Roadtrip (Part 1)

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"Wake up brat, we're going on a ride." Eren eyes shot open and he stared at Levi who was leaning on the dresser across his room.

"Wha?" He sat up and scratched his disheveled mess of hair; the act, paired with his half nakedness, had Levi licking his lips.

"You said you want to know what we do, I'm going to show you." Eren raced to get his sleepy thoughts in order; it didn't help that the person that he was dreaming about was standing four feet away from him, looking incredibly sexy with his skinny, black pants and signature leather jacket.

"What about school?" He asked, Levi snorted.

"Are you saying you want to go to school?" Asked Levi with a smirk.

"No! No, I'm coming, be right there." Eren insisted, Levi chuckled lightly.

"Meet me outside, and dress...nicely." He said, then left, Eren gulped.

He got out of bed, then went to piss. After brushing his teeth and hair, though it did no good to tame his wild main, he went to his closet and ran his hand through all the different materials. Eventually, he went with jeans and a button-up, not really knowing what Levi meant by 'nicely'. Walking out of the room, he found that the house was empty.

Where was everyone else?

"Hurry up brat, haven't got all day." Complained Levi as he waited, not very patiently, on his bike. Eren's eyes widened at the sight of the bike, then gulped.

"W-We're riding that?" He pointed to the bike, Levi snorted.

"No, we're going to fly there. Yes, brat, we're riding this. Now wear this and hop on." He held out a helmet, then put one on himself.

"H-How fast does this thing go?" Eren asked as he hesitantly straddled the bike, he felt Levi chuckled in front of him.

"Hold on." That was the only warning he got before the bike speed forward, leaving his stomach at the mansion. Eren gasped loudly as he held on to Levi for dear life. With his eyes closed shut, he waited for Levi to slow down, but he didn't. Eventually, he peeled his eyes open, and stared at his surroundings. They weren't in the city anymore, but in the vast country, where the fields spread out for miles and the sun's hot rays beamed on them like a warm summer day, but then again, that was expected. The hottest it got in Shingashima was 50 degrees, maybe, in the winter.

"Amazing." He whispered, amazed. He's never really been anywhere but the large city of Shingashima.

"Trost, haven't you been out the city before kid?" Asked Levi; he had to yell for Eren to hear him.

"N-No." Smiled Eren. He's had a very isolated childhood, kinda. He's never been out of the city because he had no reason to, especially after his mother died. His dad left all the time, never taking him with him of course, but he didn't mind, what was so great about the rest of the world anyway. He went with Jean and Reiner and the others to clubs and stuff, and Jeans house, but never out the city. Boy was he missing out.

"Well get ready for an adventure." Fifty minutes later, they were in another city, one that looked more like Shingashima. Levi finally slowed near what looked like a airplane runway, then stop right besides a jet.

"We're going on that thing!?" Yelled Eren as he got of the bike and took off the helmet.

"Hello, Mr. Ackerman, are you and your guest the last to board the jet, or will there be others?" Asked a fancy looking butler, Eren stared.

"Yes, tell someone to bring my bike back to the mansion." The butler nodded, then scurried off, Eren gawked at the jet.

"Close you mouth brat, a bug might fly in." Said Levi, snapping Eren out of his trance.

"S-Sorry..." He stuttered, Levi 'tch'ed and started walking to the jet, Eren followed quietly.

"It's about time you got here, we were just about to take off without you." Hanji's voice yelled, startling Eren as he and Levi boarded the jet.

"I'd like to see you try and tell my men what to do, like they'd listen to you." He took a seat in the back, away from the other.

"Behave Hanji, this is Eren's first time on a plane, no?" Petra asked, Eren nodded.

"Here, sit by me." Ordered Levi, Eren complied, taking a seat by Levi.

"Where are we going?" Eren tilted his head as he looked at Levi.

"There's a lot more to being in the mafia than guns and gambling, Eren. Or drug trafficking and selling whores. It's about power, and respect. To get to the top, it cost you a lot of blood sweat and tears." Levi explained, ignoring Eren question entirely.

"Do you do that kind of stuff?" Eren asked, not scared in the slightest for the answer, more curious.

"Not myself, no, I deal with the direct stuff, I have my men do stuff like that. What I'm trying to say is, you want to know what the Mafia is all about. God knows why, you dumb brat. This is what is't about, hustling your way to the top. I brought you today because this won't be too dangerous, and I need a partner." Eren's brows furrowed.

"For what? Where are we going?" He asked again.


Wee wee, looks like they're going to the city of love 😏. Anyway, like the last chapter, this was completely unexpected, I just thought they need some more Mafia action. I like badass Levi (Eren does too btw) I thought we needed some more of him, and French speaking Levi. Now don't ask me where private jets are stored, cause I don't know, but I wanted Levi to have a private jet, so just don't ask, lol. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you have a splendid day, bye!

P.S, get ready for the next chapter, all I'm gonna say is it involves drinking, and Eren stripping.

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