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Eren's eyes looked over Levi's sleeping body, or at least what he could see. He'd never actually ever seen the man sleep before, it was a very interesting sight to say the least. The man moved, a lot; more than himself, which was saying something. And he mumbled too, about nonsense like Micheal Phelps and peanut butter, that part had him laughing behind his newly claimed pillow. His face was calm, no scowl or look of worry on his, what Eren thought was perfect, face. After what seemed like forever, one of his eyes finally peeked open, he looked over Eren, then closed his eyes again. He yawned, then suddenly rolled over and started littering kisses all over Eren chest and face, turning him into a giggling mess.

"Morning." Levi said finally as he kissed Eren on the lips, then cringed back.

"Morning breath." Eren said, then sat. He scratched his head cutely, then let out a big yawn, stretching his arms over his head. He got up, making the sheets disappear from his body. He took a step, then decided against it when a ache shot through his hips and back. He hissed and sat back down, Levi frowned. Eren yelped as he was picked up.

"Come on, we need to get ready." Eren didn't ask what for as he was gently placed on the sink counter, in Levi's ginormous bathroom. Levi handed him a new toothbrush, then a travel sized tube of toothpaste.

"I have a toothbrush in my room you know." Eren remarked.

"Well now you have another one." Levi said as he spit into the running sink. Eren shrugged, then started to brush his pearly whites. When he was done, Levi started the shower. Although it wasn't without pain, Eren managed to get under the steaming water, moaning as it soothed some of the ache. They washed each other, and Eren beamed at the thought of smelling like Levi all day while using his body wash and shampoo. He needed help with removing the dry cum out his ass, which resulted in sex; at least they were already in the shower to clean up afterwards. After, they dried off, had more sex, then finally got dressed; good thing almost all of Eren's clothes were still there. Eren fell on Levi's huge bed while he watched the other putting on his cologne.

"You know, I think I started a new addiction." He stated, Levi snorted.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Sex." Levi raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"That's not surprising, considering your age," He shrugged, then added "and your partner." Eren smiled.

"What ever it is, all I know is that I don't ever want to stop, ever." He closed his eyes as he grinned and though back to last night.

"Well unfortunately for you, my libido isn't as constant as it used to be. Besides, you have to face real people eventually." He dragged the teen out the bed by his arms, making Eren groan.

"You're a real person." He pointed out.

"Barely." Levi said seriously, the sighed.

"Eren-" He started, but Eren shook his head.

"No Levi, I don't want to hear your excuses for reasons we shouldn't be together. I love you, and you weirdly love me back. I want to be with you, and it's not like I have anywhere's else to go. I'll probably end up on the streets, or living with old men as a sugar baby or something. You're me lifeline, you're the only thing keeping me sane Levi." He looked into his eyes with his own tear filled eyes, Levi sighed.

"Eren, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. I'm a mafia leader. I do bad things, I kill people Eren. You're not meant for this life Eren, you can live with Jean until you turn eighteen in a few mouths, I'll give you enough money to life a comfortable life. Get married, adopt kids. People with target you to get to me Eren, and I can't risk that." He looked away, unable to look into Eren's pleading eyes.

"Then let me join. You can teach me how to be useful, I can do something, anything, just don't leave me, please." He was full on sobbing now, Levi gave in and hugged him closely.

"Don't cry, I'm here, I'll never leave you." He promised, but deep down he knew he couldn't keep it. Life as a mafia leader wasn't the safest, and he doubted he'd live long enough to reach forty.

"Now cheer up Brat, we have a big day ahead of us." Levi said as he kissed Eren's forehead, the dry the tears off his face with his fingers.

"Ok. I-I have a question though." Eren said timidly as he started to play with the hem of his shirt. His outfit looked like it cost more than his apartment, but then again Petra was the one who bought most of the stuff; she was always one for fashion.

"Shoot." Levi said, then realized that may have not been the best choice of words.

"I-I was wondering if you'd, you know, like to b-be with me, officially." He finally looked up, and saw that Levi was grinning.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" He asked slyly.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Eren said, a little stronger.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend Brat. Now, I'd love to celebrate, but we really have to go." Eren beamed and nodded his head.

"Ok, where we headed?" He asked as they made he made his way to the garage, well more like skipped.

"You want to know how I made it to the top?" Levi asked as he ignored the question. He got on his bike and handed Eren a helmet. He took it without thought, he's had a lot more practice since the first time.

"You killed them with kindness?" He asked and straddled the bike behind Levi, wrapping his arms around the other's torso to keep himself from becoming one with the road.

"Funny. No, I gambled." Levi said, then started the motorcycle.

"Gambling. Like casinos and stuff?" Eren asked, Levi snorted.

"No, illegal gambling Eren. Poker, to be exact." Eren's brows pulled together.

"Oh. Well that's better than killing everyone in your way I guess." Eren noted.

"I still like to gamble, and I'm good at it, so we're going to a game." Eren shrugged.

"A wha?" Levi smirked.

"You'll see."

Well, to improve my sexual writing, I looked up how to write good erotica. They had some good pointers, and I think It'll help. Hopefully. I'll practice. I also didn't plan to have any angst in this chapter, but I
couldn't help but put a little. Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EREN, just thought I should put that out there. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a wonderful day, bye!

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