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It was long journey to say the least. I never liked driving in the first place and I was just happy that we were at last here.
I  started to unpack all the thing when the car with rose and her friends arrived. It seemed as if everyone was mad at rose because everyone was glaring at her.
I felt really bad. I didn't want her to feel the she did.

I knew I was part of the reason why they were mad and I wanted to walk up to them and tell them the truth. Why rose hates me. Why I cheated on her. Why she still cares for me. Everything.

I want to tell them the secret rose and I have been keeping for so long but I know rose won't be able to take their reactions so I stay silent like everyone else and help pack our things into the scary looking house in the middle of the woods.

The house is made my humans who know about vampires and it's made to look scary to keep the human away. But honestly, it was partly because they thought we are some kind of monsters who live in places like this.

It's a big house with dark purple and blue color all over it. It's not bad, but it looks weird.
It doesn't have many details, just a regular house with big gates as if it was built long ago.

When we finished packing everything into the house, I went to explore the house. I walked into what looked like the kitchen and saw rose there, as if she was waiting for me.

"Look Jake, I don't know why you kissed me, and you coming back means but can you please forget about all this?! I really don't feel like going back to... that stage in my life. Look, I know the whole secret and you trying to help is possibly something that can help you with this but please don't say anything. For me?" She said quickly and quietly.

"Rose, they could help you! Everything could be better!"

"It is better. I'm fine now. Please let it be that way, I don't want to feel weak again" her voice was Unsure and unstable. Filled with pain. She didn't give a chance to reply ad she walked out of the room.

I want to do what's best for her, but this is really a bad idea.
I hurt her, a lot. And I'm hurting myself a lot. I was serious about us, and all she saw in me was a friend helping her.

I don't like this. Hurting each other shouldn't be right.

Guardian Belikov walked in, as if he was ready to fight me.

What's up with him? He seems to really hate me for some reason.

"Hey, guardian Belikov. I've hard a lot about you, it's a pleasure." I said with a smile.

He simply nodded and left. Well, I guess people are right when they say he's antisocial?

A/N hope you are enjoying the series. The secret and some stuff may seem like it's not adding up.
But as the story progresses it will make more sense. So keep a look out for that!
As always, have a great day! Lova ya!


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