Bound To This World

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     "I've written an entire journal on ghosts alone," Dipper explains, setting a hard bound copy of his own work on the kitchen table. The rest of us kids, including Ford, sit around and listen.
     "Great Uncle Ford may not be able to see Yule," continues Dipper, with a nod toward the spectral being hovering next to the table, "but he is physically more experienced in the way that he has experienced all ten categories of ghosts.
     "I've concluded that Yule is certainly a category one," Dipper flips to a page in his journal as Ford nods in agreement, "but my research over the past four years has led me to the belief that there are categories of ghosts within the categories themselves."
     Even Ford looks perplexed and impressed with this conclusion. Ford has been studying the paranormal all his life, but Dipper has focused his research on ghosts alone, giving him much more insight.
     "The Northwest Mansion ghost," says Dipper, referring to a circumstance about four years ago, "was a category ten, as was the ghost we encountered in the bunker last year.  These beings, I believe, are in the category of exsprivids. These kinds of ghosts can be seen by all, debunking our earlier theory of them having a pain or problem with the people who can see them. There are also some ghosts that can never be seen. Not by anyone. Then," he gestures to Yule, "comes the complicated category.
     "Most category ones latch onto people they like, causing these people to see them. They will stick around a long time at your kind word, or disappear entirely at your ignorance. Anointed water can make them unlatch from a person or place they're haunting. Most of these ghosts can choose who they wish to associate with. Based on the amount of them I've encountered, I'd say about four out of five.
     "Category ones are all bound to this world for one reason- their desire to rejoin humanity. If they lost that passion," he snaps his fingers, "poof! No more ghost. However, most never lose that desire and remain in our world for a very long time. But they like it that way. They love human interaction." He now looks at Yule. "However, for some unknown reason, about twenty percent are bound by odd rules. These rules prevent them from latching onto people of their choice. Instead, they are only bound to be seen by the people they had deep regrets or desires over in their lives or at the end of their lives. Yule falls into this spectrum." After a small giggle from Mabel, he adds, "Pun not intended. Now, even though this category can only be seen by some humans, all paranormal beings have the ability to see all ghosts. So they aren't restricted in that way."
     "So, wait," Yule cuts in, holding up a floating finger. "Are you saying that it's nearly impossible for me to fade?"
     "Basically, yes," Dipper replies. "Based on what I've seen from you, you have a great desire to rejoin the living world. I believe you will be dwelling here for a long time to come, no matter who can see you or not."
     "So, what you're saying is that as long as I still really want to eat pizza, I won't be able to leave?"
     Dipper cracks a smile. "Yeah, now you're getting the picture! That's about all I have to say about the two categories within the category ones... that is, except..." Dipper pauses for dramatic effect.
     "Except?" Merrily asks, prompting him on.
     "All category ones, as far as I know, have the power to make things float. I, for one, would love to see Yule try this out."
      Yule's expression brightens. "I can do that?"
     "Yup!" exclaims Dipper, shutting his book. "I'm pretty sure you're restricted to objects only, though."
     "Dude!" Yule shouts, his excitement building. "This is the coolest ghost thing I've heard of yet! Show me how!"
     "I can't show you how," Dipper scoffs playfully. "You're the ghost!"
     Yule pouts. "Please? I'm still new to this whole ghost thing, you know."
     "Fine," Dipper complies, standing up. "You know how you phase through things? This time... don't."
     "I'm serious," Yule complains with an amused smile.
     "Okay," Dipper grins back. "Put your focus on one thing. Let's say..." Dipper looks around the room. His eyes settle on a plate on the table. "That plate. I want you to put all your focus into making it float. Give it your sole attention. I want you to touch it. Don't phase through it. I know you are learning control over that. I want you to make that plate as you feel now. Weightless, unconfined, free-"
     Ever so slightly, Yule's plate begins to float. It wobbles greatly, but it's floating nonetheless. I've never seen Yule so focused, except for that time when he was about to complete the boss level on Jokémon: Star.
     "I'm doing it!" he cries out in success, but in the short moment of his neglect, the plate crashes to the floor and shatters. In surprise, he quickly brings his hands close to himself. "Yikes. Sorry."
     "It was impressive for a first try," Ford says with a smile of his own as he goes to retrieve a dustpan from the back of the kitchen.
     "But I'm a ghost," Yule says with a frown. "Shouldn't I be able to do stuff like this automatically?"
     "Well, it's like learning to swim, or even ride a bike. Most people can easily do these things, but they all had to learn at the beginning," Dipper answers matter-of-factly. "You just need practice, that's all."
     "It's weird... that this is my life now," Yule says, watching Ford sweep up his mess. A question comes to his thought as his eyes brighten. "Does this mean that I can see all other ghosts?"
     "I don't see why not," Dipper replies as his face lights up. "You can help me with all my research, too!"
     Yule laughs. "I don't suppose I have anything better to do."
     This is the first time I've seen Yule truly happy and at ease in his current state. I really do hope that things can continue to be like this.

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