they're enjoying their lives.
It's like when your in school it takes forever but when your with friends it feels like 5 minutes.
But how do you truly feel happiness?

I'm at such a interesting position in my life. I'm supposed to happy, things are supposed to go fast but I don't want to be. A part of me feels it's wrong.
No. It's right. This is right.
Pav is a nice moroi girl who I'm about to start my life with and everything is going to be perfect. Because that's what rose would have wanted for me. She would want me to be happy and love my life and move on.
It's been a month and I am moving towards the right direction.

Rose pov

I was sitting on the stairs of dimitri's house.

Aaahhhhh! Shit!
This is the sixth time I had this dream. I don't even know what to do. Why does she need me!? And what's even the point of this? I mean, if you think something then just act on it. What's the point of telling me?
The me that's so far away from you that you can't even contact me in a normal way.

Wait... is this actually a master plan that's really good and all since no one else would know?

God I hate my life.

"Are you going to make me just sit here or what!?" I screamed into nothing.
I swear to God these dreams are so weird!

"Are you going to look into it?" A voice came from no where.

"Fiine!" I answered before saying under my breath
"Stupid witches and their stupid pro-"

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