Some Sunny Day

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The school year has just finished. Today is June 12, 2016, my one year anniversary from the day I arrived in Gravity Falls as a human. One year... yet it doesn't seem that long ago. Tomorrow, Mabel and Dipper will arrive, and hopefully with Stanley and Stanford as well. It's been months since I've seen them all in person, and I couldn't be more excited!
Something funny's going on, though... Soos and Melody keep putting off dinner, and they're looking a little impatient for something. They keep throwing quick glances at the front door. There's definitely something they're not telling me.
They must catch me looking as the door as well, because they immediately try to cover up whatever they're hiding. "Oh! Bill!" Melody tries to catch my attention hastily. She walks up to me and places the baby in my arms. Rosanna looks up at me, a toothless smile forming on her face. "Can you watch Rosanna for a moment? Soos and I are... uh..." she tries to make a subtle wave at her husband, beckoning him to cut in.
"Uh..." he says dumbly, not catching the obvious hints that even I am catching on to. "Oh!" he says at last in realization. "Right! We're... um... expecting the postman!"
"Oh yeah?" I ask, having my share of fun playing stupid. "What's in the package?"
"A pillow!" Melody shouts hurriedly.
"A puppy!" Soos exclaims at the same time.
They shoot identical glances at one another, hints of annoyance tracing their faces. "A puppy, really?" Melody hisses, hardly moving her lips.
"Work with me here!" Soos whispers back, equally loud.
"Okay, spill it," I finally tell them, trying to contain my laughter. "What's up? It's obvious that you're expecting someone that you don't want me to know about. Come on, who is it?"
     Immediately, we hear a knock at the door. "Hm, I wonder who that could be." Melody says innocently. "Come in!"
The door opens to reveal- everyone! They're a day early! But it's not just Mabel, Dipper, Stanley, and Ford. Gideon, Wendy, Pacifica, and Yule are all here as well! "Happy birthday, Bill!" they cheer in unison, Mabel shouting the loudest.
"What's all this?" I ask, dumbfounded.
"It's the surprise!" She looks at me, her eyes shining with excitement.
"But I don't even have a birthday!"
"Well, you have one now! It's been one year since you came here, so why not have a day to celebrate you?" She reaches into her overstuffed shoulder bag, pulls out a half crumpled party hat, and straps it onto my head. "So does this make you... seventeen years old, well, at least technically?"
     "Technically, one trillion and seventeen years old, but nice try."
     She suddenly notices the bundle in my arms and gasps with delight. Oh, that's right. The Pineses haven't met Rosanna yet. Soos invites everyone in as Mabel coos over the baby, Dipper looking over her shoulder. "She's so cute!" Mabel squeals softly. "Oh, Soos, can I hold her, please?"
"Of course!" Soos exclaims with a wide smile.
I carefully pass Rosanna over to Mabel, who cradles the baby gently. "Hi," she greets the infant softly. She then looks at me and says, "She's really pretty, isn't she?"
"Compared to most other small humans I've seen, yes, she's definitely a step up," I answer truthfully, making Mabel giggle and Dipper roll his eyes.
     The older twins then approach me. "Hey, son," Stan greets me with a smirk on his face.
     "I though I told you not to call me that."
"Oh, my old man brain is very forgetful," Stan responds with a sly grin.
"You're the worst, Stan."
"I try." It's hard not to laugh at his witty remarks. Ford, on the other hand, does not look in the mood for fun and games.
"We have much to talk about later, Bill," he murmurs to me. I nod in agreement. I then turn to greet my other party guests.
     "Happy birthday!" Gideon exclaims in his thick accent. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"
     "Yeah. Sorry about that. It's really nice to see all of you!"
     "I brought a cake," Pacifica says, holding out a fancy double decker chocolate dessert.
     "Homemade?" I ask, skeptical.
     "Please, I'd pay not to make a cake, which I actually did. You really expected otherwise from me?" She tells me matter-of-factly.
     "Of course not," I answer the truth.
     "So you really didn't have a clue about the party?" Wendy asks, looking pretty pleased with herself.
     "Well, almost no clue," I begin. "Soos and Melody were getting a little suspicious in the moments leading up to it, though."
     "We were?" Soos asks, stunned that I saw through their awful covering up.
      Mabel passes the baby off to Melody and approaches me again. "I missed you!" she exclaims, throwing her arms around me and squeezing me tight.
"I missed you, too," I answer her, turning her face towards me and kissing her.
She pulls away after a few moments and tells me, beaming, "We also brought presents!"
"Yeah!" another voice exclaims from the doorway. Yule stands there, a wrapped box in his hands.
"Yule!" I yell, and we both go in for a fist bump. A couple others in the room look at each other awkwardly. Oh! Wendy and Gideon haven't met Yule yet! "Guys, this is Yule," I introduce him. "He's my best friend; we go to the same school. And don't worry- he knows everything." The slight tension in the room disappears.
"Hey, man!" Wendy gives him a high five. Gideon just grins and waves awkwardly. He's still about a foot shorter than Yule and me, not to mention only almost fourteen years old.
     Yule leans toward me and asks in a hushed voice, "Why does that kid have white hair?" I shrug with a lack of a better answer.
     "We have a few more things to get ready for the party," Dipper tells me. "I hope you don't mind waiting a few more minutes."
     "Not at all," I reply, then smile at Mabel, holding out my hand to her. "Will you do me the honor of taking a short stroll with me?"
     Mabel giggles and blushes, taking my hand. "Why, of course!"
     "You'd better be back in five minutes!" Dipper shouts after us as we leave the Mystery Shack.
As Mabel and I walk hand in hand down the path away from the gift shop, I tell her, "I'm glad you all are back. Especially you. I love Yule and Pacifica, but it just hasn't been the same without the rest of you."
"Yeah," Mabel sighs. "It's going to be a great summer. Hopefully we can get things all worked out with you and that new Society quickly."
"I'd rather not think about that at the moment," I answer.
We walk together in silence for another minute until Mabel speaks up again. "Sing our song, Bill."
"Our song? It's not our song," I try to explain to her. "It was written years ago by-"
"No, no," Mabel cuts me off matter-of-factly. "It's our song. Just sing it. Please?" She looks at me with a gleam in her eyes I can't refuse.
"We'll meet again," I grab her by the waist and lead her in a fast-paced ballroom waltz. "Don't know where," I spin her, "don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day."
     "Keep smiling through," Mabel then picks up the melody, "just like you always do."
     "'Till the blue skies chase the dark clouds far away." I lead her in a ballroom whisk and she follows the step perfectly. Her dancing has improved since I last practiced with her. "So will you please say hello to the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long."
     "They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song."
     "We'll meet again," we sing together in a soft harmony. "Don't know where, don't know when." I spin her one last time as we finish our waltz. "But I know we'll meet again some sunny day."

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