Parted Lips

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"Get that out your mouth." Levi chides as he walks outside to see Eren with a cigarette between his pink lips. He plucked it out his mouth, then put it in his own.

"Really?" Eren asked, Levi blew smoke in his face.

"Smoking's bad for you." Levi said simply, Eren rolled his eyes. They were quiet, just staring at the stars until Levi sighed, then broke the silence.

"So, you gonna tell me what happened?" He asked, still looking up. Eren shrugged.

"You can probably figure it out by now." He sighed.

"But I want to hear it from you." Levi said as he finally looked at the teen.

"What, that my dad hits me, that he's a crazy drunk and a sadistic freak? Just leave it alone Levi, it's not your business anyway." Levi snorted.

"Too late for that, I already got rid of him." Eren's eyes widened.

"You killed him!?" He yelled.

"No." He reassured, Eren frowned.

"Oh." He looked down, Levi chuckles.

"Should I have?" Eren's quiet, then shakes his head.

"No, I don't think he really deserves death." He answered then shrugged.

"Are you alright?" Levi asked, Eren looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"You never have to see him again, ever, do you get that? You seem a little un-responsive." Eren bit his lip.

"Honestly, I feel so emotionally drained. I'm so happy I could cry, but there's no more tears left, no more energy. And I guess some part of me doesn't believe it. He's beaten me for as long as I can remember. Before, he beat my mom. Do you know what happened to my mom?" Levi took a drag from the forgotten cancer stick, then shook his head.

"Not really. Hanji mentioned it once, but she didn't know much." Eren nodded, than began his story.

"She was a dancer, one of the most beautiful I've ever seen; I can still remember, even though I was only four. I didn't know what was going on when she would go inside my fathers 'mystery' room, but I remember her coming out crying, then she would hold me and sing softly to me in German, lulling me to sleep. Then one day my mom went in the room, but didn't come out till almost a day later. She had to crawl, because she couldn't walk, all the way to my room, where she held me one last time. I was right there when she cut her wrists, I watched and wondered why my mother wasn't waking up after her nap. My father found us there, and by then it was too late, but he still rushed her to the hospital, five year old me running beside him looking very confused. When she left, my father left with her. He drank himself half to death, then started gambling, then eventually drugs. He almost got fired, but he learned how to put himself together for work, then break all over again once he got home." Eren smiled sadly, like he was remembering a moment he had with his mother.

"It started with a few slaps to the face when I would misbehave, then when I got older and learned to control my anger and not get into trouble, it turned into full on beatings for the smallest of things. I was ten when he first introduced me to 'the room', as I like to call it. I still don't know quite why he liked injecting me with stuff, then cutting me open and I don't really want to know." He didn't realize until Levi wiped his cheat that he was crying, he sniffed.

"You are so brave." Levi breathed in his ear, making him shudder.

"For what, doing nothing all those years? I mean, I deserved it Levi. I...I let her die, if only I'd done something, told someone about my father. If only I wasn't so stupid." Levi took his chin and looked into his tear filled eyes.

"Don't ever say that." Levi whispered, then kissed his streaked cheeks, then the other, then lastly his lips. It started out slow as they both got used to the feeling, unlike the spontaneous one last night. Eren opened his mouth, then dipped his tongue between Levi's lips, mixing their tastes. Gradually, Levi's hands found their way to Eren's hair, then pulled him closer, while Eren's fingers were tightly clutching the front on Levi's shirt. They parted with a gasp, but connected almost immediately after, this time the kiss was more desperate, lustful.

Eren pulled Levi towards him as he laid down on the porch floor, forcing the man to lay on top of him, supporting himself with one hand beside Eren's head. Levi's spare hand trailed down Eren's clothed stomach, then under his shirt. He felt his smooth stomach and muscle underneath, tempted to run his tongue over the tan skin there. Instead, the wet muscle found the other's chin, then neck, sucking and biting at the soft flesh, making Eren's moan out and claw at Levi's hard stomach. Levi basked the addicting sounds that pooled out Eren's mouth, and he decided that it was now his favorite sound in the world. Eren wrapped his legs around Levi's hip, then started to grind his hard against Levi's. At that, Levi separated from the teen, then moved a few feet away.

"Eren stop, wait. You're only seventeen." He said, Eren stared at him with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought-I thought you wanted-" He hugged his legs and looked away.

"Eren, I do, but this is Illegal." Eren snorted dryly.

"'Cause you're all about listening to the law. And no, it's not, I'm over sixteen." He pointed out, then got up.

"Eren, don't-" Levi stood too and tried to stop him, but Eren was already running. Levi rub his face, then pinched his nose.

"Fuck!" He turned around and punched the front door, then clutched his throbbing hand.

I know this chapter was probably really confusing, and bipolar, I'll try to make more sense next chapter, chapter twenty! Can you guys believe that, already chapter twenty! Anyway, thanks for reading and have a marvelous weekend, bye!

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