Are You On Drugs

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"Where the fuck have you been!?" Eren hissed as his best friend pulled him to the side of the hall, most likely to interrogate him, great.

"Chill, Jean, and watch the leg!" Jean didn't look any less mad.

"Where did you go? Why weren't you answering your phone? Who was that chick that answered? What happened to your leg? Are you ok?" Eren groaned as his friend spat questions at him.

"Listen, I'll tell you everything ok, just listen. And can we find a place to sit, my leg hurts." Jean stared at him, then crossed his hands and left the hall way, Eren wobbled after him on his fancy stick. They walked all the way to an empty classroom and Jean locked the door.

"Ok, now talk." Eren took a seat in a desk while Jean stayed standing.

"Well, first off, don't freak out or anything, ok?" Jean nodded. "I met a mafia." Jean stayed silent.

"Uh-huh. So, what drugs have you been on?" Eren rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It's true. You know that lady at the hospital, Petra? Well she's in the mafia." He tried to explain, Jean still wasn't quite there yet.

"Wait, that chick you have a crush on? Dude, you have some weird cop criminal fetish don't you?" Eren shook his head and groaned.

"No, I didn't even have a crush on her in the first place, I think I'm gay. But that's besides the point-"Jean waved his hands in front of his face.

"W-W-Wait, you, gay, really? I mean I always had a hunch but-" Eren could choke him right about now.

"Listen! I'll get to that later. First, I have to explain how I got in this whole mess to begin with." Jean nodded.

"Fine. Go on, but I still don't believe the whole 'mafia' thing." Eren closed his eyes, bringing back all the memories of yesterday and the day before.

"Ok, so when someone yelled fire, there was actually no fire. It was Levi and his gang, they were like, killing the owner of the club's gang." Jean looked confused, Eren continued. "I hid behind the bar cause I'm just dumb like that," Jean mumbled a small 'true'. "And then tried to run for the exit. I got shot it the leg, well only grazed, but anyway, there was blood gushing out and then Levi took me to Petra, since she's a nurse, and fixed me up or whatever and then they killed everyone and we went to there mansion. I was unconscious between being brought to Petra and driving to the mansion by the way." Jean lifted his eyebrows, but stayed quiet.

"Then I woke up, and at first I saw Ms. Ral, and I was 'woh, what's happening' and she all like 'you ok man, just meet all these other people' and so I meet all the other gang members like Hanji and Isabel, then, here comes the gay part, the leader walks in." Jean snorts.

"This sounds like the start of some stupid romance book or something." Eren shushes him.

"Anyway, he's like, so hot. Like the hottest person on Earth. And he's kinda mean, but like a, hot kind of mean. And he made me breakfast and gave me this walking stick thingy that turns into a giant hit stick thingy, and then they brought me home the next morning, my dad was passed out so that's good, and now I'm here, talking to you." Eren finishes his story with a sigh.

"Yeah, I still think you're on drugs." Eren goes to hit him with the cane but Jean holds his hands up in defense.

"I'm not on drugs, Jean." Whines Eren.

"Ok ok, but seriously, damn." Eren nodded.

"I know right?" Jean smirked.

"So, about that 'worlds hottest mafia leader' or whatever, what's he look like?" Eren blushed.

"Well, he has black hair, and deep, dark steel eyes. And he's ripped, like damn. But not too muscular, like, he's not a body builder or anything. And his voice is all low and deep and shit, it's super hot. And I just wanna rip his clothes off!" Jean busted out laughing, Eren pouted.

"I'm sorry, it's just, like, you're so gay!" He clutched his sides that were starting to hurt.

"JEAN! You asked me how he looked, you can't tease me after I tell you!" Jean wiped a tear from his eye and looked at Eren.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. How have you thought that you were straight all along? I mean I would understand if you fell for some twink or something but this guy sounds like a real hunk." Eren sighed then stared at his lap.

"I don't know. I mean I was never straight, I never thought a girl was cute, I just assumed I was straight since I never thought a guy was cute either. I never really thought about my sexuality. I only ever flirted when I was drunk." Jean snorted.

"Yeah, with big, bulky men." Eren bit his lip.

"True, I should of took that as a sign." Jean walked to his friend and slapped him on the back.

"Well, at least you've had your homosexual awakening." Eren got up and leaned on his stick.

"So you're ok about the whole 'mafia leader' thing?" Jean grinned.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised really. If anyone was going to fall in love with someone illegal it's you." Eren elbowed him.

"Fuck you." Jean opened the door, and headed into the busy hallway.

"What you gonna tell the others?" Eren stopped in the middle of the hall way.

"Oh fuck."

I can't believe it's snowing, again, AHH! Anyway, in this chapter, I wanted to show Jean's and Eren's friendship again because to be honest, they're my brotp, and they don't get enough credit as besties. But I dont think they agree. Actually, if you would ask them if they were best friends they'd say 'fuck no', but deep down they know it's true. Eren can tell him anything, even stuff dealing with his father, stuff that he can't tell anyone else, so they have a close bond. Enough of my rambling, thanks for reading this chapter, hope you liked it, bye!

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