Joining The Party

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Sun shined into the room where Eren Jaeger slept, waking him from one of the most beautiful dreams he ever had, or at least it was before his father had to come and barge into his head, turning it into a nightmare; apparently beating him in real life wasn't enough. He ignored his racing heart and sweaty palms and started to stretch, sighing when he heard the satisfying pop. He laid there foe a while, basking in the comfort of the very soft bed he was currently occupying. Wait, his bed wasn't soft and fluffy, and he didn't have a big blanket like this.

He jerked up and opened his eyes wide, soaking in the things around him. He was in a room, a nice big room, and it seemingly connected to a bathroom, a nice big bathroom. Yeah, this was definitely not his room, this wasn't even his house; this wasn't his world.

He slid his legs onto the side of the bed, making him his in pain, and jumped of the bed. He limped to the bathroom, closed it, then locked it. He had a few options, number one being jump out the window. Number two: hide. And lastly, he could quietly sneak out the house through the front door.

"Think think, fuck." He pulled at his hair in frustration. He tried to think about what happened last night. He remembered the night with his dad, then running away, then...nothing. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a knock on the door, making him realize he was pacing.

"Eren?" A voice called out, Eren relaxed. He ripped the door open and hugged the person standing in the door way.

"Oh thank god." He felt the chest rumble, like they were laughing.

"For what exactly?" Petra asked as she looked down at him.

"I thought I was going to have to jump out the window." He said as he finally let go of the woman.

"Ahh, well, no jumping out of windows today, sorry." He laughed, then clutched his stomach.

"Ow." He complained, rubbing his bruised stomach.

"Does it hurt?" She touched his bare stomach, and he was suddenly very aware of his mostly nakedness. He blushed, covering his shirtless abdomen.

"Don't be shy, you little shit, I've seen you naked before anyway." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"I know, but it would be nice if I could wear some clothes." He looked down, feeling guilty over asking the woman for something.

"Oh, we already got you a whole wardrobe babe." She giggled, then opened the closet, revealing a full rack of clothing; every inch of the walk in closet covered.

"Oh my...Petra, you guys didn't have to-" Eren started, starting to tear up from gratitude.

"Yes we did." She insisted, then pushed him into the closet.

"Now, change, then meet me by the diner table. It's already time for lunch, so hurry up, the others are waiting." She patted his on the shoulder, then left the room.

Eren turned around and raked his eyes over the clothes. He ran his hand over the different materials, searching for what he should wear. When he thought about it, it was kinda creepy, I mean how did they who what size he wore, or what kind of clothes he liked, heck, why did they buy him clothes anyway!?

He ended up picking a simple pair of very expensive looking white jeans and a fitting, black button-up. He looked in the mirror, and sighed. The clothes were nice, really nice, but how could he just accept this? The whole wardrobe must of cost they hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars, that's more than Eren has made in his entire life!

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