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Preparing myself to greet all of my sunbaenims for my abrupt timing at their place, the door quickly swings open.

(3000 words)

Yoongi's P.O.V

It's been a while since Taehyung & Jungkook left the dorm.

As Jin-hyung paces around the room like a maniac, everyone gathers in the living room waiting for the two young idols to return.

With a loud yawn, I don't bother to cover my tiredness.

I was in my studio working on lyrics until I heard a series of rushed knocks on my door. They had been from Jimin, who weirdly seemed less distraught about Jungkook and Taehyung's disappearance and more concerned with Jin-hyung's uproar.

But as I sit here on the sofa with everyone else, I wonder...

What has gotten into those two?

What was so important, that those two would skip leisure time playing games at home?

Maybe they went to another gaming centre... but then it wouldn't make sense to leave without Jimin.

What was so different tonight?

Jin-hyung apparently wondered that too, but expresses it... in a way only he would.

"Just what is going on!?" says Jin-hyung as he suddenly turns towards everyone in the living room. His eyes did not meet anyone else's as it continues to stare at the floor in distress.

No one says anything, since everyone knew it was a rhetorical question.

Except for Jimin.

"Um, well, actually hyu-" Jimin starts to say quietly, but gets cut off by Jin-hyung's continuous pacing and furious mumble.

Jimin being ignored, blows out a slight puff of air in frustration.

Slightly smiling at Jimin's inability to read the mood, I pull out my phone from my pocket to text him.

'Do you know where they went?' I asked Jimin as I click the send button.

Feeling his phone vibrate within his small hands, Jimin read my text message.

His face immediately turns towards mine.

'How'd you know?' Jimin asks by mouthing the words to me.

Feeling too lazy to mouth anything back I was about to text him another message.

However Jin-hyung starts to get on my nerves with him pacing back and forth. I don't think it's good for him to stress this much over those two.

They're adults, and I'm sure we can trust them.

"Hyung stay still, watching you makes me more sleepy." I told Jin-hyung in my causal tone. It's also true, my body is starting to shut down on me.

"WHA- aren't you worried Yoongi? They could be anywhere doing anything with anyone-" Jin hyung gets cut off as sounds of knocking emit from the other side of the door.

It's probably them, hopefully.

Giving Jin-hyung a glance of reassurance, he and the rest of BTS look at the door with wide eyes.

Being the closest person lying next to the door, I slowly walk over to open it.

Please be the those two.

Unlocking and twisting the door handle with ease, I swing the door open.

As my grasp still lingers on the door handle, a sudden Taehyung rushes pass me without greeting.

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