If We Don't Succeed

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The following moment is one of the most tense I've ever experienced. Of course, we knew this was coming, we had the firm idea that it was now, but for it to be confirmed...
"This is bad..." Mabel whispers nervously, looking at me with wide eyes. "Bill, what do we do?"
     "We'll use what we know," I assure her with a small smile, trying to hide my fear for her and everyone else.
     "We have our means of offense and defense as well," Sil comments, a series of knives hanging from her belt, gleaming with something other than just steel or silver. "However, I encourage you all to do what you can if you are able. Just don't get in our way."
I look over my shoulder and Ford gives me a nod, a closed pouch hanging from his belt. I murmur to Mabel and Dipper as well, who is now next to us, "You remember all the ties we discussed, right?"
     They both shake their heads in affirmation. Mabel even smiles a little, making me feel a little better, a little more confident.
     "Don't do anything reckless," I command them, taking a deep breath. "We can do this without anyone getting hurt doing something crazy and stupid." I put my hand over my heart in promise. "I promise to personally knock anyone out who gets hurt on my accord by doing something dumb. Got it?"
     Mabel giggles softly in response, and Dipper roles his eyes, but I can tell that they both get the picture.
It's just as we are stepping out the door when Dipper's cell phone rings inside his vest pocket. My stomach twists when I realize that there's only one person who would be calling him at this time.
     Dipper quickly pulls his phone out and confirms my suspicions. "It's Yule." He gives a questioning look at me for a split second, then answers the phone. Oh no.
     I know Yule said he'd fight my battles with me. I know he said he wanted to be on the same page. I know he wants to help me as my best friend, even if it means he's in danger too. I know we said we wouldn't regret our friendship. I know...
     But still... I'm afraid. If there's even the slightest chance that Yule... But I can't do that to him. It would hurt him so much if I shut him out from something in my life as important as this. It would kill him. Especially if I fell out on our promises, these empty promises, perhaps...
"Yule!" Dipper shouts over the growing commotion outside. "We need you to-" his voice hitches as he looks at my outstretched hand. I will be the one talking to Yule.
Dipper complies and hands me his phone. I put it to my ear and before Yule can even utter a word, I tell him, "You know what's going on. You know how I feel about you joining us. But I know what you want to do so let's do it. Get over here as fast as you can."
"Good." I can hear the tense voice from the other end of the line. "I'll be over in three minutes. Don't leave without me!"
Beep, beep, beep. I hear the telltale sound of being hung up on. He's on his way over. We're really about to do this...
     An earpiece makes a few quiet noises in Sil's ear. She listens, then nods, saying into the tiny microphone clipped to her collar, "Roger that; we'll be right over. Keep it together and work on offensive and defensive strategies. Keep Frigh and Shad working at the front. Continue to give me feedback as it comes, Tell. Sil, over and out."
     She looks at the group of us, her dark eyes still not letting out any traces of emotion, and says, "It's time to leave." With that, she, Dan, and Terri turn and sprint to the source of this catastrophe.
     Not a few seconds later, Yule pulls up in his car at record speed into the lot surrounding the house. I can't imagine the amount of driving laws he must have broken in order to get here so fast. He jumps out of the car after turning off the engine and quickly putting the car in park, slamming the door behind him. Yule runs up to the group of us at the door, watching those from the Society take off in the other direction. His hair is a mess, though he seemed to be able to throw on some decent, matching clothes before he left his house.
"Are you okay?" I ask Yule, checking him over for anything out of the normal. "How bad is it out there?"
"Beats me," he breathes out, running his fingers through his hair over his scalp. His worried eyes check over his shoulder as the nebulous red sky flashes different shades of crimson. "I was driving outside the eye of this storm, it seems." His left hand grips the hem of his T-shirt as he asks, "It's time to go, isn't it?"
"Yes." I take a deep breath, looking at the hazy atmosphere ahead of us. "Are you ready?"
Yule balls his fists with newfound courage and readiness. Now this is the Yule I know. He nods, his mouth pulled in a straight line. "I am."
     I turn and see that Melody and Soos are now in the room with us as well, Rosanna wailing loudly in her father's arms. Their eyes are filled with worry, though I'm sure that worry is their fear for all of us, and what will happen to us and even them if we don't succeed.
     "You three need to stay here," I tell them, though I reassure them with a small smile.
     "He's right," Ford adds, checking his pockets, making sure he has everything we will need. "This work is far too dangerous for even the likes of us."
     "You'll be careful, won't you," Soos comments, his words sounding less and less like a question as I ponder them.
     "Yeah, yeah," Stan waves them aside and walks himself through the door. He then subtly leans toward me, Yule, and his great niece and nephew and whispers sternly, "I don't care how heroic you guys want to be. If any of you does anything stupid, I swear I will snip your ears off and sell them in the Mystery Shack as coasters for twenty bucks a piece." His comment reminds me of what I said to Mabel and Dipper only a few minutes ago.
     In reply, Mabel gives her grunkle a hug. He squeezes her back, but holds the stern and grim expression on his face.
     The six of us then look at each other, as if in a final question if we are actually going to do this.
     And in a final response, we take off running.

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