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Walking back to our waiting room alone, only one question ran through my mind.

What was that Taehyung-hyung?


Tzuyu's POV

Opening my eyes to a new day, the tiredness from yesterday still remains.

I could not sleep well like how I usually do.

I just ended up laying here with my eyes shut.

As I sit up in my bed to stretch and get out, my eyes zoom in on the small crumpled piece of paper that lays on the table in front of me.

Pursing my lips with a slight frown, I know the reason I lost sleep is because of that paper.


"Ahh..!" Crying out in frustration, I hide the sounds of my whining by covering my face with my pillow.

No no no Tzuyu, you need to focus today.

Today only the foreign members will be doing a program together. JYP-nim said it'd be good exposure for us since our Korean isn't as effective as the others. This way people can see how we really are, and hopefully connect with TWICE.

Knock, Knock.

"Ah, Tzuyu? Are you awake?" Says a voice from the other side of the door.

Looking at the piece of paper that lies on the table, I quickly put it behind my phone cover. So that no one else finds it.

I am still confused about the piece of paper, but I will solve everything once my mind is all sorted.

Standing up to open the door, I look around the room to see Chaeyoung and Dahyun still sleeping.

"Good morning Tzuyu-ah~" A refreshing vanilla scent drifts to me as a happy Sana-unnie gives me a hug.

Smiling back at Sana-unnie's morning attitude, I return her hug.

"Good morning Sana-unnie," I say making sure to direct my morning breath somewhere other than her face.

Letting go of each other, Sana-unnie jumps up and down in excitement.

"Are you excited for today? I heard there's going to be a lot of food segments." Sana-unnie smiles brightly as she twirls around in her black and white checkered skirt.

"So maybe just grab a snack as everyone gets ready, the van's already outside waiting for us," she says.

Sana-unnie pulls on my arm to get ready with her, but I turn back to glance at the sleeping Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

"Ah, it's okay Tzuyu. Since it's just the foreign members who are filming we'll let the others sleep in more."

Nodding at her reasonably, I go with Sana-unnie to get ready.

Making sure to take my phone with me.


Sitting in the car with Momo, Sana, and Mina-unnie we were heading towards the building where the program will be filmed.

Our manager-nim said that the entire program is filmed with a live audience, and that we should just be ourselves.

The mini-trip was filled with Unnies' teaching me some Japanese along with Momo-unnie's guesses on the food that will be there.

On the way there, JYP-nim suddenly calls us using FaceTime.

"Guys, it's JYP-nim calling," said Mina-unnie. As she held the tablet up between all four of us,  Mina-unnie accepts his call.

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