Far From Over

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     "My name is Sil Houette, and I am here to tell you that your troubles are far from over."
     These are the words that make my heart drop. Now, if just anybody had told me this, I'd brush it off, because usually, it wouldn't mean anything. But this- this girl knows my number, my name, her tone of voice is far too real.
     My name is Bill Cipher and at the moment, I am scared out of my wits. "What's going on?" I ask into the phone, trying to reduce the shakiness in my voice.
     "I cannot tell you much over the phone..." Sil answers hesitantly. "This is the Society of the All-Seeing. You are in grave danger. Let us meet next to the clock tower at Circle Park next Saturday evening at 7:00 PM. Speak of this to no one but the trustworthy. Do you understand?"
     "No!" I exclaim, shocked. "I don't understand at all. I can't believe that I believe everything you've said. I can't believe that I'm going to meet you there. But I am so you'd better be there on time." What am I doing? I'm following the every command of a stranger!
     "Good. Farewell until then, Bill Cipher." I hear a click as Sil disconnects from the line.
     I collapse into my bed, my heart pounding at a fast pace. I need to talk to someone about this, but who would know? There are few things I do not know of and this is one thing. The Society of the All-Seeing? Is that some kind of counterpart to the Society of the Blind Eye? What is their purpose? Why does this so-called Sil trying to help me? Who would possibly want to help me?
Ford will know. There are few things in this universe that I don't know, but if I don't know something, he does. I'd call him on his cell, but I sincerely doubt the Arctic Circle has cell service. Then again, Ford probably created a device that makes his own service for him, so I'm going to call him.
I find his number in my phone and press the call button. I hold the phone to my ear and let it ring until I hear his voice.
"Hello, this is Stanford Pines."
"Ford, I-"
"Unless your name is Stanley, Dipper, Mabel, or Bill, you should not have this number. If it's urgent, please leave a brief message after the beep." I am cut off by Ford's annoying voicemail.
As soon as I hear the voicemail tone, I whisper into the phone sharply, "Ford, I need you to tell me whatever you can about the Society of the All Seeing. Call me back as soon as you have the chance. Also, you need to get rid of that annoying pause in your voicemail."
     I feel... angry. I'm really ticked off, but I don't know why. I guess... I guess I thought that this was all over. I thought that everything to do with who I used to be was gone, but I was wrong. Apparently I'm in danger and I'm helpless to the situation. I don't even know who Sil Houette is!
     I hope Ford can tell me what this is all about. I know I should sleep for a few more hours, but I don't think I can. I pull out my journal from the drawer in my nightstand instead.
     Ford and Dipper made this journal for me because neither of them would be in Gravity Falls during the year to journal any findings made. However, I would be. The Pineses got rid of the original three journals in the bottomless pit, but I've pored over the journal copies that Stan made. I've found many things that were never mentioned in any of them. What concerns me the most, though, is that there is no Society of the All-Seeing mentioned in any of them!
     That leaves only one option: to journal about it myself. I scribble what little I know about this group down in my book.
The Society of the All Seeing
Known members: Sil Houette
Goal: To inform (citizens, oddities, demons???) of threats?
I've never heard of this group, and I know everything. Ford might know something about it.
I wait for a while after finishing my journal entry, but my phone never rings. I can't wait any longer; I have to talk to someone about this. I don't want to bother anybody, but I want to talk to Yule, Mabel, and Dipper. I think I'll call the twins first. Dipper will know more about any of this than Yule will, at least I hope he knows something.
I call Mabel's cell and hold the receiver to my ear as I listen to it ring. "Please pick up, please pick up." I catch myself gripping the phone.
The phone ring is interrupted by a drowsy voice at the other end. "Bill?" Her question is followed by a yawn. "What are you doing? It's, like, 4 A.M.!" she whispers loudly.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just really needed to talk to someone," I reply sincerely.
I hear a groan from the end of the line. Mabel then sighs, graciously not hanging up on me. "What's up?"
     I explain to her the situation I'm in as she silently listens. I soon finish and wait for her to respond.
     "Hm... yes, if anyone knows, it would be Ford. Do you think that Dipper might know something more?" she asks me.
     "Why don't you ask him?" I ask. I don't mean for it to sound as harsh and sarcastic as it does. "Sorry," I correct myself. "I don't mean to talk to you like that. I'm just kind of worried."
     "It's alright, I know you are," Mabel kindly responds, gentleness showing in her voice. She pauses for a moment. "Look, I'm really sorry, but I don't want to wake up Dipper. I'm actually surprised I haven't woken him up already. That kid sleeps on some kind of high alert. But we've had a long week, I guess he's really tired."
     She tries to apologize again but I tell her that there's no need. "It's alright. It can wait until the morning, I suppose. I guess I should try to get some sleep, too, while I can."
     "Yeah," Mabel agrees. "Goodnight, Bill. I love you."
     "I love you, too," I respond, filling with warmth. Our call ends. I lay back on my bed, worry still overtaking me, but, now, I can say that I feel better.
     I smile and repeat the phrase again. Though our phone call ended, I know she still hears me in her heart. "I love you, too."

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