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Guardian Hathaway called a meeting shortly after my encounter with guarding Belikov.
Honestly, I don't like her. At all. She's the reason for everything that rose and I went through and are going through with.
Speaking of rose, she's the person we are waiting for. As always she's late.
Guardian Belikov went to fetch her so they... well, I was going to say they should be here soon and they walked in.
Well, at least we can get started with this.
"Okay everyone, the only job we have is go keep an eye out for Strigoi. Like I said, some of the humans here think they have seen them and want to make sure nothing is wrong so all we have to do is patrol, starting from tomorrow.
2 of us will be patrolling at a time and everyone will switch every 6 or 8 hours, depending on the Guardian.
Now some basic needs:
We have all the stuff to cook and do everything for the next week's that we will be here for but we need to cook.
So we will also have to take charge of that.
The problem is, some here don't know how to cook. So, who here can actually cook?" She said, that was a lot.

Only guardian Belikov and me raised our hands. I'm shocked Hathaway doesn't know how to cook considering she has a child and all but then again, SHE DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD!

I'm sure rose would have said that out loud if she thought if it but that was the difference between us, she said it, I thought it.
It wasn't always like that. But people change. They are forced to.
I was forced to.

"Well, this will be a bit of a challenge"

"Umm, I suggest, like the patrol, 2 people cook each meal. So me and Guardian Belikov could cook without too much work. I mean, I'm sure you could do a small breakfast or so thing like that guardian Hathaway. And the main meals can be done by Guardian Belikov with Rose, me with guardian... Stan?"  I suggested.

"Stan will do"

"Umm, good idea Guardian Connor. That's settles it then. Would be able to cook Dinner for now Guardian Connor ?" Hathaway asked.

"Yes, of course"

"Umm, also, Guardian Hathaway, you used to call Jake, you can continue with that"

"I.. I knew you?" Wow, what great mom she is.

"Umm, yes. You came to visit rose, once. We were 6, your charge came to see the show that the school was holding"

"YOUR THAT KID?!"  The shock was radiating through her body and voice.

"Well, ummm, I don't think I'm too shocked then"

When, Hathaway came to visit rose only because her charge was here, I tried to attack her and as I but it back the 'I'll kill her for you,rose. She's mean'

"Well, I would say sorry, but I'm pretty sure you deserve worse then what I could do then."
With that I walked up and went into the Kitchen to make food.


I started to laugh when Jake said that. No matter how much he hurt me, I knew that he did more for me then my own family and I won't ever forget it.

And the look on mom's face wad priceless.

"Stop laughing, Rose!" She said, very upset.

"Sure mom, act like a 6 year old kid had anything against you. I support what he did more then anyone. And I will always. I mean it's more then anything you ever did for me"

"... huh" with that my mother left the room.

"Dude, non of the Guardians would tell us, what did he do?" Eddie asked

"He attacked mom cause I was ad at her. He said 'she's mean. She shouldn't treat you like that' and tried to 'kill' her"

Dimitri seemed amused by this.

"When was this?" He asked.
"When we were 6, mom came to visit me for the first time since she left me at the Academy and it was because her charge was there to see a show the school was putting in. Jake got mad about that and attacked her" I was laughing like crazy by then, Eddie, mason and Stan joined me with small laughs but Dimitri was still against Jake I'm guessing.

He gave a small nod before changing the subject.
"Rose, I'm going to take a look around the place, wanna join?"


We walked around in silence for a bit before we came to a open garden with the sky a dark blue.

"Roza, this guy?"

"I'm sorry." I knew this was coming and I was ready.
"I know, he just came and kissed me. I  acted weird for a bit. It's long story. Yes, he hurt me a but but the truth is he took care of me when I first went to the academy and was scared of everything. When I missed mom and just wanted her to come back and take me with her.
He helped through all that. I know, you can't be okay with this but he helped through a lot.
And I can't forget that. Ever.

I'm not in love with him, but I love him."

"Of course, roza. It's okay" he said, giving me a smile.

"What was that all about in the car. The whole secret thing..?"

"It's not important anymore."


"Please Dimitri. I promise it has no effect on anything anymore"

He simply nodded. Definitely not satisfied with the answer but he didn't push it.

The rest of the time, we set there looking at the beautiful sky in peaceful silence.
A/N romitri!!! Hell yeah.
Aren't they soo cute?! Anyway, hope your enjoying! I'll be updating as soon as possible. Thanks for reading, as always hope you have a great day. Love ya!


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