Gripped With Horror

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     I start off the battle by downing four of the flowers from my pouch and fastening the bag back onto my belt, all while running down a hill. Adrenaline pumps through me, and I feel as if I could do anything.
I take in the scene in a split second, considering my first move. The Society members are all in combat- wait. All but one. About two hundred feet across from me, up another hill and hiding behind a tree, is young girl. I assume this is Tell, the girl Sil was addressing, for she seems to be running the COM system for everyone, surveying the scene and giving instructions.
Most of my henchmaniacs are doing their best to land blows on the Society members, though the young humans seem to be faring quite well. I wonder how long they can keep up their agile moves and techy devices I don't understand...
I only begin to worry when the first Society member loses his footing. The black teenage boy with the dark, curly hair's lip curls. He realizes his mistake. His mishap was only for a second, but it will cost him. Hectorgon grins and delivers a blow to the poor boy's face, sending him flying twenty feet away. He gets up a few seconds later, rubbing his arm with a small grimace. Thankfully, I don't see him to be too injured.
I've been distracted for too long. A shriek of excitement pulls me back to earth. "Oooh! Billy! You made it!" I nearly trip over myself coming to a halt. "I was so worried you might be busy!"
Pyronica stands roughly ten feet from me, her pink eyes glinting evilly. I do my best to bow gracefully and smile. "Will you dance with me?"
Pyronica's eyes widen in shock, then glimmer hungrily, dangerously. She smiles, which makes her human form appear even uglier. She pulls her white gloves on tighter. "Be my guest!"
     I try not to cringe in disgust as I continue my act with a delighted smile, running into the arms of my last minion. The moment we touch, her flames send tingles up my skin, and I can feel demonic energy drain from her and into me.
     Pyronica stumbles backward, shock painted over her face. "What did you do?!" she roars, her previous smile turning into angrily gritted teeth. Her pink flames grow taller by the second.
Before she can say anything more, I send a kick to her midriff. She gasps, more surprised than hurt. "How DARE-"
She's cut off by a small explosion of sparks from the portal, and she turns for a moment to see, distracted. This is my chance to take and eat a couple more of these fantastic flowers while she's not looking.
Conveniently, she turns back just as I finish. She glares at me, trying to find a way to hurt me without touching me herself. Filling with confident glee, I reach out to hit her again. She's ready this time, dodging my attack. This goes on for a little more, until it seems like we're twisting every which way around each other in some sort of weird seventies dance where we don't even touch each other.
She eventually finds a way to increase the heat of her flames enough to burn me slightly, so we continue our 'dance', where I try to touch her while avoiding bursts of flame, and she's trying to avoid my touch, but still stay close enough to try to burn me. Only problem is for her, her flames only hold the heat of an stove burner on low.
Our goal is only to keep these guys occupied until their portal sucks them back up without getting ourselves killed. I've done pretty well with Pyronica, but there are so many more demons out here. And I'm the only one with this energy transfer ability.
     Everything suddenly begins to spiral downhill when Dipper staggers to the side with a sickened expression and throws up, one hand clutching his stomach, the other pressed against his head. We didn't take the right precautions for his concussion, and the side effects are beginning.
     I would go over to him myself, but I see the black kid from earlier run over and begin to talk to him hastily, constantly taking glances over his own shoulder.
     "Dipper!" Mabel, too, runs over, and beckons to the other boy to keep doing whatever he was doing earlier. She has a gash on her cheek from her labor fighting. I'm relieved that she isn't more hurt, but I can't shake the thought that I've seen her like that before...
     Popping another couple pieces of flora into my mouth, I grab Pyronica's wrist while she's still distracted by the new commotion. Before she can react, I greedily suck her energy into myself. I begin to levitate and glow with pure demonic energy.
     Pyronica shrieks when she realizes what I'm doing to her. With a sadistic smile of my own, I produce a forceful explosion at my fingertips, sending Pyronica flying and plowing down about a quarter mile of trees in her trajectory. Hopefully the Gravity Falls Nature Society won't get on my about that later...
     I only realize I've taken in way too much energy when it's already too late. I fall to the ground with a crash, definitely bruising my tailbone. I hiss with pain as my head spins with this odd energy crash. The good thing is, it's beginning to fade, but I still feel fatigued for the moment.
     "BILL, WATCH OUT!" an unrecognizable voice so husk with overwhelming fear nearly bursts my eardrums. But it's not so foreign anymore. I know that voice.
     I turn around from my seat on the ground and my heart is immediately gripped with horror.
     Yule stands in front of me, one arm outstretched in front of himself, the other shielding my own body. I stand up so fast that my legs nearly give out. I almost wish I hadn't. I already know I will never unsee the agonizing scene before me.
     8-Ball stands before us, and only now do I realize how sharp and lethal those long claws on his hands truly are. The protruding claws now are stained with red and indiscernible fleshy bits and shreds of t-shirt.
     Though my heart is burning to check my friend, I have to dispose of the immediate danger.
     Thankfully, before I can do so, Ford takes advantage of 8-Ball's tie to attention. He uses the demon's distracted moment to barrel into him, multiple knives and inventions of his own in his hands. Ford has bought me precious time.
I hear a choking sound and a thud behind me, and I suddenly remember why my stomach is in knots. I turn and nearly fall to the ground when I see Yule as I've dreaded seeing him every night since that dreaded nightmare.
My best friend, lying on the ground, bleeding to death.

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