The Complexity of Demons

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The inter-dimensional portal starts blowing more sparks again. I estimate that we have ten to fifteen minutes tops before it closes, taking all my henchmaniacs with it.
Nearby, a kid who looks like he's in middle school with dirty blond hair is up against Teeth. He also seems to be equipped with one of those fancy demon tasers. However, he's mostly evading and taunting Teeth by dodging him and doing handsprings and backflips around him.
I'm going to take Teeth's power. He's my easiest target right now. I have a plan. But I'm going to need some help. Only problem is, I need someone to help carry it out with me.
Mabel and Yule are certainly out of the question. I've pushed my worry for him out of my mind for now- I can't have that distracting me when the most important thing right now is ensuring that no one else gets hurt. Anyway, the two of them are pretty out in the open, because Mabel can't move Yule in his condition right now, but Ford, Stan and Sil are protecting them right now, and I have trust that those two will do that job well.
Pacifica and Dipper have finally gotten their chance to stagger over to where Yule and Mabel are. Pacifica falls next to them and gives a short outcry of shock at the sight of her horribly injured friend. She takes his hand in hers, however messy it is, I know she doesn't care. She's been friends with Yule for just as long as I have. We're a trio. If we lose Yule, I realize that it won't only kill me, but so many others around me, especially Pacifica. She murmurs something to him tearfully, though I can't make out her words from my distance.
As soon as she's done, Mabel whispers something to Pacifica and motions to her brother, who looks really unwell and out of it. Pacifica gives a forlorn look at Yule, then at me, but turns back to Mabel and nods. She takes Dipper's hand and runs away from the fight, quickly dragging her protesting boyfriend away with her. I see. Dipper can't fight anymore, so Pacifica's taking him away from here so he doesn't hurt himself more.
I should feel bad that Dipper is hurt, but I don't, because he and Pacifica have to leave because of it. They will be much safer away from here. I won't ever tell them of this relief, though.
Dan, Omi, and Mac are busy battling other henchmaniacs, as are that black kid and the dirty blond kid. So who can I get to help me...
Bingo! I see Terri backing up everyone, as she's stealthily putting blows on any demon she can. I run close to where she is and pull her aside behind a tree. Surprised, she growls and slugs me in the stomach. Hard.
"Oww..." I fall to my knees with a groan. "Why did you do that?" I ask, pushing myself to my feet.
"Instinct," she shrugs, but she looks like she's itching to go back out there and keep fighting. "Thought you were one of those henchmorons."
"Look," I reach out to take her shoulders, but for fear of another punch, I decide against it. "I need your cooperation. You see Tell up there?" I point to the hill on the other side of the clearing at the tree which Tell is hiding behind, giving commands through the communication system.
Terri nods. "She's the only one with a system that can speak to all or some of us at the same time. The rest of ours can speak to one person at a time."
Perfect. "I need you to use your system and call Tell for me. Tell her to tell everyone that I'm going to steal demonic power from Teeth with these." I show her a handful of the flowers.
Terri's eyes widen excitedly. "We saw you use those against the pink one!"
"Yes. I did. But this time is going to be a little different." I crouch down to her height and whisper to ensure that none of my henchmaniacs can eavesdrop.
As soon as I finish, I stand back up and ask her, "Can you remember all that?"
She looks up at me and grins, her eyes narrowing like a fox's. "You bet'cha."
"Tell her now," I instruct. "Make sure she tells everyone by the time I touch Teeth."
"Mm-hm!" Terri replies, immediately pressing a few buttons on her communication earpiece and mic. "Tell, listen up and report this message immediately to everybody and have those guys relay this information to anyone without a COM."
     She rapidly repeats my instructions in about ten seconds. I have confidence everybody should know them, even those without COMs, in about twenty-five seconds. It's time to go.
I race out of my cover of the trees and make a beeline for the back of my scarily humanized henchmaniac Teeth. The kid who's fighting him notices me, but keeps up his spiel, distracting the demon, as I'm sure he's heard the COM message at this point.
     At the last second, I intake four of the energizing flowers, nearly emptying my pouch of its contents. I swallow and jump forward.
     I grab my smiling henchmaniac by his shoulders, emitting a yelp of surprise from him. Before he can pull away or hit me with some sort of demonic blast, I intake as much power from him into my own body as I can without feeling woozy or a bad throbbing throughout me, as I felt the last time I tried to take in too much.
     Temporarily stolen of energy, my henchmaniac trips to the side. I myself shoot upwards.
     As I take in the scene below and feel demonic power surging through me, I realize I haven't felt this good since everyone ridded of my chaos. That is, before that same chaos began to destroy me.
     I make sure as quickly as I can that everyone has received my information. Thankfully, as they keep evading the dream demons, I can see that everyone is keeping low with their hands over their ears, even Yule, who seems to be struggling greatly. I'll get this over with fast so he won't have to endure any more of this.
     I can't quite explain what I'm doing now, as human minds can't really understand the complexity of demons and the outside universes. I have so many words that will never be able to be translated into any human-spoken language. But I will do the best I can.
     To put it simply, I scream. Though it's at a special frequency a human can't hear or comprehend, one's eardrums might burst if the proper precautions aren't taken.
     My henchmaniacs have no idea what's coming until it's done. Yes, they certainly have the capacity to do this too, but it took me millennia to perfect this, and with demonic power to give me the capability to do so, I can carry this out now. These dream demons think nothing of strategy. They walk into situations blindly, only looking for a good time.
     This frequency I'm able to produce weakens the senses of dream-specialty essences, of which my henchmaniacs are. However, as I've covered my own ears, and I'm human, it won't affect myself in this way.
     I watch a few of them scream and shriek, falling to their knees. Others fume with anger, though they cannot do anything about it. I wonder if after this, they may learn defense techniques, though I will never have to worry about that.
     I've wasted enough time and distracted these wretched beings long enough. The portal is sparking like crazy. It's a good thing too. The energy inside me is diminishing. I fall to the ground, more gracefully than last time, though.
     Ever so slightly, I see my confused henchmaniacs being dragged back inside their quafly. Within ten seconds of shouting and thunderous zaps, the only thing left behind is the wave of devastation those demons caused.
     I take a sharp intake of breath. It's really finished. Those beings will never be able to return. I'm alive. We did it.
     It's over.

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