No Going Back

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Today is the day. Tonight, I will meet the mysterious Sil Houette, maybe the most dangerous human I will ever meet. To say the least, I am slightly nervous, but why should I be? I've never had the need to fear a human before. In fact, they all feared me. It would be illogical for me to be shaken up now.
     However, I just can't get what Ford said out of my head. They are extremely dangerous to their victims. You don't have to worry. You're not a victim of theirs. Well, not anymore, to say the least. I was helped by them before.
     Had they been hunting down me for Ford? Or was the original intent of the group to destroy me in the first place? How long have them been around? How have I not heard of them?
I check my watch. 6:45. I'd better leave now if I plan to get there on time.
     I get to Circle Park next to the clocktower at 6:58. There is no sign of another human within my proximity apart from some dog walkers and joggers a little ways away.
     Two minutes later, I am startled by a soft, gentle, and slightly unsettling voice behind me. "Hello. I take it you are Bill Cipher?"
     I jump, startled at her appearing. I turn around and take in her appearance. She has long, jet-black hair that shines in the last light of the day. Her eyes are a chocolate brown that complement the dark tint of her skin. What surprises me most is that she's young. She looks to be in her late teens. She's a bit shorter than me, but that doesn't make me fear her any less, because... she seems kinda... deadly. "Y-you're right on time," I stutter, shifting my feet.
     "An assassin is never early, nor late," she responds calmly. Her reply sends a shiver down my spine.
     "What else would you call someone like me? I work for a group to kill those who are evil to save those who are not," Sil replies, dead serious.
     "And... why are you helping me?" I ask warily.
     "Because you are in terrible danger, Bill Cipher. And that could put other people's lives in danger as well."
     "And would you mind telling me what the threat is?" I urge her on.
     Sil pulls a picture from her pocket, revealing the creatures I never thought I'd see again. "Your comrades," she informs me. "Henchmaniacs, you call them. Clever name, if I do say so myself, but still a deathly dangerous group."
     I feel the blood drain from my face. "They... They're angry?"
     "That would be quite the understatement," she informs me seriously, a frown on her face. In actuality, I've not seen her smile this entire time, but I know she's being even more serious with me at this moment. "You abandoned them, then abandoned chaos and evil itself, then accepted and even enjoyed your fate as a human. You know too much about them than they would like you to if you're against them. Why wouldn't they want to kill you, Bill?"
"Oh." That's the only think I can even think of to say. Oh. There is an ominous peace resting inside of me like a lead block. It's terribly unsettling how calm I feel. I should feel worry, or even panic, but I don't feel a thing. I wonder if this feeling will last for long. How could I have forgotten about my henchmaniacs? "Um..." I begin, wanting to ask more questions about the group. "Why are you so young?"
     "Because when we reach a certain age, we get our minds erased of anything about the Society of the All-Seeing. It's safer for everyone that way. If they don't remember they've killed, the less of a chance they'll be convicted of murder. Plus, work like this can really drive people mad. We don't want this to ruin people's lives. We don't have anyone working with us over the age of thirty. We erase their minds as soon as they age out of the system. We start as young as possible."
     "Start...?" I pause, taking it all in. "How did you get there in the first place?"
     "Either our families have been part of the group, or we were helped by the group ourselves and have decided to return the favor," she replies.
     "And none of this bothers you at all?" I ask, a little stunned by how stoic she is acting.
     "I can't let being bothered get in the way of my job," she responds, almost confused of why I would ask such a thing.
     "How do you know all this about my henchmaniacs, Sil?" I ask her, wringing my hands, the nerves beginning to overtake me.
"We have many ways of finding information, Bill, all of which are closed to your knowledge. It would be much too dangerous for us to disclose that information," Sil informs me, never taking her icy eyes off me. It's kind of making me uncomfortable, the way she's studying me.
"And I can trust you?" I ask, notifying her of my worry.
"Completely," she answers with a curt nod. She sticks her hand inside her pocket, fishing for something. A moment later, she pulls out a necklace. "This is a tracking device," she explains, displaying the piece of jewelry. "A cutter-proof chain with a lock embedded with a Global Positioning System. Wear it," she commands, dropping it into my hands.
"This seems suspicious, Sil," I say warily. "A necklace I can't take off that tracks my every move? How can I be sure you're not trying to kill me?"
"Because I could've done that as soon as I arrived, but I didn't," she explains, a frightening gleam in her eyes. "This is for your safety and for our information. As soon as we eliminate our target, we will eliminate ourselves from you. Do you understand?"
"I do," I reply, securing the device around my neck. There's no going back.

Nobody Forgets Bill CipherWhere stories live. Discover now