Meet The Poker Faces

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"You should of know better than to try to play me, but of course there's always those stubborn few that insist they can beat me, at my own game, hilarious." Even though he talked of being amused, his face was blank of any emotion.

"Please, have mercy, my family, that's all we have." The man cried, but his pleas went straight over Levi's head.

"You should of thought about them when you bet four million dollars, my friend." Laughed Hanji from her spot besides Levi. They both got up from the chairs, making them creak from old age.

"Next time, don't wiggle you foot so much, it gave you away." Levi said, then exited the building with Hanji, who carried the bag with all the money in it. They got in the limo that was waiting for them and drove off.


"Hey Eren, how was your weekend?" Asked Armin cheerfully. Pictures of his angry father and him strapped down filled his mind, he bit down a whimper.

"Awesome, I got to go see my dad at work." He smiled, Mikasa grinned from besides him.

"You still like that blonde nurse, what was her name, 'Petra'?" She asked and nudged his shoulder, Eren laughed awkwardly while rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, she was there too." It wasn't a complete lie, there was a nurse named Petra that worked at the hospital his father worked at, it's just that he doesn't like her. She does treat a lot of his wounds when he goes though.

"I'm happy you're living the dream, Eren." Eren almost laughted at the irony.


"Boss, did ya win?" Asked Petra once Levi and Hanji walked through the giant mansion.

"Do I ever lose?" He asked, then slammed the bag down on the table.

"How much?" She asked as she opened it and stared with a grin on her face.

"Only four." He said blandly.

"Oh, I'll put it in the safe." She chirped and skipped with the bag down stairs and to the vault.


"I don't even know what you shits are thinking when you take these test, you all failed. Except Arlert and Jaeger, surprising." Said the teacher sarcastically.

"Nice job Eren, Mr. Jaeger will surely be proud." Whispered Armin from in the back of the classroom, right next to Eren.

"Yeah, I just hope my grades are good enough to get into a good college, then hopefully med school." It was no secret that it was Eren dreamed to be a doctor, like his dad. Though it was because of his father, it wasn't to follow in his footsteps like everyone thought. He would become a better doctor than Grisha, and most importantly, a better father.

"Oh please man, if I can so can you, then we can work at the same hospitals and totally be rich and get all the hot chicks." He smirked, Eren rolled his eyes but laughed anyway at his friends future dreams.

"I don't know boss, are you sure it's safe to have all those people there?" Asked Oluo, skeptical of Levi's plan.

"I'm sure, they won't expect it there." They all nodded.

"Petra, I want you to stay out of this one, be ready to fix us up if needed." She nodded, Hanji clapped her hands excitedly.

"I'm so proud of you, I taught you so well! You were even able to get a job." Hanji was the one who trained Petra and taught her everything she knew about medical related things, mostly how to dress bullet and stab wounds, but other basic things too.

"Yeah, my boss, Mr. Jaeger, he's really nice. His son's a cutie, too! Though I think he plays for the other team." She frowned, Levi rolled his eyes. His group was so weird, but secretly he would risk his life for any of them, and they would do the same, that's real trust.


"Hey Jaeger, y'all coming with me and the others Saturday?" Asked Jean as he and Marco walked up to the trio.

"Where you going?" Asked Eren.

"Straps." Smirked Jean, Mikasa shook his head.

"No, we are not going with you perverts to some strip club. How would we get in anyway?" She immediately shut the idea down.

"We got fake ID's, duh." Eren shrugged.

"I'll go, though I don't have much to wear." He though back to last week when his dad burned almost all his clothes, just for the fun of it.

"I got you covered, literally." Mikasa stood up.

"No, you're not going anywhere." Eren stood up too.

"You can't tell me what to do Mikasa, you're not my mom!" He yelled at her.

"Guys, calm down. Mika, why don't you just go with him, make sure he behaves himself. I'll go too, it'll be fun." Armin compromised, Mikasa looked at Eren, then Jean, then back at Eren.

"Fine, but if we get caught, I'm blaming it all on you." She sent a glare Jeans way, he gulped.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Jean pumped his fist in the air.


"We'll each go in separately, set up in different places. I'll make sure that they're on the floor, then I'll give Hanji the signal." He explained, they all listened carefully. "After I give you the signal, move everyone out ok? Don't fire unless they shoot first, we don't want any innocent people getting hurt." They nodded.

"When we gonna do it, Boss?" Asked Eld.

"Saturday, midnight."


"So, what's the deal about Saturday?" Asked Eren as he and his others friends sat in a circle at the lunch table.

"I'll pick you up, then we can go to my house and dress." Marco suggested, Eren's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No! No, I'll, uh, I-I'll come to your house, just text me the address." Marco looked at him skeptical, then nodded.

"Ok, we'll all arrive at around eleven-ish, any objections?" Jean looked around the table, everyone stayed silent.

"Alright then, Saturday night out with the boy, and some girls. Straps, here we come."

I was on the bus, just staring out the window, when it hit me, BOOM, POKER! I don't know what happened, but I knew in that moment that I need to write a story about a poker playing Levi, because he had the perfect poker face, and then this fic came about. I made some weird squealing noises while on the bus too, got this crazy look from some old lady, and missed my stop. Oh well, it was worth it. Hope you liked the first chapter, as you can see, there is some drama coming, as well as some action. All I have to say is buckle up butter cup, cause once you're in we're going to fucking party.

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