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Rose pov:

I'm happier then anyone could possibly think. Dimitri just made my day, and something told me he knew it. Dimitri and I are pretty happy, hey it's not every day the love of your life confirms his love for you.

Right now I'm making my way to my first class with Lissa, it's Moroi history and I actually like the teacher. I don't like Moroi history but since the teacher is nice I can get away with not doing much.

Lissa said sorry to me today and of course I forgave her, she's my sister again, another thing to be happy about. 

Lissa and I walked into class and for some reason, my mother was standing in front of the class. My mother is here since her charge is, but what is she doing in my class?

'What's your mom doing here, rose?' Lissa asked through the bond. I shook my head to let her know I don't know as we took our seats.

"Hello class, now you can see we have a guest. Guardian Hathaway has something to tell the novices in this class" our teacher said as my friends gave me questioning looks.

God, what's my mother's problem? Can't she just let me live? my mother and I had the worse relationship I could think of. She never understands me. I told Dimitri the other day that I would try to be nice but how can I be nice to someone who thinks I'm a kid who's incapable of doing anything right?

"So, the Queen has asked me to go on a mission. There have been far too many attacks on the humans in some areas. This mission is extremely important as the queen personally asked us to do this. Now, this involves you because we have picked some students who we think are doing well, these students will come on this mission with me and some other guardians" my mother said in her crazy voice.

This can be a great opportunity for anyone who's selected

"The students selected have the highest score in there class and this will help there field experience scores" that's golden! This could help me get lissa as a charge!

"Now, the students I announce will follow me to Alberta's office." My mother said shaking her crazy curls.

"Students Mason, Eddie, and Rose," my mother said walking out.

I'm going on a mission! I got selected!
I am beyond happy, everything is going great today.

'Congrats rose! Now, go'  Lissa said through the bond as I realized I should be following my mom. I quickly packed my thing before catching up to my mother. 

We walked in silence as Mase, Eddie and I exchanged a look of joy. 

As we walked into Alberta's office, I noticed Dimitri and Stan sitting there. 

"Comrade, you're telling me you knew about this at practice and chose not to tell me. Now that's just mean" I said faking hurt. 

"Oh Roza," Dimitri said with a laugh "I did know, but I didn't have permission to tell you. You mother wanted to inform you" He said with a smile when Alberta cleared her throat.  Alberta was the only one in this room who knew about our feelings for each other. 

"Okay, you three are the best student here which is why you were picked" My mother began 

"But all 3 of you also have a reputation for being best friends who like to pull pranks. The queen herself asked me to make sure everything went right, I DON'T WANT ANY FUNNY BUSINESS! got it?" 

"Got it," All 3 of us said together. She nodded before continuing "As you can guess by now, Guardian Belikov and Guardian Altro will be joining us. A guardian from the court will also be joining us. He isn't here yet, he will be here in a few hours, go get some food and pack, we will have a meeting after he get's here then we will leave" She said dismissing us. 

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