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It's cold, wet, and smells like piss. It's the first thing Eren thinks as he wakes.  The second thing he thinks, is ow, everything hurts. His whole body aches, and he feels absolutely drained of any and all energy. He tries to force his eyes open, but apparently his mind and body aren't on the same page today. Before he could try again, he falls back into unconsciousness.

He wakes up after god knows how long, and groans. He feels it this time, every cut, every bruise, every cracked bone. His stomach is practically eating itself, and his throat feels like he swallowed sand. He can open his eyes this time, but it doesn't really do him much good. It's pitch black, and even if he strains his eyes, he can see nothing.

Slowly, he manages to sit up and reach in front of him. He hisses slightly when he touches icy metal, then his blood runs cold. He feels around desperately, feeling all around his surroundings. He's in a box, he figures after a while, and there is no way he's getting out. He pounds on the walls, but quickly decides that that won't do him much good. His breathing starts to quicken and he feels sweat start to gather on his forehead. He passes out again before he could really panic.


"What should we do when he wakes up?" Someone around him whispers, making him startle awake and open his eyes. Everything hurts, and he's stiff, like he hasn't used his body in days; he probably hasn't.

"Go tell Boss?" One offers, and Eren attempts to move, but finds that he's tied down to a table. Anger bubbles inside of him and just as he's about to yell, the other replies, and the color drains from his face.

"I almost feel bad for him, Erwin can be pretty rough with cute ones like him, I wonder what he did to piss him off?" Eren wants to cry and yell, mostly at his past stupid, drunk self. He shifts, trying to get his hand and ankles free, but finds that the leather holding his limbs down isn't budging anytime soon. He stays silent, worried that if he makes even the smallest of noises the men would do as they said, and Eren really didn't want to talk to Erwin.

"Who knows. It doesn't matter to us anyway." Just as he finishes his sentence, Eren hears a slam of a door, then loud footsteps as someone walks up to the table he's strapped to.

"Has he been up since we moved him?" A deep voice asks from above him, and he squeezes his eyes closed, not wanting to let Erwin know he's awake.

"No sir, he's been sleeping the whole time. He mumbled a little at first, something about his dad. He was moving a bit a few minutes ago but I think he's just having a bad dream or something. If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are we keeping him? He doesn't look special." Erwin sighs from above him, and he feels the hot breath on his face; he forces himself not to shudder in disgust.

He learned that night mouths ago that Erwin Smith is a bad man, a very bad man. He lies, he steals, he cheats, he kills mercilessly.

He sensed it once he laid eyes on the man, and he curses himself for taking that drink, for letting himself be so vulnerable in front of him. He he could go back he would, but unfortunately he can't. What he can do is find a way to get the fuck out of this weird, dangerous place. He flinches as a callused finger brushes his cheek, he prays that the man didn't notice.

"So delicate, so fragile. I can't wait to taint you, break you. T, go get me a knife, it's time to color this beautiful skin of his." Erwin say, ignoring the man question entirely. Eren wants to yell at him, he wants to promise him that Levi will come and save him, but he doesn't even know that himself. One of the men leaves, then comes back a minute later. He walks by Erwin, then walks back to his original place.

"Let's get started." Erwin couldn't hold back the scream as a slice was made across his face.


"Where is he!?" Levi growls, taking the confused and equal scared teenager by the collar.

"I-I don't know! They said I was the only one in the car when they found me, I swear!" Jean says, hands up in surrender. Levi scoffs and lets the boy go, making him fall to the grown. Levi runs a hand through his raven hair, closing his eyes and trying not to panic and come up with a plan at the same time.

"W-Where do you think he is?" Jean asks hesitantly, getting up from the floor. He notices a woman next to him, two actually.

"It's ok, Levi, we'll find him, I promise." The red-head tries to calm the man, he just glares at the wall, then turns around and walks away. The woman begin to follow him, Jean's running after them before he could think of what he was doing.

"Where are you going?" He asks, at first getting silence. The woman look at each other before stopping and turning to Jean, making him stumble at the sudden stop.

"Listen, your friend was kidnaped, most likely from some pretty powerful people, and if you help us, there's a chance you might get hurt, killed even. Are you sure you're willing to do that?" The lady with the glasses speaks for the first time, and Jean stops and really thinks about her question.

"He's my best friend." He answers without hesitation, they nod.

"Follow us."

Welp, Eren's fucked, and not in the good way, I'm thinking about killing him, should I? Again, I'm sorry for the late chapter, like really late, but life's been an asshole lately soooo...yeah, how's life, school's out, yay, summer. Another chapter will be out soon, I promise, since I'm no longer in the predicament that I was in a few days ago. How you liked the chapter, thanks for reading, bye!

P.S. have you heard BTS's new album!? It legit killed me, especially Airplane pt.2, I'm dead, R.I.P Me. 

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