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Dimitri Pov: 

I sat there at the cafe waiting, Alberta said she will go back and sent Roza. After Alberta gave her approval my confidence did go up a little bit, Though Alberta didn't like the way I had treated Roza, which I agree with. 

I was still trying to pace together what to say. 'Roza, I'm sorry for being a horrible mentor and secret lover?' 

Roza walked into the cafe in her workout clothes from yesterday as I stared. I'm  sure and confident while talking to the most important people in our world but talk to Rose, I dead.  

"Good Morning, Roza," I said with a smile to which I got a disgusted look. 

"Waking me up at 7 on a Sunday is NOT GOOD!" She pouted like a little kid. 

"Rose, It's 7:30, waking up now can't be that bad" 

"It is!" she grumbled. 

"Roza, look, I'm sorr-" I began but was cut off. 

"Sorry? For what?" She seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened yesterday, bless her heart.  

"Oh, Roza. Look, I've been doing a very bad job at mentoring you, I was letting my feelings affect my judgment and thought process. Seeing what you saw at that house and then being pushed by everyone must be horrible" I admitted. 

She just stared me with a blank expression. 

"I won't say 'it's okay' cause it's not, It hurt Dimitri," She said slowly. as I nodded understandingly. 

"But I'm fine, it wasn't you, I was more upset at Mase and mostly at Adrian. I don't even know him and the things he... uhh." She said taking a sip of her coffee. 

"Rose?" Came a voice from behind me. 

"Mase..." Roza answered, I wanted to give them their privacy but then not really so I didn't move. 

"Rose... Umm... can we talk?" He asked taking a seat. 

I wasn't done talking to her!

"Uh... Sure" Rose said offering him a smile. 

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I believed Mia, it's just I... I was worried and... jealous" He said sadly, should I feel bad for him? He had loved her since childhood and got rejected and friend-zoned. 

"It's okay Mase, I know Mia can tell some very convincing lies," Rose said warmly, I really respected how big her heart was. 

"I mean, even if you were with him it's not like I have any right's to question it"  

"Don't you?" Rose said with a warm smile before leaning in and capturing his lips, there was short and simple something I wanted with Rose. 

My heart broke into a 1000 piece, Why Roza? Why would you do that? I love you! You're supposed to be mine!

As Roza quickly pulled away the regret was written all over her face, not regret kissing him but regret doing it like this in front of me. 

"Di-" She began but seemed to have lost her voice when Mason spoke up. 

"Wow!" He was obviously happy. 

"I'm sorry Mase," Rose said as Mason's face showed the heartbreak on his face. 

"It's because of him, isn't it?" Mason whispered

"Huh?" Roza said on verge of tears 

"I heard a conversation between Alberta and Belikov, I wasn't wrong, Adrain wasn't wrong, It's Belikov, right?" I was shocked and almost sorry for him, Almost! 

"I...Mase, It doesn't matter. yes, there is love. Who? Both of you, I care about both of you a lot but it doesn't matter. We're guardians, Our feelings never matter" Roza said with tears dripping from her face as got up and ran away to god knows where. 

I just set there, Frozen. 

"IM GOING TO KILL HER!!" Screamed someone after a minute, Mason. 

"What?" I said shocked

"It's obvious she would pick you" His voice held pain " But she's hiding from her feelings, she's putting herself down as usual." He said with a sigh.  

"I'm gonna fight for her, that's for sure, I'm gonna fight for her love but just one thing Belikov. She does love you, if she ends up with you make sure never ever hurt her?" I was surprised by his maturity but this showed he really cared about her. 

"I will" I answered with a smile, I will but first I will also fight for her love. 

"But don't think you won, She said she cares for both," Mason said with a grin before also running off. 

I will win, Roza will be mine. 


A/N I'm really proud of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! 

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