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Rose pov:

The car's environment had gone to a certain death section. If anyone disturbs the peace then you will get hurt by Dimitri or mom. 

Mason overreacted about Jake and me because he apparently liked me then. Which makes Sense but he got mom and Dimitri very mad, which is not good.

I turned around and pinched mason. To which he silently cried in pain as I and Eddie laughed at him. Dimitri seemed to notice us laughing and found it very amusing.

"Feeling better Roza?" He asked

I just nodded, but my wicked mother turned around which is not good.

"Now that you calmed down, what exactly is with you that jake boy? I've seen him before, as much I can recall from my memories. You weren't . . . You didn't seem... "

"Mason exasperated" I cut her off. "I and jake weren't really in a serious relationship. We were more like best friends.
I don't know why he kissed me. . . But our relationship was anything but serious.
It started out as a dare for jake to ask me out. Nothing to really worry about. We mostly saw each other as friends" I said as nicely as possible.

"Well, I don't want any drama, is that clear?" Wow, mom, way to care for your daughter.

"Don't worry about it mom"
She nodded and turned back.

3 hours later...

"How much longer?!" I asked out frustration.
"5 minutes less then the last time you asked" Mason answer, annoyed.

I pouted and proceeded to turn my head away dramatically. Might as well bother the boys since I have no entertainment.

"THIS IS SOOO BORING!" I complained for the hundredth time. 

"Rose" That was my mothers warning tone and I knew better than to bother her when 'the queen asked'her to do this right. honestly, that queen get's in my way even without being anywhere near me!  

I'm about to explode of boredom when Dimitri said "Here, finally rose can stop complaining" this was out of character for him but I was just happy that we're here, wait, nope I'm wrong. 

We just needed gas. 

.     .     . 

"Let's play truth or dare"  Mason suggested. Since none of the 'adults' had a problem with it we started to play. 

"Truth or dare, rose?" Mason began 


"HUH! there isn't much to do here" 

"True, how about 23 questions?" Eddie suggested 


"I'll ask" Dimitri offered. 

The boys were a bit shocked by this but went with it. 

"1.favorite class?" 

"Art of fight"- Mason 

"Art of fight"- Rose 

"Art of fight"- Eddie  

"2.Favorite teacher?" 

"Guardian kate"-Mason

"Guardian Kate"-Eddie 

"Guardian Belikov"-Rose 

This going to be long but hey it's better than nothing. 

"23.Your biggest Secret?" 

"I got jealous of Ivashkov"- Mason

"I like the book fault in our stars"- Eddie (Lol) 

"Jake" - Rose 



so, everyone thinks they know about what happened between Rose and Jake, but is it the real story? 


Sorry! I know cliffhangers are the worse but that's all I have time for today, but I would like to know what you guys think they are hiding?

here's something for you, SPOILER: Lissa doesn't know what it is. 

I hope you enjoyed! like, vote and comment for more, as always have a great day! LOVE YA!

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