Here We Go Again

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Trigger warning, abuse and violence towards the ending

"Listen, I know it's only been like, three weeks since you hurt your leg and shit, but I'm throwing a party and I think you should come and turn up!" Eren laughed at Reiner's enthusiasm, and nodded.

"Yeah, definitely. Besides, my leg is as good as new." He patted where his wound used to be, and new scar now was.

"Awesome, you always bring the magic to the party, especially when you wasted." Eren rolled his eyes and stuck the bird at Jean as he and Marco sat beside him.

"And I can make it this time! No drinking for me though, I'm the designated driver." Marco chirped.

"You wanna get some clothes from my house again, since you have no taste in clothing at all; straight people..." He looked at Eren and winked, Eren blushed, it wasn't like he needed a reminder of his newly found crush. He found himself thinking of the man often, but randomly. He'd be walking to school, and then see a crow, and think of how Levi and the bird seemed similar, with it's sleek black feathers and it's sharp cold eyes. Or when he's in his creative writing class, and the teacher asks if he would like to read his story out loud. He has to blush and decline, since it's all about a dreamy raven that found a lost boy in the woods, or a stoic superhero swooping in to save the day of a damsel in distress, the damsel being him. He couldn't write about anything else, it was annoying really. Couldn't he just get the fuck out of his head!?

"Earth to Jaeger..." Eren blinked as Jean waved a hand in front of his face.

"What, oh, sorry. Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without your super gay fashion powers." Jean shrugged.

"Guilty." He took Marco's face, making it resemble a fish, and kissed him, making the teen blush.

"Jean!" Jean chuckled at his boyfriend's whining.


"Holy shit balls!" Eren gawked at the person in the mirror, because it was obviously not him.

"Damn Jaeger, looking good. How do you keep you skin so smooth, like it's never rough or anything, totally not fair..." He trailed off, Eren frowned.

"I don't know about this, Jean, it seems so..." He couldn't find the word to describe it. He was wearing shorts, really short shorts. And a tank-top, that had 'I'm not saying your idea is wrong, it's just that I'm always right' on it.

"Gay? What, you scared of looking like a twink? Don't worry, you already did without the clothes." He laughed when Eren threw a pillow at him.

"You're not helping, asshat!" He whined, and pulled at his hair.

"Eren, dude, you look fine, really. Besides, what's wrong with someone thinking you're gay, it's true isn't it?" Eren sighed  as he shrugged.

"I don't know, I've never liked anyone before, but then suddenly he's all I can think about!" Jean smirked.

"Sounds like you're smitten with this guy, huh?" Eren blushed, then nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do, it's not like I'll ever see him again." Jean got up a slapped his back.

"Sounds to me like you need to get laid. All your pent up sexual tension finally got let loose, and it latched on to hot mafia dude, and now, you have to either fuck him, or get drunk enough to get fucked by someone else while imagining it's him." Eren stared at him, then sighed.

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