All This Chaos

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     We all are startled awake by fierce pounding on the door of the Mystery Shack in the middle of the night. Dipper and I shoot up out of bed simultaneously in sudden surprise. I hear Mabel also stirring from her side of the room behind the curtain that divides the attic.
     "What the heck was that?" I hiss to Dipper next to me, who looks equally concerned.
     "It's only someone at the door," he tries to assure us, though he still looks shaken. "Nothing weird about that, right?" He does not look certain himself.
     "At nope-thirty in the morning?" I whisper back, throwing on some more clothes hurriedly. "I don't think so."
     Mabel, who has also pulled something on, pushes aside her curtain and yawns. "Do you think it could be those All-Seeing people?"
     "They would have called if there was something important, wouldn't they?" I ask, pointing to my phone on the dresser.
     Dipper throws on his vest and opens the door to the downstairs. "Well, there's only one way to find out."
However, before we even make it down the flight of stairs, a blinding flash of red light shines through all the windows from outside. The sudden light leaves red spots dancing in front of my eyes and an eerie red haze outside. The astonishing burst is followed by shouts from outside the door. The three of us make incomprehensible noises of confusion, our voices masked by the sounds outside. Our outcries are interrupted by something even worse.
     A sudden quake violently shakes the house for a moment, leaving me and Mabel gripping the rail, fighting to keep ourselves steady, but sending Dipper flying into the stairwell wall, jolting the back of his head in the process. He staggers, then slumps to the bottom of the stair he's on and gingerly brings his hands to his head. He grits his teeth in pain. "Oww..."
     Mabel rushes to his side the best she can with the house still quivering slightly. She lifts his chin, trying to get a better look at his face, which is contorted in pain. "Are you okay?" She takes his hands in hers and checks the back of his head.
     "I'm fine..." Dipper says, though he hisses in discomfort when Mabel touches the spot where he hit his head.
     "Mabel, I'll check him out for a second. You go hurry and get the door, okay?" I ask of her, kneeling myself next to her brother. Mabel casts an unsure look at the both of us, but complies, carefully making her way down the rest of the staircase.
     I carefully turn Dipper's head so that the back of it is facing me. I brush aside his hair to look for any lumps, but instead I find the scar from the nasty gash he received last summer. Otherwise, I don't see anything unusual.
"Last summer you fractured your skull and got a gash and a concussion. The first two have healed well, but it's probable you've given yourself another concussion," I explain to him, standing up, balancing myself against the opposite wall with my hand. "It's especially likely because you've hit your head badly in the same place before."
Dipper groans, though I think he's more frustrated than pained. "Why me? Not now..." He takes a deep breath, shakily standing himself up. "I'll rest later. Right now, something bad is going on." He's certainly made quite the understatement. I can feel that we are about to experience something more than 'bad'.
At this point in time, Soos and Melody have rushed to the main room with Rosanna, who's crying loudly. Melody bounces the baby gently in her arms, but there's too much commotion for any of us to calm down, let alone a baby.
They've been followed by Stan and Ford, who are making quite a lot of chatter right now. Ford makes a remark to his brother, then runs to another room. I assume he's going to the basement to get some things from his lab, that is, if this is really what I think it is.
This must be a quafly opening. From what I know about these things, these temporary tears in between dimensions are always accompanied with flashes of light and land tremors. And if this is a quafly, I know just who will be coming through it.
Mabel opens the door, and we are met with the Society of the All-Seeing. They stand in the doorway, ferociousness in their gazes. I can now see why Sil described themselves as assassins. They now truly look like killers.
     Dan's coat looks bulkier than usual. He must be carrying many more vials of enhancers and potions. His face is flushed a frightening shade of gray. His hair this early morning is the color of lilacs, but his eyes are a fierce, fiery yellow.
     Terri is in a full combat-ready outfit. Her lace-up boots are halfway up her calves and she is sporting a camouflage headband that is holding back her hair. Perhaps it wouldn't look so ridiculous on her if she wasn't nine years old. She wears her usual scowl, her eyes are flashing, battle ready, and her balled fists are shaking with angry emotion. I can't help but wonder what's driving her. Whatever it is, out of any of us, she looks to be the most prepared for a fight. And a fight is something that I'm sure we're about to be involved in.
     Behind them, I can see Mac and Omi, clad in flexible clothing, accompanied by three others, who I assume are also part of the Society of the All-Seeing, already sprinting towards whatever is causing all this chaos. The sky is the same hazy red color that flashed through the windows just minutes ago. I can hear sounds of crashing and shouting in the distance. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what's happening.
     Sil, standing in the center of the doorway, looks at us darkly, her narrow eyes glinting.
"It's time."

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