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A/n: YA'LL BETTER LISTEN TO #CAMILA BECAUSE I LITERALLY AM OBSESSING OVER INTO IT AAAAH today's a great day ya'll! Listening to the album brought over some fluffy feelings, hence a fluff-filled chapter. So here's a 3500-worded chapter for ya'll to enjoy some fluff. Comment, spam, vote. x

"Laur, what the hell? Why are you such a workaholic? It's your birthday for fuck's sake!" Normani exclaimed as she busted through Lauren's office, wondering what the raven-haired girl was doing in her executive chair at seven in the evening on the night of her birthday.

"I celebrated my birthday already earlier today, when I spent lunch with Jacob earlier, remember?" Lauren chuckled, as she continued on responding to the email that she had just read. Taking the young boy with her to the office today, Lauren already thought that it was a celebration enough that her son was with him this year. Enjoying a quick lunch with him and getting a call from the brunette to greet her a happy birthday, Lauren was sure that her day had already been a thousand times better than the last 4 years.

"And what about me? I'm here, remember?" Normani teased, trying to get the raven-haired girl to lighten up and break away from her usual birthday tradition.

Ever since Lauren and Camila divorced, the raven-haired girl hated celebrating her birthday. She preferred working in the late hours, to prevent herself from thinking how she and Camila spent it during the best 6 years of their lives together. This year however, Lauren completely forgot about the fact that she actually had Camila back this year with her hence her decision to stay up late at work, all out of her habit of shrugging the day off.

"Okay fine, Manibear. How do you suggest we celebrate my birthday?" Lauren chuckled jokingly, wanting to see how far the dark skinned girl would go in convincing her about it.

"Simple. I want you to get out of that chair and get up. It's time to partay!" Normani beamed excitedly, prolonging the last syllable of the word to earn a laugh from the raven-haired girl.

"You're not usually this pushy." Lauren shot back, slightly feeling skeptic of the dark skinned girl's motives.

"Time to get you laid, I guess." Normani bantered back teasingly, attempting to piss Lauren off for the sake of being able to nag them their way out of the office as fast as they can.

"Mani." Lauren warned, glaring at the woman at her insinuation. For the longest time, the raven-haired girl didn't want anything that came close to being physically intimate with someone other than Camila.

"Just stop whining and let's go!" Normani said as she pushed Lauren's laptop down and griped the raven-haired girl's arm to pull her out from the seat. Dragging her out of the office, Normani found herself tagging along as the raven-haired girl walked back to her car.

Moments later after Normani succeeded getting her best friend out of the office, she walked with the raven-haired girl to her parking slot and jumped over to the passenger's seat uninvited. With their plan already in full execution, the dark-skinned girl shot a text to the Polynesian saying that they were on their way.

"Uhm Mani?" Lauren chuckled, noticing that her best friend sat even before she entered the car.

"Just drive home, change, and then let's hit one of the clubs and enjoy the night!" Normani teased, finally easing up a little now that Lauren was already backing up from the parking spot looking confused at what was going on.

After the short drive to Lauren's home, the raven-haired girl noticed that there were a couple more cars than the usual evening. Not thinking anything out of it, the raven-haired girl parked her car on her driveway and decided to stay out for a little bit longer.

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