My Choice

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"No, no, oh my stars, no..." My voice cracks as Yule whimpers below me, his arm barely supporting him up on the ground. His other hand is covered with the blood gushing from his torn-up midriff. He gasps and goes into a coughing fit, his face contorted in pain as blood begins to dribble down his chin. My heart twists with worry as I check behind us for any more immediate danger.
When I turn back around, I see that Mabel has rushed to Yule's aid, dropped to the ground beside him. "Yule! Oh gosh, oh my gosh..." She props him against herself so he doesn't have to struggle to keep upright anymore.
I fall to my knees knees beside him as well, but before I can touch him, his voice again floods my ears. "Bill, stop!" What in the galaxies? Yule before me isn't speaking to me. In fact, I'm afraid that he isn't capable of speaking at all!
"That isn't us!" Mabel also cries out, though Mabel, too, in front of me, is not talking to me. "Don't touch them!"
I look up and see about ten feet in front of me Yule and Mabel, with worry-stricken faces. Mabel is gripping Yule's shoulder. "Please don't touch them," Yule says this time, quieter.
"It's Amorphous Shape," Mabel tells me with wide eyes. She herself still has that gash on her cheek, but Yule next to her is perfectly fine.
Oh, no...
I didn't see the Mabel below me run to Yule. For all I know, they are Amorphous Shape. In my dreamscape, Amorphous Shape was able to form multiple people while each person she formed was touching in some way. She did so by morphing into a strip of ground as well as the people standing on it. But she isn't ground now. The real Mabel and Yule will be able to stop touching each other.
     "Mabel!" I stand and call out to the Mabel who grips the healthy Yule. "Let go of Yule's shoulder!"
     Her eyes sparkle with confusion. "What?" Her gaze shifts to the Mabel and Yule below me. "Get away from them!" She takes a step toward me, yet changes her grip on Yule to grabbing the sleeve of his shirt, her knuckles going white. "Please! I don't want you to get hurt!"
     "Bill!" I look down in front of me to see Mabel, her eyes filled with tears. "Please help us! She takes both of her hands to grab mine, and I can see that no other part of her is touching Yule below me now.
     I look up once more now as to what I know are the fake Yule and Mabel. Now I can even tell that that Yule's eyes are shifting between green and brown. Apparition Mabel grins wickedly and the two turn back into the human form of the ever-changing Amorphous Shape. "I'm impressed!" she bounces with giggles. "I didn't think you'd be able to figure it out! Oh, well. I suppose we're just going to have to find another way to kill you... Ow!"
     Mac has zapped Amorphous Shape with a sort of demon taser. I'm quite impressed with the technology the Society has come to this fight with. It only does enough to stun her, but it's enough safety for me to be able to kneel again and do whatever I can to save my best friend.
     The only issue is, I have no idea how.
     My heart drops when I see Yule paler than he just was, agony wrinkling every inch of his face. He shakes and begins to cry, though I can see the terrible hurt it's causing him to do so.
     "Hey, it's alright, Yule. Yule." I do my best to keep my voice from shaking. He cannot see how afraid I really am. "C'mon, keep your eyes open. You're going to be all right. We're going to fix you up in just a minute okay?" I smile until I have to heave a sob.
     Concern now enters the many pains of Yule. He opens his eyes, and tears seep out of them. He begins to cough violently again, more blood escaping his lips, to my horror. As soon as the fit passes, he looks at me, his agony more evident than ever. "Stop lying to me..." he rasps pitifully, his tone of voice breaking my heart. His bottom lip quivers and his hand spasms as he desperately tries to staunch his bleeding with it.
     My face falls as I feel my entire body shake with unspeakable emotion. "I'm so sorry," I whisper, breaking down. "I'm so sorry..." His previously quick breathing slows and pure fear is all that keeps me going right now. "Breath, breath," I plead with utter desperation.
Yule does his best to obey, but struggles greatly even drawing in a breath. Mabel has held it together well up until this point, but as soon as I pull Yule's bloody hand away from his abdomen to check the damage, she gasps and groans in fright.
I have witnessed enough terrors in my life to come to the horrid realization that there's no way Yule can come close to surviving this injury. His intestines must be torn to shreds, and possibly part of his stomach, too, seeing that he's coughing up so much blood. I can't imagine the pain he must be going through at this moment.
I'm hearing Dipper and Pacifica frantically yelling in response to our situation from a ways away, but I know, amidst the chaos, that they are aware they cannot stop what they're doing at the moment. And it must be killing them.
My full attention is drawn back to my best friend when he moans and tries to say something.
"What?" I ask, my voice laced with panic, leaning closer to him, trying to make out what he wants to say.
He seizes up and cries out, and I feel like crying out, too. He regains composure and looks at me with fearful eyes. "You-" he gasps, "-did not-" another whimper and shiver, "-do this to me."
My eye involuntarily wells up with tears as I realize what he's saying. "No, no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Yule, it's all my f-"
"It's not!" he exclaims this so forcefully that it sends him into another bout of coughing. "It was-" he quivers, "-my choice."
     "I know," my voice softens, giving him the reply he wants to hear... and the reply I want to give him. "You did it for me and everyone else. I know you were scared, but I am so proud of you. I won't let your selflessness go to waste, Yule. This will only last a little longer. I can end all of this, thanks to you." I look at him with all the seriousness I have in my being. "I need you to stay alive until then, you hear me?"
     He looks back at me and I see the corners of his mouth quiver, then turn up. He's trying to smile for me. I will admire his bravery for the rest of my days. I feel overwhelming joy and crushing despair all at once, and I have no idea how to handle it.
     "I'll try," he makes out, slumping further against Mabel. He hangs his head and tenses under the weight of another wave of pain, a pool of blood around him, staining his tattered clothes.
     I stand up and decide that this will not be my last image of Yule. We only need to hold these dream demons off for a little while longer. I'm ready to finish this, once and for all.
     It's showtime.

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