Just Wanna Run

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As Jean pulled into the Ackerman residence, he suddenly really wanted to pull out. The place was scary looking, like horror movie scary. The place was dark-looking and all the bushes surrounding the mansion were dead, like he probably was about to be, maybe he can go to plant heaven; he seriously didn't feel like dealing with humans at the moment. 

"So....knock." Jean pushed as he and Eren finally reached the door, the other scoffed.

"You knock, you wanted to come here not me. I'm not opening my mouth unless I have to." He pouted, then crossed his arms.

"He's your boyfriend." Jean pointed out.

"Not for long." Eren said a bit louder. Jean huffed, then knocked as hard as he could of the enormous door. They waited, and waited, until finally someone answered, Jean could've died right then and there.

"Eren?" Levi asked, looking both confused and surprised. Eren cleared his throat and muttered a small 'Hi', scared that if he said anything else he might break down again, and he was really getting tired of crying.

"Y-You're Levi?" Jean asked, crossing his arms and pointing his chin up in an act to look intimidating; Eren would of laughed if the situation was different. Instead, he stood there, quietly staring at his feet.

"Yes, and you are?" Scared, he wanted to say. He felt that if he looked at this man any longer his eyes would turn to ash. He was beautiful, to say the least, and for a second he wondered how a brat like Eren could get with someone so hot. But he was also the most intimidating thing Jean has ever laid his eyes on, and that was saying a lot.

"Jean, Eren's best friend." He said with a little more confidence, Levi raised an eyebrow.

"And you're here because...?" Jean awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, he wasn't really good with dealing with hot dudes, or people in general actually.

"U-Um, well, you see-" He scratched his neck awkwardly, Eren rolled his eyes.

"He wants to put his nose where it doesn't belong." He spat, arms crossed. His eyes were burning holes into the wall next to Levi's head.

"Listen, he obviously doesn't want to be here, just...leave." Levi said, tiredly wiping his face with his hand.

"Um, love to, but can't. We have to settle this, once and for- well that was rude." Jean said as Levi slammed the door in their faces. Eren sighed and turned to leave, but Jean stopped him by grabbing his shirt and pulling him back.

"Jean, lets just leave. Please." Jean sighs, then looks Eren in the eyes. He looks tired, exhausted, and desperate to leave. He nods hesitantly, then gestures to his car. Eren turns and leaves, making it to the car this time. Jean pauses, then turns to the door.

"This isn't over." He whispers at the door, knowing Levi is listening on the other side. He walks to his car then, and hurriedly leaves the property.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" Jean sled, attempting to cheer the other teen up. Eren pouts, then hesitantly nods his head. Jean smiles, know that he could reach the boy through food. They drive out into the city, then finally, they reach a small, almost abandoned, ice cream shop.

"Hi, welcome so Sina's Spectacular Sundaes, what can I get you?" A girl, seemingly in her teen, asks the boys in a deadpan tone.

"Chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch please!" Jean says happily, Eren sighs and flatly orders a plain vanilla cone.

"Coming right up." The girl says, then disappears into the back. Jean whistles and looks around the old, dankly shop, cringing at the mold and cobwebs in the corners.

"This looks so shady..." Eren says, nose crinkled in disgust.

"Yeah well, this is the first ice cream place I saw." Jean huffs just as the girl comes back with two cones in her hands, one obviously bigger than the other.

"$16.94." She says, Jean's eyes widen.

"For two ice cream cones!?" He asks, she just sighs. He hands her his card, she disappears again faster handing Eren the cones. He licks his own, still pouting. She comes back, hands Jean back his card, then disappears again. He rolls his eyes and takes his ice cream from Eren. They sit in one of the old booth, making dust swirl in the air around them, and sigh at pitifulness of the whole situation.

"Well, today has been eventful." Jean says, head laying on his palm; his words come out slurred.

"I had no say in any of this. All this, was you. Not me. You." Eren points out accusingly, Jean scoffs.

"I'm trying to help you." He counterclaims, then pouts also. He lets out chuckle, then another, and next thing you know he's doubling over in laughter. Eren joins, then their holding onto each other, desperately trying to catch their breath.

"We, we, we can't do anything right." Jean gasps, making then laugh harder. The girl comes back to see what's happening, then immediately stop and look at her. She raises and eyebrow, then turns and leaves again. They laugh harder this time. They leave the dingy shop and start to leave the city, speakers blasting some new pop song neither new the name of.

"I can't believe that ice cream was 17 bucks!" Jean yelled, Eren snorted.

"Your still on about that? You're rich dude, that was literally a penny from your pocket." Eren scoffed.

"Yeah, but $17-"

I'm sorry...

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