Even Human Anymore

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"That's her," I point out, and we all stand and make our way downstairs to greet Merrily.
I am the one who opens the door for her while Yule is hovering nervously behind our group.
Merrily smiles when she sees me. She's wearing a pretty sundress with polka dots that floats about her in the cool summer breeze, her hair blowing about in a high, long ponytail.
"I'm glad you could come," I state with a welcoming tone, shutting the door behind her as she comes in.
"Thanks for having me," she replies, adjusting the purse strap on her shoulder. "Why did you want me over earl-"
She stops, and her gaze fills with confusion and fright. After a moment of silence, she screams.
The adults in the house rush to see what the matter is, but soon realize what Merrily sees.
Yule glides past us, stopping in front of Merrily. She's visibly shaking. "Do you- do you guys-" she stammers, her eyes welling with shock.
"Yes," I put my hand on her shoulder. "We can see him, too. Not everyone can, though."
She continues to stare at Yule. "Yule... But you're... dead."
Yule takes a look down at his body, then looks back up at Merrily. "As far as I know, yes."
"But how?"
"I died with too many wants and regrets," he smiles sadly. "But I'm glad to be here now."
Tears form in Merrily's eyes. "Oh my gosh..." She clasps her hands tightly together. "You're here. I'm... I'm happy that you are."
Yule smiles until a realization hits him. "Hey, Merrily..." he says to her, not quite meeting her eyes. "Bill told me what you said to him at the funeral."
"He what?" Merrily says, though there's a hint of playfulness in her voice. She kicks me in the back of my calf.
"Ow!" I exclaim, even though it didn't really hurt. "What was that for?" She holds up a finger to keep me from speaking.
"Um, well..." Yule mutters, looking anywhere but at Merrily. "You know, I meant to tell you, you know, sooner or later, but, uh, I didn't really know, if, if..."
"If I liked you back?" she asks, a small smirk on her face.
Yule's face again turns that dark hue of gray. "Yeah." He then laughs softly. "You never realize how much time you have left until it's gone."
Merrily's face darkens with sadness. "I know. I'm sorry." She sighs and then smiles a bit. "My gosh," she giggles quietly, "I cant believe I'm in love with a ghost."
Yule laughs, too, his voice now ringing with delight, but also a hint of yearning. "That is weird, isn't it?" His voice drops to a murmur as he leans close to her so only she can hear, but I catch what he says, too. "I'm sorry we can't be more than this, however much I want to be. I hope you can forgive me."
     She blinks at him in surprise, her voice full volumes as she responds, "Of course I do! I'm sorry, too, but... it had to be this way, right?"
     Mabel nods. "Nobody can know for sure, but if it weren't for Yule, Bill would definitely be dead, as could  others because of that, ourselves included." She takes my hand and our fingers intertwine. "Thank you, Yule." She smiles kindly at him, her eyes shining as she does so. "I don't think I ever remembered to tell you."
Yule's facial expression fills with so many emotions, I can practically feel his heart swelling with pride (or whatever ghosts have in place of a heart). He runs his hand through his hair, looking embarrassed. "Oh, it's really not all-"
     "No!" I jump in with a scowl so that Yule gets the message. "It is all that. For once in you life- or, I don't know, not-life- it's okay to take pride in something. You've been selfless for long enough! For once, just once," I look at him and point at him so my finger hovers right over his sternum, "isn't there anything we can do for you?"
     Surprised, he looks at me agape. He looks around at each of us in turn. His face suddenly turns, crumples in grief. I would never expect what he's to say next. He grits his teeth, trying to keep himself from shaking. "I've been- I've been wondering... am I even human anymore?" He looks at us with so much desperation.
     The room is suddenly filled with such an uncomfortable silence that no one can stop.
     I try my hardest to smile at him. "You have a soul, don't you? Your soul is the most caring, kind, forgiving, and courageous I've ever seen. If that's not human enough for you, I don't think any of the rest of us even come close to hitting the standard."
     "Hey!" Mabel says playfully, lightening the mood.
     "All right, all right," I laugh, "you come pretty close, too." When the rest of the group let's out relieved laughter, Yule included, I feel the tension lessen.
     "Actually," Yule cuts into our laughter as it fades, "there is something I'd like to ask of all of you."
     "Of course!" Merrily nods eagerly. "Anything."
     He gives us a pained smile. "Don't let me fade. Let me always remember my regrets. Never let me forget the reasons why I want to be here. Because..." His smile becomes really genuine. "As long as you guys can see me, I want to stay here with you. You all showed me how great life really could be. I don't want that to end for me." He laughs softly, looking down at the floor. "That's a really selfish thing of me to say, I know."
     A chorus of 'no's and 'not at all's follow his statement. As I look around at each of my friends and listen to their responses, I know deep in my heart that these are not just the courteous things to say, but the truthful ones. They mean these things with all their souls.
     "Selfish is the last thing you could ever be," I assure him, and by the look on his face in response, I know he really believes that I mean it.

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