Storm of Peril

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The scene when we arrive is not pretty. Everything is a disaster already. My henchmaniacs managed to land their quafly right outside of the suburban area of Gravity Falls. They've still left part of the town in shambles from their arrival. Countless trees have become stumps around the edges of the inter dimensional tear. I don't see many people other than us and the Society of the All-Seeing. The few people I do see are running as far away from the scene as possible.
I recognize Dan's house in the row of houses about a couple hundred feet away from the scene. I'm reminded of his precious family and hope that they've found a safe place to stay that is far away from here. I can't help but wonder how the children are taking it? Are they even aware of what is happening? I also wonder how Dan must be feeling. I'm sure he must be worried not only about his family, but for his own well-being. If he were to perish tonight, and he left his family behind... I have similar fears for myself and my friends tonight. Hopefully, everyone else has found shelter.
The six of us stand at a distance for a moment, watching the scene of chaos in front of us, but we are soon accompanied by another.
"Hey! Everyone, wait!" a familiar, shrill voice calls out from behind us.
Dipper is the first to turn and see who it is. I watch his eyes fill with concern as he replies, "Pacifica?"
Pacifica Northwest runs up the small hill where we stand, her hair pulled up into a quick ponytail, very disheveled. She looks a little different without any makeup on, though she somehow still manages to look pretty. She glares at her boyfriend, then at the rest of us. "I can't believe you almost left me behind!"
"I'm sorry!" Dipper yells back, trying to be heard over the excessive background noise. "I wasn't thinking-"
"Obviously not!" Pacifica places her hands on her hips. I myself had completely forgotten about our friend here, but I know she won't believe me even if I confess that.
     "Sorry about that, Pacifica!" Yule calls out with a smile. "These guys were totally gonna leave me behind too if I hadn't called them first!"
"What losers!" Pacifica exclaims jokingly with a smirk of her own. She nudges Dipper. "There's no way I'm going back home."
Dipper sighs, though he too has the corners of his mouth pulled up into a slight smile. "I thought not."
     We're brought back to reality by chaotic laughs and angry screams coming from ahead of us. For the first time out of my dreams, I see my henchmaniacs in their grotesque, human-like forms.
Yule sucks in a sharp breath. "They're all here..."
     I can see the rift from where we stand. From my knowledge, they can stay open for about an hour. As soon as this quafly closes, my henchmaniacs will be whisked back to whatever dimension they came from. After that, they will never return- quafliers don't make deals with the same people twice. I've told my companions all of this information already.
     We have less than an hour. In that time, my henchmaniacs will aspire to hurt me in whatever way possible, including hurting my friends, and killing me in the end. Unfortunately for them, I will not let them kill me, for that would hurt my friends in itself. No, not at all. I will live and keep all those next to me alive as well.
     I look at my companions and say, "It's time to go. Whatever you do, don't hesitate, and don't worry." I rest my hand on Yule's shoulder and smile. I take my other hand and grip Mabel's own hand. "We know just what to do."
In a turn of events, Mabel doesn't smile back at me. Instead, she grasps my wrist with urgency and looks me dead in the eye. "Promise me you won't get yourself hurt. You don't have to be a hero, Bill." Her lip quivers ever so slightly.
     I gently smile at her. "That's right. I don't need to be a hero because you're my heroes. I apologize again for everything I've done that's led up to this." I laugh softly, remembering happy moments I've shared with all of these amazing people. "You all have come to my rescue, and I thank you for that."
     "It's not just one way, you know," Mabel replies with a comforted sigh. There's now a small, reassured grin on her face.
"Don't be ridiculous," Dipper adds in to the conversation, though I can tell he's intently watching the scene below us. "We're not heroes. We're friends. It's just what friends do."
"Quit the chatter," Stanford scowls as he watches the scene unfold next to his nephew. "This is extremely serious." He pulls out the pouch of the energy transfer flowers and hands it to me.
     His eyes look threatening as he stares and tells me, "Remember: only take up to four at a time, five if you must, and no more. It takes only a minute for the effects of each one to wear off."
     I take the pouch out of his outstretched hands and tie it onto my belt loop. "I understand." I hear a tree crack and splinter near the newly opened portal, falling with a crash to the ground below, reminding me that we will by no means be safe down there.
     "We can't hide up here for much longer," I tell the people beside me. They nod with bravery and determination. I almost think I would feel better if they looked more afraid, for the braver they are, the more determined they feel, the more reckless they will act...
     "Enough stalling," says Ford, his gaze now fully focused on what we are about to cross paths with. "Let's go- for real this time."
     The seven of us take off running down the hill into the storm of peril that awaits us.

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