Karaoke Kraze

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     While munching on a cupcake this time, I listen to the rest of the stories of last night. Each one is slightly different, but with each one, I come to the same conclusion: Man, my henchmaniacs are jerks.
     I have no doubt in my mind that when they find a way to Gravity Falls, my friends are no safer than I am. Yet, I wish that weren't true, because I should be the one keeping them safe. But I'm not...
     Mabel must notice the forlorn look on my face, because she says, "Okay, I think that's enough for today."
     Dipper's head snaps up. "What?" he protests. "There's still so much more to discuss! We're less prepared than we should be for anyth-"
     Mabel holds her hand up to cut him off. "I said, that's enough for today." That shuts him up. Even he won't bother to continue arguing over the situation once she insists.
     I catch her eye and smile in silent thanks. She gets the message and nods, grinning back. People begin to excuse themselves from the table and go off to their own devices.
     Pacifica pulls me, Mabel, Dipper, and Yule aside. "Hey," she says, "let's do something together. We haven't got the chance to do anything fun since, like, when we threw that party! C'mon, it can be just the five of us, just like how we wanted this summer to be."
     "That's a great idea," Yule remarks, then laughs, "but I feel like I'd be awfully third wheeling."
     "Fifth wheeling," Mabel corrects with a laugh of her own.
     "No way!" I counter, elbowing Yule gently. "The three of us hang out at school, anyway. What're two more?"
     "Great," Dipper says sarcastically, "so now my sister and I are being labeled as the ones who make your guys's situations romantically awkward?"
I snap my fingers. "Precisely." Everyone giggles in response. "So," I look back at Pacifica, "where were you thinking of going?"
     We all think for a moment. Dipper soon speaks up. "How about Karaoke Kraze? I haven't been there in, like, forever."
     "Who's paying?" I ask warily with a smirk.
     "Every man for himself?" Yule asks. "I mean," he nods over to me and Dipper, "I'm sure you two would love to be the gentlemen here and cover everything, but I sincerely doubt that's a wise option on your Yumberjacks income." He looks my way and snickers.
     I nod in complete agreement. "I swear I need to quit that job." Soon after that, we're out for a walk downtown.
Karaoke Kraze is this run-down restaurant in the lesser populated area of Gravity Falls. I've been there with Yule, Pacifica, and a few other acquaintances from school once before. It's a place to make a complete fool of yourself and your friends, all at a pretty decent price. The food's a heck of a lot better that anything I can fit into my mouth at Yumberjacks, so I call the place a win.
We're greeted at the door of the place and told that it's musical theatre night. Of course, I don't mind whatever genre (I'm pretty well-rounded in most areas of human music, however accustomed I have been to the music in my own dimension or the other places I've traveled in my lifetime).
We are ushered to a table, and we can see that it's a pretty slow night, which is fine with us. A stage lines the side of the restaurant, visible from all the tables. A karaoke soundtrack machine complete with a screen behind the stage for lyrics stands next to the stage for song selection.
After the five of us order our food, and Mabel starts us off by pulling her jokingly reluctant brother onto the stage with her. They spit out a great rendition of "What Is This Feeling?, and I can't help but laugh because Dipper knows every word to Elphaba's part.
Yule tells me that we should do something next, and we decide on "Two Player Game". Yule takes charge with Michael's part, and, for no practice, I think we do pretty well with the upbeat 8-bit song, even adding our own ridiculous synchronized choreography.
After we finish, Mabel tells me that there was a much better fit in parts for me from that musical. She and Dipper back me up in "Pitiful Children", and I have to agree with her. The SQUIP is by far the role for me.
Next, Pacifica wants a go, and drags Mabel and Yule up with her to sing "Candy Store", with Pacifica leading with Heather C.'s part. I nearly die laughing when Pacifica does full-out with the song, but Mabel and Yule blush while singing some of the bit crass lyrics.
Dipper, Yule, and I go next for "Sincerely, Me," which Yule insisted was the perfect fit for us, totally unlike how Pacifica pulled him up for that last song. Yule turns out to be right. With me and him pulling up the leads with Connor and Evan, Dipper also fits perfect as Jared. Yule even knows the choreography by heart and urges us to follow his lead with it.
Mabel and Pacifica follow up with a more classic song, and pull off "Sisters". The only bad part about that is, Dipper and I were forced to do the lip sync part while the two of them were singing offstage.
     We finish off the night with the four of them putting on "Schuyler Sisters" together. Again, hilariously, Yule gets stuck with a female part. The best part about that is that he pulls it off pretty well. Dipper backs up the "girls" as Burr, Pacifica leads as Angelica, Mabel by her side with Eliza, and, of course, Yule following up as Peggy.
     As soon as they finish, I yell up at them, "If Mabel is Eliza, does that mean I get to be Hamilton?"
     I'm answered with a chorus of, "Shut up, Bill."
     Dipper also smirks and says, "Well, sure, but if we're following the play's storyline, that means you're also checking out Angelica, and also Peggy's double cast as Moriah." He nods toward Pacifica and Yule each in turn.
     That comment doesn't fail to make the three of us blush. "You're the worst!" I counter.
     The five of us eat and have lighthearted conversation for the rest of the evening. As the four of them continue to chat, I start to daydream in peaceful felicity.
     How in the universe did such an awful being like me get so lucky to have these wonderful people as my friends?

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