Slowly Falling

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"Ahahhhhhhahahaha!" Eren groaned as he woke up and grabbed his head.

"Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it?" He jumped as he turned to see Levi sitting on his bed with a glass of water a some aspirin. He took the pills and swallowed them without the water, making Levi cringe, then downed the whole glass.

"Yes." He sighed.

"Good, dumbass." He knocked the brunette upside the head.

"OW!" Eren grabbed his head and glared at the other.

"What were you thinking, accepting drinks from strangers. They weren't normal drinks Eren, he drugged them." Eren's eyes widened.

"Oh fuck, really? What happened?" He asked, Levi sighed. Eren almost jumped out his skin when Hanji laughed besides him.

"Well, first, I don't know what happened before, I was at the bar, but around one you started stripping in these really skimpy clothes, if you could even call them that. Then you and Eyebrows started eating each other's faces, then you pasted out; Levi enters the picture between you and Erwin swapping spit by the way. Then, Levi practically dragged the man out the chair and boy, you should of been awake, Levi beat, his, ass! Needless to say, the 'treaty' only lasted around an hour and a half." She explained, Eren facepalmed.

"Levi, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to break your treaty or whatever, I don't even remember stripping. I just got so scared when I was left alone and then he threatened to kill Petra and I thought if I drank then I could forget all that and I didn't know he would drug it, I'm so so so sorry!" He hyperventilating at this point, Levi cupped his face while Hanji rubbed his back.

"Hey hey, it's ok. It's my fault anyway, for trusting that no good, bushy browed, pervert. It's ok." Levi held Eren as he got through his panic attack. He used to have them all the time, but they've been becoming rarer since he moved in with Levi and his gang; everyone has their braking point though.

"It's ok Eren, you're ok." He whispered calmly into ear until his breathing became even and soft snores came from his mouth.

"Poor thing, passed out. Kid's been through a lot." Hanji frowned, Levi's brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" He asked, Hanji sighed.

"His mother died when he was little, she killed herself, while Eren was in the room. He took it hard, but got better over time. His father helped him through a lot, so at least he has him. She was a dancer, I think, and then she got attacked in an alley, then wasn't able to dance ever again. It's a sad story really." She patted the sleeping boy, then got up.

"You've done a lot of research?" He asked, Hanji nodded.

"Yeah, well Petra did actually. You coming?" She asked, he stayed seated.

"No, I don't want him to be alone when he wakes up again." She looked skeptical, then shook her head and smiled.

"You're in deep Levi." She said, then left before Levi could ask her what she meant.

Levi took in Eren's sleeping features, which were peaceful and calm. He wondered if Eren remembered his mother, if memories of her, dead, were still burned into his mind. Levi sure did. An hour later, Eren finally stirred. His eyes opened, and he looked at Levi.

"Does your head feel better?" Levi asked, Eren nodded lightly, then yawned.

"I had the weirdest dream." He said, Levi snorted.

"Yeah, I know, you talk in your sleep. Something about donuts and bondage." Eren turned a dark shade of red, Levi smirked and shook his head.

"I was with Jean, at a cafe, and we were talking about bondage. In my dream." Eren explained.

"I'm not even going to question it." He stood.

"Where are you going?" Eren asked.

"To make lunch, I know you're hungry." Eren sat up and slid his legs off the bed, then blushed when he realized he was only wearing a shirt and boxers.

"I can help." He offered, Levi smirked.

"What can you make?" He asked, Eren bit his lip.

"Um, ramen?" Levi chuckled and waved the boy off.

"You can watch, maybe take some notes." Then he was off to the kitchen. Eren hurriedly jumped into a pair of jeans and put on a more comfortable shirt, brushed his teeth, then followed the mafia leader. He jumped on the bar stool facing the kitchen, then put his head in his hand.

"Whatcha making?" Eren asked cutely.

"Coq au vin." He answered, Eren snorted.

"What the fuck is that?" Levi sighed.

"It's fancy chicken." Eren nodded, then watched as he got out all the ingredients, including a bottle of wine.

"Oooh, now you're talking." Eren grinned, Levi rolled his eyes.

"It's for the dish brat." Eren pouted, making Levi shake his head.

"Are the others here?" Eren asked suddenly when he realized the house was silent except for the sounds of Levi's cooking.

"No, they're out drinking." He said, making Eren frown.

"Why didn't you go with them?" He asked, Levi shrugged.

"I didn't want to. Besides, I didn't want you to wake up to an empty house." He said, making Eren blush.

"Oh, well, thank you." He said timidly, Levi nodded.

"Sure brat." He went back to cooking.

"How old are you?" Eren asked suddenly, Levi snorted.

"Why?" Eren shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean you're so successful, I just want to know what age you are." Eren said defensively.

"I don't know if illegal success counts, but I'm 26." Levi said, making Eren beam. They were only 9 years apart!

"Oh, ok." He said smoothly, or at least he tried.

"'Ok', what does that mean?" Levi asked accusingly, Eren spluttered.

"It mean's ok, ok?" He said nervously, Levi laughed, like really laughed. Eren's eyes widened and his mouth opened a little.

"You are one weird kid." Eren pouted, but he couldn't sulk for long, because he made Levi laugh!

"Yeah, well, your a mafia leader." He pointed out, Levi shrugged.

"Touché." And that's how the rest of the afternoon went; just the two of them, talking and laughing, more on Eren part than Levi's. It was a nice change from drugs and weird, perverted, bushy browed assholes.

I see you two, getting nice and cozy aren't you? And Levi cooking, wow, sign me up, I want some of that fancy chicken. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a nice day, bye!

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