A Kiss To Fix All That's Broken

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"Have you ever robbed a bank?"

"Why, need help?" Joked Levi, Eren shrugged.

"Maybe. I wanna do something exciting, but not life threatening. I want to feel the rush, the adrenaline." He said as he looked out the window. His father was back, so it was time to go home.

"Spending life in prison isn't exactly death, but it's just as bad." Levi pointed out.

"How's prison even close to death? When you're dead, there's no going back, you're dead." Levi looked at him, then shook his head.

"I'd kill myself before I'd get locked up. I wouldn't be able to stay sane, in those walls, with no company but your own demons. I'd go completely crazy!" He said, then looked back at the road.

"Yeah well, I don't think prison would be so bad. Get a nice prison husband." Levi closed his eyes and sighed, making Eren throw his head back with laughter. The ride back to Eren's went quickly, and before they knew it, they were pulling into the cheap, rundown apartments.

"When you told me you down graded I didn't think you meant to a box, with holes." Levi cringed, Eren rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, we, ah, we had some financial issues." He said and bit his lip; Levi stared at the rosy lip, and found himself wanting to lean in, and connect them with his own. He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

"If you need money Eren-" Eren shook his head.

"No. No, we're good. We just have some old debt, but it's ok. We're good." He got out the car, followed by Levi, then walked up to his building. He was about to enter, until Levi pulled at his shirt, forcing him to turn.

"Come here Brat." He pulled him into a hug, surprising Eren at first, then he melted into the warm, strong arms. They stood there, in the middle of the parking lot, in each other's arms for minutes, though it felt like hours, then they broke apart.

"Goodbye Levi." Eren said.

"You say that like we're never going to see each other again. You come over anytime Brat, or call." Eren nodded, then waved.

"See you around Bright Eyes." Eren's heart fluttered at the pet name. He stood there while he watched Levi leave, and clutched his chest; he was falling for the man, and fast. He sighed, then walked up to his apartment. His hand hovered on the door, waiting for the perfect moment, but really there was no perfect moment. He knocked three times, then waited for the door to open. Is opened with a loud bang, then his smiling father stood before him.

"Eren, oh son, I missed you. Where were you, it's already six, you were probably studying, weren't you? That's my boy, always at the top of his class. Anyway, I'd like to talk to you, about my job. You see, I quit." Eren's eyes widened and he gasped.

"B-But how are we going to pay the-" He didn't even see the hand as it flew across his face, but he felt the sting.

"Don't back talk me. Now, like I was saying, I quit. But, I know how to make up all the money I own. There's this guy and his buddy, they know people looking for sex, and you wouldn't believe the money they're offering!" Eren's brows furrowed.

"People are going to pay you to have sex with them? Like a prostitute?" He asked, Grisha laughed.

"No, don't be ridiculous. I showed them some pictures of you actually, and let me tell you, people are going crazy." Eren's blood ran cold.

"Dad, I can't." He pleaded.

"Now Eren-" Grisha started, Eren shook his head.

"No, no please, please don't do this." Grisha slapped him again, this time hard enough to bring him to the floor.

"I'm the father, you're the child. I make the rules, you follow. You'll do as I say, do you hear me?" Eren sobbed on the ground, but didn't say anything. "DO YOU HEAR ME!?" He yelled furiously, making spit fly out his mouth and onto the filthy walls.

"Yes." Eren cried and curled up into a ball.

"Good. You can go to your room now." Grisha said, then left for his own. Eren laid there for hours, staring at the ceiling while tears trailed down his face. Out of all the things his father has done, this is by far the worst. Selling him to strangers, for sex; to rape him. Everything around him was insensible, void. Everything, everyone seemed nonexistent, irrelevant. The small voice, the one in the back of his head that usually told him to fight, was quiet with defeat.


A new voice whispered.

Get up

It told him, he stayed.

Get up damnit!

He wiped the tears from his face and stood, emotionless, but with just a dash of hope in his eyes.

Now leave, never come back, run away, come to me

"I can't leave. I can never leave." He looked down.

Come to me Eren, I'll protect you

Eren shook his head. "I'm not worth saving."

Yes you are, now come to me, leave

Eren closed his eyes. Faces filled his mind; the faces of Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Levi. He opened his eyes, then dug in his pocket for his phone.

"I need a taxi." He jumped in as soon as it got there, the stuttered out an address he's recently become familiar with. The ride was blurry, Eren tossed the man the money and ran out the car. He ran faster than he has before right to that front door, then pounded with all his might. When it opened, and Eren saw his face, he felt a wave of relief flow threw his body, then electricity.

"Eren, what are you-" With the power of newly found courage, Eren slammed his lips on Levi's as he wrapped his arms around his neck. It felt surreal, like this wasn't his lips on his, but it was. Levi, surprised at first, gasped into the kiss, but then kissed back with just as much passion, if not more. His fingers found there way to Eren's face and hair, forcing more of him into his mouth. Their tongues danced in exploration and want; fighting for dominance. They kissed until neither could breath, then parted with a gasp. They looked into each other's eyes, and Levi could see the hurt and pain in the amazing green; an emotion Levi never wished to see taint his beautiful face. He didn't ask why he was here at two in the morning, while it was pouring raining. He knew he needed something else.

"It's ok, you're going to be ok Eren, I promise."


These are the type of chapters I write at 2:00 in the morning, sleep's overrated anyway. Like always, thanks for reading, hope you a fantastic day, bye!

P.S. the song above is Eren and Levi's new theme song, because marry me Halsey😻

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