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Sonya pov:

I sat there on the front steps of our house thinking. 
I knew pav's father was a gambler.  Pav's been my best friend since we were 3. She was close to dimka as well,  yes,  but mostly she was my best friend. 
The person I grew up with.  I know her father had problems.  A lot of the times when her parents would fight she would come live with me in my room. 
I still have her PJ's in my closet,  with all my tiny little cloths from when I was 3.
I have all of her art projects on my closet wall with all my art because her parents didn't hang up art like my family did. I think there's some on the fridge too.
I can still see her face, as rose took her away.

God I hate her.
Not really, no, but how can I not? One of her employees calls me a blood whore and she does nothing, and then let's not forget she made my 'baby daddy' disappear. Honestly, as if I have the money to take care of a kid alone.
She's making my life suck, but at least she's protection my brother. Right?
If she cares that much for dimka then why not just make him hers already?
It's not like he doesn't like her, he's been drooling ever since she got here.

"Is that spot taken?" A voice came from behind.
And there stood rose Hathaway mazur in all her glory.
I had to say, my brother has good taste, she's pretty. No beautiful.
The type of girl any guy would go for.
She's one of those girls that are part of the guys but can work it like she means it. You could see it in the way she walked.
You could also see the importance that she carried.
Yes. She's definitely important.
This girl is literally the creation of 2 extremely dangerous people and she inhabited everything from them, the fame and the reputation of ms.Hathaway and the fame and reputation of mazur.

And it was obvious she could show you both sides of her family. Nice and caring Hathaway with still strict and mazur. I can see his smirk on her face.

"This isn't a school or something is it? Who would a stair be taken by?" I answered.
Honestly, this girl had me really annoyed today.
I'm usually nicer.

"Well no, but sometimes it's taken because you don't wanna talk. And sometimes it's not taken because you should hear my side of the story" she said with a smile.

She was still wearing her dress from the party, non of us had really changed so I don't know why I noticed that until i saw her sit down.
It was her way of movement.
She moved as if she's wearing some sports wear that she's comfortable in.

Well, weird but good for my brother I guess?
I signed as she flopped down next to me. I really didn't wanna talk to my brothers ex-girlfriend who just saved our family but bothered me all day.
I really don't know what to think about this girl.
Honestly, she's nice and mean at three same time.

"жалкие красивые девушки со всей их драмой. просто пойдите к моему брату, честно. Мне не нужна помощь. (pathetic pretty girls with all their drama. just go to my brother, honestly. I don't need help.)"

"Thanks for calling me pretty and I really don't think it's the right time for me to go and tell your brother about my undying love for him. He needs a break. But you, I'm much more interested in" she answered in English.

"You speak Russian?" I asked

"You mumble when your mad like your brother." Well that's a perfect answer.

"You know she was already fired." She said smiling and flipping her hair the other way like girls did in movies and wow it actually worked.
How come I can't do that?

"What?" She asked.

"Shit! I said that out loud!"

"Haha, yeah. Also, try to add some coconut oil after you shampoo and your hair dries. It usually works" she laughed.
She's really shockingly non-evil.
Also, hair hack noted.

"Sorry, I have ADHD. My attention is kind of all over the place what did you say about being fired?" I asked.

"The girl that called you a blood whore. She was ... umm, distracted by your brother so I fried her for not focusing on her job. This got her mad so when she was walking out she called you a blood whore. And that's why I didn't do anything" she explained.

Ohhhhhhhh.... okay that makes sense.

"You know, when I was in school, my last year, some moroi who were against me spread rumors. I was called a blood whore for a good half of the year. I wouldn't let anyone just call you that."

"Humm, thanks but it's not like you care about me. Besides, it's not wrong" I muttered bitterly.
I didn't want to get pregnant. It wasn't something I planned and it wasn't even... ahhh!

"No you aren't.
Your not one unless you wanna be one."
Humm, maybe she isn't so bad?

"And I do care about you. I care about everyone in your family. You brother. He wasn't just my boyfriend you know. I didn't lie, he was my mentor. A lot of crazy things happened to me when I was in school and.. I even would have been kicked out without him.
He did a lot for me, and I'm willing to pay it back in anyway I can."

"I'm not my brother. Go talk to him then"
Okay that was a little too much.

"You contributed to who he is. And besides, he cares about you so I do too. And other then that, I've studied your life's to help you out, I know your good person. And Any good soul should be taken care of." She said before laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm really bad at pep talk. More of a crush your spirits and fight you for my friends type of person" she said laughing more.
I laughed with her.

"I'm not really a people person. Sorry, I just got really frustrated there" I apologized.
"Nah, it's fine. By the way, I sent your baby daddy away because he was trying to get with vik. And don't worry, he'll sent you child support." She said completely serious before getting up.

"Umm, thanks for that then. You took good care of my siblings. but can you not say 'baby daddy'? Makes me feel weird."

"No problem, love also Sorry about that, Can't be bothered to remember his name"

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