Nothing Can Hold Me Back

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Warning: some triggering content- what am I saying, this whole chapter is triggering tbh

"You know, I don't quite know how I feel about this plan. I mean, it isn't very foolproof, plus, it's just kinda plain dumb." Jean said as he rubbed his face. Him, Hanji, Petra, Levi, and like, ten other people were there, outside some bigass building.

"Why'd you bring this doof anyway Lee, he seems like a dumbass and obviously knows nothing about what we do, he's just gonna get in the way." Some chick in pigtails scoffed, Jean scowled.

"Eren's my best friend." He explained. She stared at him, unimpressed.

"So? Listen you incompetent-" Levi sighed and massaged his temples. He knew she was just stressed, she loved Eren like a little brother so it made sense, but her anger wasn't helping the situation.

"Izzy, stop. Just, trust me ok?" He looked her in the eye, mentally telling her it was going to be alright. She bit her lip, looking down, then nodded.

"Ok." She said, then turned her head away. Levi stood from his crouched position and looked towards the giant mansion. Eren was in there, and the only way Levi would leave without him is if he died.

"Please be careful, boss, and make sure to signal us when you're in trouble." An older looking man said, Levi nodded. He reloaded both his guns.

"Let's get this shit over with."


Footsteps echoed through the long hallway, leaving behind red shoeprints. The guards laid lifelessly at the front door. Loud sirens sounded through the house, signaling guards to come from all directions and try to kill the target.

A guard attempted to tackle the man to the floor, but ended up just fall on his face as the other blocked the attempt. Another guard came from the left, gun in hand. just as he was about to shoot the intruder, he revealed his own firearm and shot the guard right through the heart.

Levi shot them down, one by one until they were just a bloody pile on the floor. He reloaded, then continued to walk through the hall, stepping over bodies when needed. Eventually, he got to the door he was looking for. He shot the handle, then kicked the door in. When he finally lifted his head and looked inside the room, his eyes widened and his blood ran cold.

In front of him was Eren, the boy that he loved, strapped to a metal table, obviously malnourished and unhealthy, physically and mentally.



"Dad?" Eren asked, not really knowing what to say. He was scared of the man, yet he didn't really know why. Was this man bad, did he have a good reason to hate him? He looked to Erwin for answers, the man smiled at him.

"This is your father Eren, you remember him don't you?" He caressed the boy's cheek, Eren leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. He didn't answer the question, the words already forgotten in his mind. Erwin sighed and looked towards the disheveled man.

"Grisha, good to see you again. It's been what, three, fours years? The last time I saw you, you were running away with my money." Grisha gulped at Erwin's words, fidgeting under the man's gaze. Alarms suddenly sounded through the building, making Eren cry out. Erwin smiled.

"Looks like my favorite person decided to join the party." He smirked, then sat down in a chair next to Eren's table.

"W-Who is that?" Grisha asked, praying to god it wasn't who he thought it was.

"I think you know." Erwin chuckled evilly, making Grisha curse.

"Look, I'll leave you alone, never talk to you ever again, just, just let me go, please, you don't know how-" Before he could finish his sentence, a bullet flew through the door, then said door was kicked off it's hinges. Immediately Levi was grabbed and held by two of Erwin's men, kicking and yelling.

"Let me go you pig, give me Eren back!" He growled, eyes filled with nothing but hate and loathing. Erwin laughed, making Levi growl and jerk in the guards' holds. Eren's eyes opened once he heard Levi's yells, tears pricked his eyes.

"Levi! Levi, is it really you?" Eren asked, voice scratchy and hoarse. Levi looked at him and nodded.

"Yes Eren, It's me, I'm here, I'm never leaving you ever again." He promised, Erwin smirked.

"We'll see about that. Eren, baby, what did I say about talking without my permission?" Erwin chided, Eren turned red, directing his eyes away from Levi and to the wall across from him.

"Don't tell him what to do, he's not your fucking dog!" Levi yelled angerly, Erwin caressed the boy's cheek.

"Of course he's not my dog, he's my little baby boy, aren't you Eren?" He cooed. Levi felt bile rise in his throat. This whole situation is disgusting. Eren didn't answer, instead, he closed his eyes, trying to block out the situation. Erwin smiled, then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Eren's cheek.

"You know, I haven't touched him yet, not really, I was waited for you. I want you to see when I fully take him, then I'll kill you. I want your last thoughts to be of me taking what's yours." Eren's eyes widen, and he looks to Levi with a pleading look.

"Levi." He whispers, making the taller flinch. He gasps as Erwin slaps him in the face, then quickly whispered a small 'sorry' while closing his eyes. Erwin drags his hand down his the younger's body, unclasping the restraints on his wrists and ankles, he doesn't have enough energy to move anyway. Levi clenches his jaw and glares at the opposite wall, praying for his team to hurry.

Erwin placed a kiss on Eren's collarbone, then his neck, then chin. Levi's vision became blurry, then he saw red. Suddenly, he pulled out of the hands holding onto him ran to the blonde, tackling him to the floor. Luckily, Isabel was there to stab Erwin's men in the throat before they could remove Levi from the evil blonde.

Levi didn't think as he continued to punch the man under him. All his anger, all his stress, and hate towards what he did was coming out, and by the looks of it, there wasn't any stopping him.

"Levi, Levi we have to go, someone called the police! LEVI!" Hanji yelled, forcing Levi from the beaten up man. Levi, out of breath and panting, let Hanji drag him away, then walked over to the table once she let go. He cupped Eren face with his shaking, bloody hands.

"I've got you, I've got you." He whispered to the crying boy.

"Levi, we have to go!" Petra yelled. Levi picked the frail boy up, holding his back and legs, and started to walk to the door, until he heard Erwin grunt. He turned to see the man holding a gun, pointed at him and Eren.

"If I can't have him, neither can you!" He yelled, then pulled the trigger.

So I have a valid excuse for taking forever to update. Firstly, I went to my mom's hometown , Des Allemands (a small ass town with a bunch of white people and really good catfish) with my uncle, and their side of the family is, well, racist, homophobic assholes, so that got me a little stressed, since they kinda hate me and my sister because we're mixed. As if life couldn't get any more fucked up, I left my IPad in my uncles trailer. They said they'd mail it, but it's been like two weeks and I still haven't gotten it back, they live in Texas btw. So, I'm on my sister's laptop right now, since she finally let me use it. Anywho, I'm tired, and should probably sleep, so, thanks for reading, have an hateless day, bye!

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