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What is it that really makes me drawn to him. Like a moth drawn to a flame.
His eyes captivate me. As if maintaining this simple contact until the last second, can make my heart tighten and beat faster than it ever has before.
Those who are around us seem to blur out of focus. As we internally hope no one but us can see this connection.
I know things must stay this way for the best of us. He who introduced me to this world filled with tension and watchful eyes.

For once, I could almost taste the bitter sweetness of being an idol.


I had just debuted with my group, whom I can now call my second family.

We were not very close in the beginning. In fact we were put in a competition against each other to debut. As I am naturally a shy person. With the pressure of debuting, it didn't allow me to put more effort into getting to know everyone.

Not only that, but as a foreigner coming to Korea. It was really hard for me to maintain conversations. It still is actually.

Twice unnies and staff members at the company understand that however. They provide me with constant support and a family atmosphere that I had missed after moving to Korea.

That is why I must try harder, to dance, to sing, to learn Korean - all in all to become an idol that can bring more joy to people and all of ONCE.

"Tzuyu-ah!" My eyes fluttered open. Taking a while to adjust to the sunlight that poured in the newly opened curtains. It's Jihyo-unnie.

Her hair is tied up in a ponytail and her face is clear of make-up. She still manages to look great. It must be because she was a trainee at such a young age.

I am thankful to have her debut as our leader. Her traits of a leader really is her strong point. Jihyo-unnie has helped me adjust to the life of an idol a lot.

"What's wrong Tzuyu? You're usually the first one awake." Jihyo questioned with a worried face, as she lays the back of her palm on my forehead. "You don't seem to be sick... are you feeling okay?" I shake my head as I try to stretch the sleepiness away.

With a yawn, I get up and out of bed. Making sure to fold my blanket. "It's nothing, don't worry Unnie." Jihyo-unnie still looked worried. "Tzuyu-ah you have been pushing yourself after winning our first award at MAMA. Don't think I don't notice you getting more tired day by day."

I smiled at her as I put both arms on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I just had a nice dream about winning another award for Ooh-Ahh. And careful Jihyo unnie, if you worry too much..." I leaned into her ear as if I am telling her a secret. "Your face might get bigger." I whispered while giggling and leaned out to see her exasperated expression.

She knows I didn't mean it, but that's one way to irritate her. Jihyo gently pushes my arm off her shoulders and laughs at that illogical thought.

She breathes a sigh of relief as she sees Tzuyu's smiling face. Jihyo understands that this is Tzuyu's way to not make her worry. Even though it might seem evil in a way. Jihyo's happy that Tzuyu is able to joke around like this with her.

She understands how hard it was for Tzuyu to open up to others, because usually it's the other party that needs to take the first step. If only people were as confident as Jihyo, then it maybe it wouldn't be so hard for Tzuyu.

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