Hit And Run

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Warning, the following chapter contains blood and violence, but not that much, just a little bit

As soon as the bullet left the barrel of Levi's gun, he knew he messed up. Aimed at Nile Dok, he almost hit him, if the damned brat didn't decided in that moment to show himself. In the corner of his eye, Levi saw the boy move, either to get more comfortable or from fear, he didn't know, he didn't care either.

"Nice shot, Ackerman, I didn't know you had it in you. Still missed though." Spat Nile as he laughed in his face.

Behind him he heard shots being fired and moans of pain. He aimed at Nile again, this time he wouldn't miss, and shot him straight through the head. The body, now cold and lifeless, dropped to the ground with a thud. Seconds later he heard a scream, he whipped his head in the direction the noise came from, and saw the boy from earlier, the one dancing on the table like nothing mattered, the one that was just shaking in fear behind the bar, on the floor, blood pooling from his leg.

"Fuck." He cured underneath his breath, then ran to the boy and crouched down. The boy was hysterical, tears streaming down his face, snot running from his nose. Levi cringed, but picked the boy up anyway.

"Hey kid, calm down alright? We'll fix you up, just stay quiet." The kid bit his lip, obviously in pain, but he tried his best to keep quiet. Levi quickly made his way through the club, dodging bullets from the other that were still firing, as they should be. They couldn't leave until all the men of Nile Dok, the ones that were here at least, were dead. Some how he was able to get outside, by the side of their van, and opened the back door.

"Who the fuck is that!?" Asked Petra, Levi laid the boy down on the mat Petra had available. Immediately she began to work, finding the bullet wound, taking it out, cleaning it up, still, she expected answers.

"I don't know. Some kid stupid enough to stay when someone yells fire and then even stupider to try to leave once people start firing bullets. I saw him earlier, drunk out his mind, dancing on a table to that one song by the black eye peas." Petra laughed, but didn't stop working.

"I got a feeling?" Levi nodded his head.

"Yeah, that one." He snorted, this is what they're talking about when there's a shooting going on in the building next to them.

"I'm going back in, is he going to be alright?" Levi reloaded his gun, just in case, and fixed his shirt.

"Oh yeah, it didn't hit any major arteries or anything, it might hurt like a bitch when he wakes up though." He nodded, then left the van. 

Inside, it was hectic. Blood painted the walls red, and there were still moans and groans of people in pain. There were more men of Nile's than he originally thought, but most were dead, their bodies littered the club floor. A man attempted to come at him from his left, unarmed. He shot him right through the heart. Another one came from his right, he shared the same fate as his comrade. A few more were dumb enough to try to kill the infamous gang leader, and all attempts cost them their lives. After Levi deemed the club clean of people, they all went back to the van, not a single person of Levi's hurt in anyway.

"Who's that?" Asked Isabel as she pointedly the unconscious boy.

"Don't know. He got shot during the brawl, decided it would be kinda rude to let an innocent kid bleed out, he obviously shouldn't of been in the club in the first place." Levi explained as Hanji started up the van and began to drive home.

"Shit, Levi, the cops are after us!" Hanji yelled, Levi looked out the tinted windows and sure enough, white cars with flashing red and blue lights were right on their tail.

"Farlan, take the wheel, you're the best driver. Hanji, come with me to the top, and bring your M249." She laughed manically while Eld took over the van, then grabbed her gun and followed Levi to the top of the van.

"Whoohoo, haven't done this in forever!" She situated herself on the roof, strapping her calf's in, and then aiming at the cop cars.

"Shut up and shoot." Levi commanded as he took his own gun and aimed it at the police who were now shooting at them too. The car swerved, but that didn't falter the shooting of the thugs.

"EAT THIS ASSHOLES HAHAHAHA!" Hanji screamed at the angered men.

"If you scream one more time Hanji I swear to god..." He glared at her, she just laughed harder.

"Awwww, you love me!" He scoffed, but deep down they both knew it was true. He would die for the her, even if she was an annoying bitch sometimes.

Levi banged on the roof, resulting in the van speeding up.

"We almost lost 'em boss?" Asked Farlan as he poked his head out the window.

"Almost, head south." The car swerved again, they held on tight to the railing.

A few minutes later, they lost sight of the flashing lights, Levi climbed back into the van.

"He woke up, Levi." Said Petra as she tried to calm down the crying teen.

"S-Stop, I'll be good!" He tried to sit up and wiggle around but they held him down.

"I think he's hallucinating or something, he keeps mumbling stuff and I can understand what he's saying." Commented Oluo, Petra nodded, then froze.

"Eren!?" She didn't notice before, with the blood smeared on his face, but now that she looked closely she realized that she knew him, it was her bosses son, Eren Jaeger.

"Who? Do you know him?" Petra nodded at Isabel's question.

"Yeah, he's the bosses son, the one I was talking about." He thrashed against her hold.

"Why's he going crazy!?" She glared at Oluo for being so blunt.

"I don't know, shit, he won't stop moving!" She stared at him for a long moment, then apologized to him mentally. Then, she punched him in the face, hard, effectively knocking him out.

"Well god damn Petra!" Yelled Hanji as she climbed back into the van.

"He wouldn't stop moving, I didn't want to." She hissed.

"Let's just take him back home, make sure he's ok and gonna stay quiet about all this, and then send him on his merry way." Growled Levi, tired and about to get a migraine.

See, wasn't that much blood. I recommend the song above, though I warn you, it's really dark. It doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter but I was listening to it on the bus when I thought of making a fic about a poker playing criminal Levi, though I didn't want him quite as evil as Billy. Thanks for reading, and as always, have a wonderful day, bye!

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