I Hate You But I Love You

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"It's Friday motherfuckers!" Jean yelled. Eren flinched as he jumped on his back.

"Ow!" Jean yelped as Eren lost balance and fell, making both of them tumble to the ground.

"Jesus Jean, don't do that shit!" Eren rubbed his sore ass, Jean snickered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you have like, no muscle, noodle arms." He laughed harder as Eren punched him lightly on the arm.

Although Eren was skinny, he did have muscle, making him more lean than anything. At home, he had nothing to do. No internet besides his phone, which they had no WiFi. No T.V. Nothing. So, he spent most of his time studying and exercising. He ran a lot, when his dad wasn't home and he wouldn't get caught. He did pushups and curls in his room when his dad was home, most of the time to just let off steam. He wanted to be stronger than his dad, he wanted to stand up for himself, but he failed every time.

"Whatever, I can still beat your ass." Jean snorted.

"As if you could ever get this ass." He slapped his backside, Eren rolled his eyes.

"You're right, I'll leave that to Marco." Jean sputtered, then blushed.

"Guys, bad new." They both turned around to see Marco walking up to their table.

"What's wrong?" Asked Eren as he scooted down some so Marco could sit by his boyfriend.

"I can't go tomorrow, my dad and me are gong fishing." Jean sucked his teeth, then put an arm around the other.

"Fuck babe, I'm sorry, I wish you could come." Marco shrugged.

"It's ok. Oh, and you can pick up Eren right?" He smiled sweetly at him, Jean couldn't say no.

"Fine, but don't complain when none of the stuff fits, shorty." He kissed his boyfriend, Eren scoffed beside him.

"I am not short." He argued.

"You are kinda short." Commented Ymir as she and Historia came and sat down.

"Am not, I'm five six!" Historia frowned.

"That is short, for a boy at least." Historia admitted, Eren pouted.

"Mika, Ar, am I short?" Eren asked as the two sat down next to him.

"Well, I can't talk because I'm shorter than you." Armin said, Eren shook his head.

"Mikasa?" She sighed.

"Yeah, but Connie is the shortest if it makes you feel any better." Connie and Sasha picked this time to join the party.

"What about me?" He asked while swatting Sasha's hand away from his food.

"You're short." Mikasa stated simply, Connie nodded.

"True." He started to eat.

"Bert, you're a giant, how does it feel to be tall?" Eren asked as said person plus Reiner and Annie sat down, the table was now complete.

"Well, I can see the board really well, and I'm a pretty good runner, but besides that nothing much is different." He said quietly, Eren nodded.

"So, you guys ready to pop, lock, and drop it tomorrow?" Asked Reiner excitedly.

"For sure, though Marco won't be able to make it which sucks." Said Jean, Marco rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry Marco, next time you're definitely coming." Sasha said sadly, making everyone cringe since her mouth was full.

"I hope so, just make sure to have fun!" He chirped, Eren smiled, he loved his friends.


Fortunately, when Eren got home, his dad wasn't home, which wasn't surprising considering he was usually gone from the time he went to work until midnight, if Eren was lucky. He took a shower after that and went straight to bed. Now, it was Saturday, and he was genuinely excited. This wouldn't be the first time going out with his friends, but it was the first time in a long time that he could actually be himself, especially with alcohol in his system.

He checked the time, it was only nine in the morning. He decided to take a shower, then got dressed. Besides the three school uniforms, the only clothes he has is two pairs of jean, a plain white t-shirt, and a hat that he won at school that had the logo on it, not including his beat up high-tops. He had more clothes, before they got kicked out of their house for gambling debt, before they lost everything because his stupid father couldn't control his problem and spent all his money on drugs, alcohol, and gambling. Now, they were living, barely, in this small ass, shabby apartment. As soon as he came down the hall, a fist was swung, hitting him straight in the nose.

"Dad-" His plea got cut off by a sharp kick to the stomach, he hissed.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Grisha's voice was slurred and his eyes were dilated; he was high and most likely drunk off his ass.

"D-Dad, it's me, Eren." He stood up, clutching his nose to stop the blood that was spilling from it. He was close to crying, but not from pain. Looking at his dad like this, drunk and just not himself, he couldn't help but feel sad. He missed his old dad, the one that would take him to work and show him off, the one that would cook for him and play outside with him, the one that loved him. He hated what his dad had become, but couldn't let go of the one he used to love.

"G-GET OUT, NOW!" He slammed his fist against Eren's chest, making him stumble.

"Dad, it's me, stop!" Another push, his head hit the front door.

"I'll call the police, GO!" Eren left the apartment, if the cops came they would take Grisha away, which despite all that he's done to him, he didn't want. He ran, and didn't stop, until he stopped at the one place he knew he was safe. He knocked on the door.

Jean's face appeared once he opened the door, hair pointing every direction. He looked at Eren, blood running down his face, and sighed. He stepped aside, gesturing for Eren to come in, and closed the door once he was. He silently went to his bathroom while Eren sat down on the living room sofa. He came back with first aid kit and a bowl of water. He cleaned Eren's nose, then wiggled it a bit, making Eren hiss.

"I don't think it's broken, or going to leave a bruise, but it sure will hurt like a bitch in the morning." Eren sighed, but nodded. Jean was the only person Eren told about his dad. He understood, kinda. Jean was rich, and although his dad didn't beat him, he acted like he didn't exist. He was always at work, and when Jean would try to talk to him or spend time with him, he would just ignore him. He also had a gambling problem, but not near as bad as Eren's dad. Jean didn't have a mom, and really he didn't have a dad either.

"Thanks." Jean stared at him for a second, then nodded and went to put up the supplies.

Poor Eren, and Jean. I wanted to make them best friends in this fic because I feel like Jean personality fits my best friends perfectly and I'm just like Eren, so yeah. Next chapter is where the real action and drama starts, and Levi's in it, unlike this one, sorry for that too. Next chapter will be out soon, oh and Happy New Year, YAY!

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