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A/n: Surprise surprise! Shit's just about to get real. Just trust me. :)  Ya'll are getting Camren too, so sit down! LOL we don't want an easy ending, don't we? 

Since the night that Lauren had left Camila's house with Lucy, she made it a point to slowly withdraw herself from everything and everyone. Normani barely gets through the raven-haired girl, as Lauren had always been one to make up excuses whenever the dark-skinned girl would come over and invite her to get out. It had broken her to cut all ties with Camila and her son. It just happened one morning that she was so tired of being hurt and pushing herself into the lives of people that obviously want her out. Remembering how Mark used to come by her home often when they were still living together, it was a pang to her heart each time she had found her wife kissing the man in their home.

Lately she had established the habit of driving through Jacob's school and just watching from the fence of the playground whenever she saw kids playing out there. Some days she would get a glimpse of her baby boy running around, some days she wouldn't. She always made sure that the boy never saw her, though. It was already enough that she was able to see the little smile she loved for the past 5 years. Some days she would get a glimpse of Mark picking up her son from school, and just sigh at the fact that someone had already taken over the role she used to play in his life. It was like slow torture seeing her life slowly drift away. All those times Lauren had been a mess, but not one to admit that she herself felt like she was drowning in her own little world.

To her surprise, there was this entire whole week that she wasn't able to see the boy. It was very unlikely not to see Jacob run around the field during playtime. Not thinking anything of it, Lauren got back in her car and decided to make a quick pass to the old home she had shared with Camila. The home that housed the memories she had come to love for all those years they were married.

Approaching the home, Lauren saw a suspicious sign that was put on the lot. In red font, the house suddenly was "For Sale", causing her eyes to widen. Looking back, she had realized that it's been a good two months since she last saw her wife, and about a week without being able to get a glimpse of Jacob in the school grounds. To her surprise, a realtor was just walking out of the house, seemingly conversing with what she assumed to be interested buyers of the home. Listening to the conversation from the front, a specific question had perked her attention.

"Why is this house for sale?" The old woman asked the realtor who was in a suit.

"The married couple had a little boy and one on the way. From what I knew they were heading to Los Angeles to start a new life." The realtor happily said.

Stunned with what she overheard, Lauren suddenly was sick at the thought of her ex-wife being pregnant again, by someone that was called to be her husband. Knowing that if she stood there longer, Lauren took off and ran to the nearest bin to unload the contents of her stomach. Disgust had ran over her whole body, causing the violent reaction. Not long after, another memory with Camila had sparked her brain.

"I was just thinking, babe. Jacob's getting much older now. Don't you want to try for another child, maybe?" Lauren asked her wife who was currently preparing food on the kitchen counter. The couple had always loved talking about having kids and expanding the family. Not thinking that this would be taken wrongly by Camila, Lauren was confused at her wife's response.

"And then what? Have another kid that you pretend would be yours again?" Camila huffed.

Stunned at the response, Lauren took another approach to it and hugged her wife from behind. "What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours, my love?"

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