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Eren woke with a gasp as faces of his father disappeared from his eyes and instead he was greeted with a burn from the bright sun. He put a hand over his heart in hopes of slowing down the beating organ, but it did nothing to calm the futile fear in his mind.

"It's ok Eren, you're awake." His head snapped to Levi who was leaning on the wall next to the window; his eyes refused to meet Eren's.

"L-Levi, what happen-" Eren asked as he started to sit up.

"This is your last chance Eren." He said, his voice strained with pain.

"What do you mean? Levi, what happened back at the warehouse?" Eren asked again, mind still fuzzy from his nightmares.

"This is your last chance to get away, leave, never come back. I'll get you a house, a car, a fucking dog for gods sake if that's what you want. Just, go." Eren shook his head, unable to comprehend what was coming out Levi's mouth.

"Levi, what are you talking about?" Levi's jaw clenched, he glared at the spot beside Eren's head.

"You could've got killed in that warehouse Eren, your blood, would been on my hands. I can't," He paused, then inhaled shakily. Eren saw as his mask broke, cracked, but he quickly put it back together. He exhaled calmly, looking him in the eye this time. Eren saw his pain there, his eyes couldn't lie. "I can't love you Eren. It makes me weak." Eren stared at him incredulously, he couldn't believe the words coming out his mouth.

"Stop, d-don't say that, what are you saying!?" He jumped out the bed and stood directly in front the man, forcing him to look at him.

"I'm telling you to leave, while you can. I don't think I'll be able to let you go if you stay any longer." Eren pulled at his hair in frustration.

"You're not making any sense, what do you mean? Levi, I love you, d-do you not love me?" He whispered the words as his hands fell to his sides. Levi growled, he was frustrated too.

"Don't you get it, I love you too much, and that's the problem! I can't." His facade, the one he tried so hard to perfect, was crumbling.

"Why not!?" Eren cried, close to getting on his knees and begging for Levi stay, even though he was the one being told to go.

"I'd die for you, I'd take a bullet in the head if it meant saving you, do you get that!? Do you know how many people would take advantage of that!?" Levi grabbed him by the shoulders and shook the other, desperately trying to get his point through.

"I don't care!" Eren yelled as he pushed the raven back, using the fire in him as strength.

"That's the problem Eren, you would do the same, wouldn't you? You'd die, and for what, a ruthless serial killer?" His voice was barely a whispered.

"Yes!" Eren grabbed the man by his shirt and pulled him towards him, forcing his lips on the others. Levi didn't resist, he wasn't able to. It's only been a day since they last kissed but he suddenly got reminded how much he craved Eren's lips. He wasn't gentle as he switch their positions and pushed the other against the wall, taking his wrists and pinning them above his head. He slipped a knee between the shorter's legs, making him groan into the kiss a he rub against his growing bulge.

"How can you talk like that," Eren's words were filled venom, but his actions didn't match as his hips gave an involuntary thrust up, shuddering at the friction it caused. "Can't you see how perfectly our lips fit together?" He kissed the other hard to prove his point, hands still stuck above his head. "Don't you remember how good you feel inside me?" He whispered hotly against Levi's wet, swollen lips. Suddenly, Levi pulled back and held a hand against Eren chest, either to keep the other away or to keep himself from giving in.

"No, stop, you're distracting me on purpose." He accused, still panting. Eren attempted to grab the man back, but he held his hand back farther.

"Come on, just fuck me already!" He yelled, Levi snapped, and this time it was him that pulled Eren by the shirt, bringing their mouths together again. Eren hand went to his hair, tangling his hands into the raven locks and pulled him closer, forcing more of him into his mouth; his other hand fumbled with the others belt, quickly pulling the leather through the loops and onto the floor. Next Eren nimble fingers unbuttoned Levi shirt, then pulled the offensive piece of clothing off his broad shoulders. He pushed the man down on the bed, then straddled his hips.

Levi's cold fingers trailed up his shirt, brushing Eren sensitive buds, making him gasp; he removed the simple shirt before throwing it across the room. Then his eyes zoned in on a bruise, the size of his hand on his stomach towards his ribs. He caused that, when he pushed him back from that crazy Russian man, he hurt the one person he needed to protect. He needed to protect Eren, he needed him to be alive, healthy, happy. There was no way he could have that if he was stuck with loving a person like him.

"Eren, stop." He said sternly, making the younger stop and look at him with a confused and lust-filled face.

"Why?" He asked desperately, frustrated the man couldn't get it through his head that Eren wanted him, he wanted to go through all that trouble if it meant he could be with the other.

"Please, leave. A week, that's all I'm asking for is a week, then if you come back and you still want to risk your life, because that's what you're doing, then I won't ever ask you to leave again." Eren was still, heart still pounding from their previous activities, but angry at the same time.

"I know what I want Levi." He said with the same amount of certainty.

"Do you?" Levi asked as he gently pushed the boy off and grabbed his shirt, forgetting about his belt, then began to redress. Eren was left in the room, alone, with only his thoughts to keep him company.

Guys, I wasn't expecting them to get all hot and steamy, I really wasn't, but the characters do what they want, you know? All I can say is Levi will regret telling Eren to leave, and for reasons you might not expect. Now, on a lighter note, HAVE YA'LL HEARD BTS'S NEW SONG BRO, I'M FREAKING OUT!!! Jungkook killed me with that first Euphoria, voice of an angel😇 and then glitches got me bent too, I just don't know what the FUCK IS GOING ON! I'll calm down now, sorry for my rant. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a BTS filled day, bye!

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