Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Jean and Eren spent most of the day playing video games and bickering, but once the clock hit ten thirty, they were buzzing with excitement. They both hopped into a shower, Eren used the guest one. Once out, they walked into Jean's room and started to pick out clothes.

"No, no I am not wearing that." Eren said as he pointed to the shirt Jean was holding up, it read 'bottom'.

"Come on Eren, it's just a shirt, most people won't even know what it means." He snickered.

"Why do you even have that!?" Eren asked, Jean blushed.

"Marco gave it to me, for my sixteenth birthday. It'll fit you perfectly, all the others are too big."

"Jean, I'm not even gay!" He pointed out, Jean snorted.

"Yeah, ok, and my face doesn't look like a horse. Besides, you know how you get when you're drunk." Eren blushed. It wasn't a secret that when Eren got drunk, he tended to get...horny, for lack of a better word. But he wouldn't flirt with girls, no, he would go for the big, muscly, men. He told everyone that he wasn't gay, and he even believed it himself, but there was no denying that he turned into the perfect twink after a couple shots.

"That was one time." He whined.

"Bullshit! What about that time in sophomore year that we went to Sasha's birthday party. You were all over her 26 year old, football playing brother, you would of fucked him if it wasn't for me and Mikasa. And that one time at Connie's party where we caught you in the closet with Chad Humpster. Oh, and-" Eren threw a pillow at him.

"Ok ok, I get it. It's not my fault though, I just turn into whole another person when I'm drunk. And I'm not wearing that shirt." He crossed his arms.

"I'll pay you." Eren narrowed his eyes.

"How much?" Jean thought about it for a while.

"Fifty bucks, plus I'll pay for all your drinks until one am." Eren grinned.

"Deal." He he held out his hand, Jean took it.

Thirty minutes later, they were in the car, a black Mercedes, dressed and ready to party. On the way they picked up Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, and Connie. Once they got to the club, they walked up to the very very long line.

"Holy shit, that's a long line." Groaned Connie.

"Guys, over here!" They looked at their friends which were at the front of the line. They hurried to get by them, ignoring the yells and protest of angry people in line.

"We're all here, awesome!" Historia jump up and down, then showed her fake ID to the bouncer. He nodded and let her through. Next was Bert, Reiner, and Annie, which he let in without checking, and then Ymir who also got in without having to show her ID. He let us all in, until me, Armin, and Connie walked up.

"ID?" Connie scoffed, but got it out nonetheless.

"Go ahead." As soon as they walked it, booming music invaded Eren's ears, making his eardrums vibrate inside his head.

"Holy shit this is awesome!" He yelled as they found a big enough booth to fit them all.

"Oh my god, what are you wearing!?" Asked Ymir as she tried to hold in her laughter.

"Eren, do you have something to tell us?" Asked Historia, she looked like she was trying to be serous but failing.

"Guys, it's not like we all didn't already know." Stated Reiner, they laughed.

"Guys, I'm not gay, gosh. It's Jeans, he paid me to wear it." Eren said, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry Er, we were just fucking with you, lighten up?" Eren smiled at Reiner, then nodded.

"Would you like some drinks?" Asked a waitress.

"Oh yes please!" They all said.

One hour later...

"WHOOOOOOOHOOOO!" Eren yelled as he and Armin danced very inappropriately on the dance floor. They were both very drunk, and the booming music and lights just added to their high.

Armin, was also a interesting drunk. Similar to Eren, he turned into a whole different person. The normally shy and nice blonde turned into a sassy, mean, seductive machine. They both rolled their hips and shook their asses for everyone to see.

"Come on, I'm thirsty." Slurred Eren as he dragged Armin back to their booth.

"Back already?" Asked Jean, they rolled their eyes.

"No, Asshat, we're here to get something to drink, I'm thirsty." Snapped Eren.

"Excuse me." He held up his hands to surrender. Unlike the rest of the group, he and Bert got driving duty and had to stay sober.

"Oh. My. God. This is my song!" Squeaked Eren excitedly. He grabbed Armin and climbed the table.

I got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night

He trailed his hands down his body, swaying to the beat.

Tonight's gonna be a good good night

He jumped up and down, a huge grin on his face, not a worry in the world.

Whooooo hooooo

He twirled and put his arms above his head, oblivious to all the eyes on him and his friend. They started, mesmerized by Eren's elegance and beauty.

"Holy shit, he actually looks hot, GO JAEGER!" Jean cupped his hands and yelled. The people around them clapped and cheered, yelling for them to take off their clothes. Armin, finally out of breath, jumped and sat back down next to Jean. But Eren wasn't nearly done. He complied to their wishes, slowly and seductively taking off his shirt. They yelled harder, thankfully not noticing the foundation that covered a big purple bruise on his ribs; thank god for Jean.

As Eren danced like no one was watching, across the room, Levi was. He face was inexpressive as always, but on the inside he was intrigued, mesmerized even, by the tan boy dancing on the table like nothing in the world could hurt him. He hated to break up the party, but he need to get down business. He looked for Hanji, and once he found her, he lifted his hand. She smirked, then started to scream at the top of her lungs. He cringed slightly, he hated this part.

"OH MY GOD, FIRE, EVERYONE GET OUT!!!" She yelled, then everyone started to freak out and leave, it was hectic. Slowly, but surely, everyone left the building.

Or at least he assumed. What he didn't know was that a shirtless and very scared Eren hid behind the bar, suddenly very sober.

"Hello Ackerman, long time no see." Sneered Nile.

"If only it was longer." Levi spat, then fired his gun. All hell broke loose.

I started to write the last chapter then couldn't stop. Hope you liked the chapter, thank you so much for reading, have a wonderful day, bye!

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