Nights of Torture

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     I wake up from my sleep in the dreamscape. My surroundings are all too familiar, but everything seems distorted, just out of reach. This is strange... I know all dreams are, but this one is frighteningly different. There's an ominous, foreboding feeling washing over me. Nothing good will come out of this.
     "Hey-ya, Billy!" an awfully familiar, shrill voice calls out to me. My heart drops in fear. It can't be...
A gloved hands spins me around, and suddenly, I am face to face with the inter-dimensional criminal, a nightmare herself, Pyronica. I draw a sharp intake of breath at the form she's taken. She looks slightly more... human. She still has horns protruding from the sides and top of her head, and that hot pink glow with flames, but her form is more human-like, though she still stands at a height taller than my own. She's mocking me with this form!
     I scowl at her. "Why are you here? Go wreck havoc somewhere else, Pyronica."
     She laughs chaotically, her voice still holding the excitement it always has had. "Oh, Billy, you're no fun anymore! Come back with us. This human form you've taken is absolutely disgusting!"
     She begins to run her hands down my body, starting at my chest. I smack her hands away at once. "Get your hands off of me!"
     She pouts, though I know she isn't really disappointed. "Alright, you asked for it." She turns to the oblivion behind us and shouts, "Okay, everyone, Billy's ready to play!"
     "What?" I can barely get the word out before my henchmaniacs materialize around me, each one taking a horrifyingly human-like form.
"What-what are you all doing here?" I stutter. "How did you know that I'm alive?"
     Teeth immediately begins to laugh hysterically. His human hair covers all of his face expect for his frighteningly wide, toothy grin. "I think he's scared, guys!" The rest of the demons join in the cruel laughter.
     "Cipher, you of all beings know that we can sense the chaos levels of any demon!" Hectorgon exclaims, his skin an unnatural shade of red, and his bushy mustache hiding most of his face. "Hmm... you don't seem to have any more chaos left in you, though. Would you mind explaining to us why that is?"
     "The human members of the zodiac prophecy eliminated it from me. I'm fully human now," I explain carefully.
     "Aww, poor Bill," Amorphous Shape sighs, her eyes changing color every second I look at her.
     "I let them do it."
     I hear a collective gasp from my former friends. Lava Lamp starts to laugh, but his humor dies away as soon as he realizes that I'm not jesting.
     8 Ball wrestles me to the ground. I can't fight- his strength far surpasses mine. His eyes still take the form of billiards spheres, and dark rings surround his eye sockets.
     Keyhole snaps his turquoise fingers, and handcuffs appear around my wrists, which have been forced behind my back. Paci-Fire snaps his own fingers, and the eyes on his face and his chest glow a bright red as my legs are bound together by ropes that materialize from thin air.
     8 Ball gets up from on top of me, and Kryptos steps up above me, looking down at my pitiful state. "What are you wearing on your face?" He reaches down and rips the eyepatch off of me and holds it up for everyone to see. "Hey, look! He's using it to hide the extra ugly part of his disgusting body."
     "Wow!" Pyronica laughs. "Now he's even uglier than Xanthar." Xanthar, faceless, as always, just stands in his place, looking kind of dejected.
"Unhand me, you fools," I growl.
"Relax, Billy!" Pyronica exclaims with a giggle. "It's not like we can physically hurt you or anything in the dreamscape! Oh wait... we can come back tomorrow night, though. And the one after that, and the night after that!" She gasps with delight. "That will drive you insane! We'll just pick at you and tear you down emotionally here until we can convince our quaflier to open the quafly, and then we can kill you physically! Oh, it's going to be so much fun!" she squeals.
I laugh bitterly, though my chest still hurts from the pangs of fear I'm feeling. "As if you could actually successfully persuade a quaflier. I couldn't even do that. And that's saying something!"
"You underestimate our power, Cipher, now that you have none," Hectorgon tells me.
"Besides, wouldn't you want us to open a quafly sooner than later?" Amorphous Shape asks me in full seriousness. "That way, you won't have to experience as many nights of our torture."
"Like you could actually find a way do that," I tell them, almost amused.
"We already found one!" Teeth exclaims! 8 Ball just read your mind!"
"Take it away, Amorphous Shape!" 8 Ball exclaims to his companion.
Amorphous Shape complies and changes form into two very familiar people. "Bill, help us!" the female human cries, Amorphous Shape perfectly imitating her voice, tears streaming down her face, a jagged gash on her cheek. Mabel. Lying next to her is Yule, who's crying as well. His teeth are gritted as he looks down at his torn-up, heavily bleeding midriff.
"They aren't real, they aren't," I mutter trying to convince myself and the demons around me that I'm unaffected by this method of torture. My face grows pale, though, giving my true fright away to my tormentors.
"Stop kidding yourself, Billy," Pyronica sing-songs. "You know that 8 Ball sees the future as well as reading minds."
"I don't believe you!" I cry out in anger, struggling against my bounds. "Anyway, 8 Ball's predictions are stupid, and right, like, only twenty percent of the time!"
"You can't deny the truth, Billy."
"Truth, my foot! I get the picture, Amorphous Shape! You can stop," I try to scowl at the apparitions of Yule and Mabel, but I just can't. They look too real...
Apparition Yule goes into a hacking fit, and blood begins to sputter out of his mouth. Apparition Mabel looks at him in terror, then she reaches her hand out to me, blood trickling out of her own facial wound. "Please!"
I find myself reaching out to her, but we are just out of reach, only millimeters away. "No!"
The apparitions suddenly disappear and Amorphous Shape stands before me, a small smile on her face.
"Nice apparitions, Amorphous Shape!" Teeth gives her a thumbs up.
"Oh, darn, it's almost morning!" Pyronica exclaims sadly. "I hope you enjoyed tonight's torture preview! It wasn't good enough, though. I know we can get more out of you. Let's sleep on it and then we'll come back with something more fun tomorrow night! Does that sound like a deal, Billy?"
"I hate all of you."
"We love you too, Billy!" Pyronica blows me a kiss. "See you tomorrow night! Make sure to fall asleep on time for us, okay? You don't want any extra consequences, do you?"
My henchmaniacs all wave farewell to me as my world of them fades into nothingness.

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