Lost And Alone With Your Demons

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He couldn't move. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear. But he could feel every slice of his skin, every hammer to his ribs, every needle in his arms and legs. He couldn't ask him to stop, he couldn't beg. All he could do is lay there, silently, and feel the pain, because that was the only thing keeping him sane.

By the time his father was done, Eren could move again, but just barely. He sat up, hugging his knees as he cried.

"It's for the best, Eren, your mother would be proud at how strong you have become. Maybe one day your sins will be forgiven." Eren forced himself stopped crying and nodded his head. His father was right, he has to pay for the unforgivable thing he did.

"I know father, I-I'm sorry for resisting." Why was he so stupid sometimes, he deserves this, so his mother could rest in peace.

"It's ok, just don't do it again. I'll be leaving for a few weeks, you'll be ok by yourself." Eren nodded, though it wasn't really a question, then his father left. He hit himself in the head, how could he be so stupid.

'Fight' the voice told him.

'You don't deserve this'

But he did, didn't he?

He couldn't take all the questions running through his head, so he ran. Out the door and into the dark night. He ran, not noticing the rain pouring down on him from above. He ran until his legs gave out, and he fell to his hands and knees, emptying his stomach onto the pavement. He stayed there, frozen in place by exhaustion, until he passed out.


The rain poured on the roof of his car, but he wasn't paying much attention to it. He needed to get out the house, or else his thoughts might get the best of him. He couldn't stop thinking about those perfect green eyes, or that addictive laugh, or that flawless, tanned skin.

"Fuck." He cursed himself for thinking such thoughts, they were useless, the teen would never return his feelings.

What were those feeling he had though? He knew one thing: the boy wouldn't leave his mind the last few weeks, and it seemed like the need to see him again just got stronger. It wasn't like his family was making any easier, mentioning his name every five minutes. Even Oluo admitted he missed the boy, but didn't like him in any way.

What if he missed him just as much? Levi rolled his eyes at the unbelievable wish, he sounded like a teenage girl.

He almost ran a red light, but caught himself last minute. He didn't need any attention brought to him by the police, even if it was three in the morning. He stared at the wheel, putting his forehead against the cold leather, then pulled it back up. The light turned green, and he was about to leave until he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a person, and pass out by the looks of it, most likely drunk. Normally, he would of driven off without a second thought, but something compelled him to get out the car, so he did. The cold rain pounded down onto his head, he ran to the person, his eyes widened once he looked at the face.

"Eren!?" He yelled, though the teen didn't answer. He cursed and pulled the soaked boy into his arms; he was freezing, no doubt he was out here at least thirty minutes. He raced back to his car and situated the boy in the back seat, then step on the gas. On his way home, he wondered how the boy got there, and why he looked so beat up.

Once he made it to the estate, the rain calmed a little and it was only drizzling slightly. Carefully, he carried him to the front door and into the house, which was dark and still. Quietly, as to not wake anyone, he walked to his room. He questioned what to do with the boy, and decided to give him a warm bath to get his temperature up and to wash the dirt and grime that was surely stuck to his skin from the city streets.

"Stop..." Eren murmured in his sleep, Levi froze. He seemed to be dreaming, or having a nightmare.

"Shhh." He shushed him, gently stroking his cheek. It might be his imagination, but he swore he saw the boy visibly relax. He hated seeing him so hurt, even if it was just a dream. He felt an undeniable pull towards the green eyed brat, though he had no idea why, he'd only know him for a mouth, and most of which he didn't even see the boy.

Shaking his head, he pulled himself out of his own thoughts and carried him to his bathroom. It was very spacious, though that was to be expected of a multimillion dollar mansion. Placing him in the tub, he peeled the wet clothing off, leaving him in just underwear. His eyes roamed tan skin in horror. His beautiful flawless skin, was tainted with cuts and bruises and dried blood that washed off and turned the water a light pink.

Who could do this to such a beautiful person?

He did his best to ignore the marks as he washed the skin free of dirt and blood, then began to drain the water. He left briefly to get a towel, but came back quick to dry Eren off. Deeming him dry enough, he picked him up again, and walked to the spare bedroom closest to his, and tucked him in beneath the big, fluffy blankets. He curled up, hugging the  closest pillow he could find, making Levi smirk.

"Goodnight, Bright Eyes."

I'm sorry for the wait, but here's the chapter. I didn't go into much detail with Grisha and Eren in the beginning, but I hope you got the gist of it. In this chapter, I wanted to show Eren's more insecure side, like how he feels about what happened with his mom, which will be mentioned in later chapters. He's not mentally stable, which is understandable given the situation. This song really expresses how he feels about the situation, and I could help but put at least one Linkin Park song in this fic, R.I.P Chester😭. I can't believe he died yo, such a awesome person. His songs really helped he through depression, and MCR. Don't even get me started on P!ATD. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, hope you liked the chapter, and thanks for reading, bye!

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