This Is Halloween

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"So he's gone, for good?" Jean asked, blowing smoke out his mouth, then pasted the joint to Eren, who just shrugged at the question.

"I don't know. That's what Levi said at least, then I broke down, then we had a really hot make out session, then he was all like 'no, you're too young', and then I left." Eren explained as he took a long drag from the illegal stick.

"Fuck dude, I don't even know what to say. Where you gonna live? I can sneak you in my closet for a few mouths, but the housekeepers will find out eventually." Eren snorted.

"Nah. I'll just live in the apartment until they evict me, then I guess I'll just do whatever, jump off a bridge maybe." He joked, Jean bumped him on with his shoulder.

"Don't say that shit. You can always live with Mr. Mafia, I mean, you practically live there already." Eren blushed, sighed.

"He obviously doesn't like me like that, it'd just be awkward." He took another hit, then passed it back.

"So what, you just gonna never see him again? Too late for that my friend." Jean snorted, Eren rested his head on his knees.

"I don't know what to do anymore." He cried, Jean rubbed soothing circles in his back.

"At least your dad's gone." Jean said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"He's gone. He's really fucking gone. Ha, hahaha!" Eren doubled over in laughter, Jean watched with worried eyes. "I'm never going to have to come here anymore, six o'clock in the fucking more, for you to patch me up. I'm finally fucking free!" He fell on his back, then stared at the stars. He closed his eyes, and fell asleep just like that, with a huge smile on his face.


"Eren, wake the fuck up!" Jean shook the screaming teen, until he finally jerked up with a strangled gasp. Jean sat back down a sigh, then rubbed his temples.

"Fuck man." He grumbled, then yawn tiredly. The sun was just peaking from the horizon, it was a beautiful sight really, but they didn't really feel like ogling the sun after the sudden wake up call.

"S-Sorry." Eren whispered, voice hoarse from the previous screaming.

"'S'ok, just, get up. We have school." Eren nodded, then got ready for the day ahead of him. They were out the door in no time, dressed and prepared for school.

"It's almost October thirty first, you guys know what that means!" Reiner yelled as he sat down on the cafeteria table, they all grinned.

"Halloween party!" They sang simultaneously.

"This year is going to be lit." Connie said, they nodded their heads.

"Yeah. What's the theme this year Reiner?" Historia asked.

"I was thinking movie characters but decided against it since we did book characters last year. I couldn't think of anything else, any ideas?" He shrugged.

"Animals?" Ymir suggested.

"Famous criminals." Jean said as he winked at Eren who turned a dark shade red.

"Celebrities?" Armin offered.

"What about mystical creatures?" They all stopped and looked at Eren, then Reiner nodded his head.

"Brilliant: mystical creatures. Werewolves, vampires, fairies, perfect. I knew you were good for something besides looking pretty, Jaeger."


"Are the contacts really necessary?" Eren asked as he rubbed his irritated eyes.

"Yes. Now shut up and walk faster." Jean rushed, Eren rolled his eyes. Halloween was always his favorite holiday, if it even counted as one, but this costume was really getting on his nerves. It was itchy and tight, and the werewolf ears were making his head hurt, not to mention the contacts making his eye water.

"See, we're here. Now stop complaining." Reiner's house was huge, and conveniently right next to Jeans, though Eren still didn't know where everything was despite having been there dozens of times before. Jean, dressed as a demon-which Eren thought was the perfect costume for his best friend-found their group of friends easily through the crowd since they were the ones making the most noise. All of their costumes were impressive, except for Armin, he just put a bag over himself and said he was a ghost. Marco was an angel of course, to match with Jean's costume. They talked and laugh and got high, and most drank, but Eren decided it was best he didn't, since that somehow always ended badly for him.

"So Eren, when you plan to pop 'ya cherry?" Jean asked, he was laying upside down on one of Reiner's sofa's, Eren sat next to him, right-side up.

"None of your business Jean." Eren scoffed.

"It's plenty my business, I'm the one who helped awaken your inner-gay, I should be the first one to know when someone finally bites into your forbidden fruit." He said, then laughed.

"Leave me alone Jean, go annoy Marco or something." Eren said, slowly starting to get frustrated with Jean's constant bickering.

"You know it's true. You should just go over there, bang on his door until he answers, and pounce bro. Rip his clothes off and let him ravish you, just let him get in there and-" Eren put a hand over his mouth before he could continue. He rolled his eyes, but he knew, somewhere deep down, that the annoying teen was right, on some level. He did need to talk to one person he'd been avoiding for the past few days; but 'pouncing on him' didn't seem like the best way to go about telling him how he felt. He stood suddenly, making Jean yell and fall off the sofa; he laughed on the floor.

"You know Jean, you're right." He mumbled, Jean snorted.

"I am?" He giggled, Eren ignored him and searched for his phone. As soon as he found it he was running out the door.

Sorry it took so long, I went to a wedding and forgot my tablet so I couldn't write, and almost barfed on everyone, so many people 🙃. And I was right next to these giant speakers, so my eardrums are pretty much scrambled eggs. Anyway, thanks for reading, bye!

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