16 (prt.1)

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(A/n, hey guys! Soo... there's a bit of strong language in this one. Sorry, I try to keep it pg but rose is a strong minded character that curses a lot so it would go against character)
Nothing at all.
My mind couldn't even process what was happening. It just left me.
It's like my brain just laughed in my face and floated out of my head.
What the hell am I supposed to say to my ex mentor/lover after avoiding him for 3 years!?

I don't know if God is up there, and I don't find whatever idea of God people have, but this moment really made me questions him or her. Why do I always have to end up in these type of problems!?
Good Job rose! This is what you get for staying at a strangers house.
What was I thinking!?
I just started at him. Just taking in him.
He seemed more muscular, if that's even possible. His eyes as lovely as ever.
Wait... no. I don't find anything about him lovely. He's a idiot that I thought I liked but I actually don't. Yes.

"Aaaaaaa" I began, still not knowing what to say or think.
What am I even doing with my life!?

"Ohh.. dimka! So sorry! Forgot to tell you. This is rose, she is a guardian, she was captured and injured. Mark brought her here" mama said waking in.
Ohh, he knew I was. He knew me better then I do... no. He used to.
"Di-d- Guardian Belikov! Hii" I said. Forcing a smile.

"Rose" he murmured, obviously sill not processing the setup.

"I-I... I... Looked.. I-"

"Guardian Belikov!" This got his attention.

"Rose... roz-a. Guardian Hathaway."

"Mrs.Belikova, I actually know Guardian Belikov here. He was my mentor, 3 years back when I was still in school"

"Ohh, you two know each other! That's wonderful! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't realize that Belikov would be turned into Belikova, ma'am. But I can see how you are guardian Belikovs mother, you have similar features and you are just as kind as He told me you were" I said, forcing myself to look happy.

She was like how dimitri has said. How did I miss it?
But I won't let him effect me. All my trainings for the past 3 years and the rest of my life wasn't for nothing.

"Guardian Belikov, it's a pleasure seeing you again! How have you been?"

"G-good. You?" What's up with him? It's not like I'm the one who left.

"I've been great. Got myself into elite actually. Been working hard" I offered him a slight nod. I couldn't do more then that.
He was in front of me and I couldn't do anything.
I said I will kill him if I saw him. But here he was, getting the best of me.

"Rose.. congrats"

"Thanks" I can feel tears burning inside me. That's not good.

"Stop looking like that" dimitri murmured.

"What?" I asked.

"STOP LOOKING LIKE THAT!... be mad. But be rose. 
Don't. Fake. Your. Emotions.
Rose Never Did." He managed.

"Well I'm not your rose. And I am not faking shit! You know why? I'm happy. So, so, so happy to see that you are a fucking peace of little shit, and that you leaving did everything good for me. That I am 100% times better then you!
That you are the coward. That you are no god. That you are just a little kid who needs to hide behind the law to justify bring a asshole!" I could feel tears about to break out now.
No, I'm not going to let him win.
Remember what you learned rose.
Look at the light source for a while without blinking.
I will not cry. I am strong. I am better then him.

"Roza.. I-"

"I don't want your explanation! I don't need it!" I said looking at bright places. Then I saw it.
He was wearing a engagement ring.


"Besides, I'm sure you girlfriend would be happy that you talk to me. Just give me a phone. I'll call my dad and this can be over with."

"No!" He suddenly said, getting his voice back.
"You can't go. I need to talk to you."

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