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I stood there in complete shock. 

I had expected lissa to understand. I had expected her to be worried, even a bit angry but never in my life would I have expected such an outburst. I was hoping... 

Lissa is mad at me. 

I made her cry. 

she hates me. 

I couldn't move. It all seemed to freeze. I was the worst guardian in the world. No, I am the worst best friend ever. 

lissa, I hurt lissa. 

"Rosemarie?" a voice came from behind me, but I just stared at the text christen had sent me. I needed to talk to lissa, I need to explain things to her. She needs to understand. She's my best friend, I can't lose her! 

"Rose? your shift was over half an hour ago, what are you doing?" someone said again. But I still couldn't function much other than that I made lissa cry. Lissa needs to understand. 


"rose! look at me"  

"I made lissa-" 


I slowly turned around. "mum?" I said, looking up. 

"rose, gosh, what happened? you looked like you were-were in a different world" 

"lissa, I made her mad"  

"god, rose, She's your charge, be more careful around the moroi," Mom said, barely as harsh as she usually was. 

"rose, I wanted to talk to you" 

"come," she said, taking my hand and dragging me to a nearby tree. she sat down and motioned for me to do the same so I followed her. 


"about everything that was happening in school, with the boy and all" 


"why didn't you contact me or tell the teachers when you were feeling ... feeling bad?" 

"it's not like that mom, it's more of a constant voice in your head that tells you that your not worth it, that you can't do anything right, that no one wants to be a part of you and your world. it kept telling me that I'm weak, that I can't do anything, that-that that's why you never came back, that no one would want to even talk to me. That I'm not good enough to be lissa's friend, then it slowly went to you don't need to exist. why would you? no one cares, and if you're not here then lissa would probably have a better guardian." I explained, but then I noticed that mom was near tears. I had never seen her seem the slightest bit emotional but she truly seemed hurt. 

"rose, I won't say I understand, that- but I do know that a lot of people care about you. Even Stan. thanks for explaining that." and with that she got up and left me there. 

"umm..yeah" I got up and went to find Dimitri who was cooking. 

"I see that Jeanine finally found you," he said I walked in and sat next to where he was working.  

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I groaned 

"It didn't go well?" 

"a lot happened today" 


"I told lissa. she got mad. started to cry. chris basically said I'm a bitch. then my mom started to act all weird. I mean seriously! she never talks like that what gives!" 

"you're mad that she spoke to you nicely?" 

"no... no exactly. she was trying.. but I don't get it!" 

"rose, maybe she want's to be a part of your life rose" 

"she never did before!" 

"rose when did your mom have you?" 

"around my age, a few years later" 

"rose are you ready to have a baby?" 


"sorry, let me re-word. would you be able to take care of a little kid right now?" 

"no" I answered with a sigh, seeing where this was going. 

Dimitri picked up some loose hair on my face and placed it behind my ear. "rose, give her a chance, she has a wonderful daughter and she want's to get to know her. and as for lissa, you can talk to her in person in a few days, we will go back if we don't see any strigoi activity anytime soon" he said with a smile, one of the rare ones that made my day. 

"but what if she's-" 

"she loves you rose. she got mad because she loves you." 


"I'm 100% sure" he answered my un-asked question before adding 

"Now, I need to finish this, I think Eddie doesn't have any shift, you can go hang with him" 

"trying to get rid of me comrade?" 

"never Roza, I'm just making sure you having something to eat later" 

"okay! thanks" 

I made my way to Eddie's room to find him and mase playing truth or dare with Stan. never thought I would see this. 

"Stan playing games? THE WORLD IS ENDING DIMITRI!!!! DIMI SAVE ME!!" 

"ohh shut up Hathaway, I do have a life outside of my job you know" 

"yeah! he actually has some fun dares! can you believe that!?" mase piped up. 

"no," I answered. 

"come on rose let's play!" mase said with a smile so I went and set with them. 

"truth or dare Hathaway?" Stan asked. 

"Okay, I can't at least call me rose" 

"fine, truth or dare rose


"Okay, I think I have a good one, hug Belikov! he doesn't seem like someone who hugs, this will be fun" Stan said. Mase gave me this blank look that said 'if only he knew' and Eddie seemed this was an okay dare. 

I ran down the stairs with all of them behind me. I jumped in and hugged Dimitri who was putting salt into whatever he was making. 

"wow," Dimitri said losing balance for only a second. 

"rose?" He gave me a weird look. 

" truth or dare" I answered. 

"of course." he laughed a little as I turned to see a very upset looking stan looking at us. 

"Also, your great at hugging and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" 

"what?" He asked confused. 

"nothing!" stan said jumping in.He was blushing! " let's go, Hathaway, the dare is over!" 

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